
IMDb member since November 2003
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    IMDb Member
    20 years


Il mercante di pietre

If anyone understands the plot please let me know.
Could have been a good film about terrorism but somewhere along the way it got off track with a missing plot, poor editing, poor ADR work, and lots of "McGuffins" introduced but never used.

Too many queues and setups that didn't contribute to moving the story forward.

In addition to the issues with the story line, the sound was un-even and sometimes not understandable.

Too bad that a couple of superb actors got entangled in this project.

If anyone understands the story line please let us know. The story does seem to relate to a ferry bombing that actually happened, but that's just a vague recollection.

Exactly what is meant by "Red Mercury" as a radioactive element in the "dirty bomb"?

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