
IMDb member since December 2003
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Yonkers Joe

Fun, Interesting, and Sentimental
They say "con artist" - yes, but it's about a gambler trying to beat the system. I think gambling makes it more interesting than just generic con artists. The son in the movie is portrayed with depth of character. If anyone is giving out awards, look no farther than Tom Guiry. He already has amassed an amazing list of credits. He plays a kid who has a poor relationship with his father. He has been sent away due to his Down Syndrome (forgive me if that is wrong). The father/son relationship is such a unique bond that you really feel for them. That's really the reason to see the movie. The gambling cons are just fun and creative. The writer/director does an amazing job of putting it all together and the cast is stellar.

First Snow

Modern Hitchcock
Excellent film all around - the suspense is real. The characters are brought to live vividly and it's truly a pleasure to watch and see what happens. Guy Pearce brings the "live by the seat of your pants" character to life. It leads you through a journey and you're not quite sure where you're going. The photography is remarkable and it brings that part of the country to live. It deals with many theme and brings them all together in the end. The score helps to bring it all together and is hauntingly beautiful. The film is easy to relate to and gets to thinking about fate, destiny, control, and the power of fortune tellers.

Adam & Steve

A Gay Romp that Will Make You Laugh and Laugh!
This movie follows your basic romantic comedy storyline, except the characters are gay and there is only one crazy, yet still possible, coincidence. It shows NYC off while pulling off the fairytale. Some nudity would have been an added bonus. The film's energy carries it through. There are some great one liners. The only thing I noticed that was out of place was the NYC taxi picking up the passengers on Long Island. The cast worked well together and it was a great blend of known and unknown talent. You'll laugh all of the way until the end.

It shows a point of view of life in NYC and post 9/11 NYC that emerges without hitting you over the head with it. The supporting cast is remarkable. Both families were fun to watch, but the cursed family was unique and put a real smile on your face.

The Baxter

interesting exploration for a romantic comedy
The main character was interesting and the movie is charming overall. I didn't like the way the story was told with flashbacks. It was predictable and I really wanted a major surprise or two. The acting was good and you learn what a baxter is. I had never heard of one, but all of the characters in the film spoke of baxters like everyone knows what they are. There is a minor twist at the end, but that is the only real surprise and it makes you smile a bit. All things considered, it was a great try for an independent film. I can only hope the actor/director learns from this so that he can improve and keep getting better and better. He shows a lot of potential to make many movies in the future.

The Sisters

"The Big Chill" meets "War of the Roses"
This movie has a lot of potential. The cast looks good on paper. The accessibility of family conflict isn't out out of range. The conflict between the characters in this ensemble piece about a family and their love/hate relationships is the core of this film. I kept waiting for something BIG to happen that would change everything. There were 2 events that tried to do that and one smaller event between the 2 that impacted the story, but not enough to give it the deep plot development that a movie based on so much dialogue deserves. The sequel to this movie could end up being better than the original should a sequel ever be written.

Piccadilly Jim

great cast, but doesn't pull it off in the end
I wanted to see the movie based on the cast and the subject matter sounded interesting. Unfortunately, it doesn't live up to its potential. The family strife, double identities, and trying to outdo others in the family all were good, but nothing really went over the edge and amazed me. If it all could have been orchestrated a bit better, the ending would have been more effective. The child in the film is unlikable and they don't spend much time exploring that character. I think that character could add something to the film. When they were going for slapstick, they should have went all out and put the actors to the test. Unfortunately that part of it felt very constrained.

Ladies in Lavender

Simply Superb!
I didn't know anything about the movie except who the 2 leading ladies were. I thought it would be good, but wasn't expecting to experience the range of emotions watching the movie. I laughed throughout the movie and found myself tearing up and yes, even crying, at moments that were more emotional than sad. Even the great moments evoked incredible emotion that resulted in tears running down my face. I tried to discreetly wipe them away. The casting is brilliant and I am not only speaking of the 2 leading ladies. The housekeeper could have easily stolen the show if it weren't for the 2 Dames. I don't come across movies like this often. The last one I liked this much was "Finding Neverland".

I Am a Sex Addict

witty, honest, gritty, bold - and thank god the NEA said yes to it
Such an interesting concept and I wondered how it would actually be done. The character and actor are wonderfully the same person and that makes for a unique film. The actor could have created an ideal character, but succeeds in making a film about himself that truly reflects who he is, his fears, and his inner thoughts. What he says starts to make sense through the film. It should, as it is an addiction that is as real to him as any other more common addiction that we might identify with. This refreshing film appeals to a wide range of people. It tells his real story and the note at the end about things being changed for dramatic purposes leads you to believe he made things up. He didn't. From what I understand, he just condensed a few minor girlfriends into the major characters.

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