
IMDb member since October 2011
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Well written,well acted,great movie overall
Like the majority of the reviews for this movie I also thoroughly enjoyed it.I likened it to other movies like Crash (2004) and Traffic (2000) for their intertwining stories. This movie in particular was very current in the world where Facebook,Twitter etc. There is not a bad thing I can say about Disconnect, everything from the directing,writing,acting,camera work,locales is top notch. I don't often write reviews and only on the odd occasion I have felt compelled to but this movie needs to be seen by a much wider audience. I want to see more of this directors work and was pleasantly surprised that he directed the excellent 2005 documentary "Murderball". I wont give plot details away but hopefully like myself if you liked the movie you will be spreading the word

Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection

Don't go near this movie!!!
I don't usually write reviews but felt compelled to after viewing this piece of trash.It was rather reminiscent of a home movie made by drama students,not that they are all bad but this was amateur film-making at its highest. The acting was bad,horror effects when there was horror were appalling.I expect the makers were trying to make money off the living dead franchise.For horror movie buffs there is nothing here to like and much better b-grade horror movies.I want my 90 minutes back that I wasted. If I could recommend a good zombie movie besides the current blockbuster it would be 1985's "Return of the Living Dead". I found it laughable that 15-18 hrs a day was involved in making this movie and I don't think this would make it to cinema but even straight to DVD would be too good for it,maybe it should be showed in the early hours of the morning when its only viewed by a small part of the population.

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