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Leave the World Behind

A hitchcockian masterclass of fear & paranoia from the creator of "Mr. Robot"
There's nothing more terrifying about some of the GREATEST horror/suspense movies, as the unknown. Based on that idea, This movie was one of the most spectacularly done surprises from NONE OTHER than creator of one of my favorite series, "Mr Robot" Sam Esmail. Starting with the AMAZING all around casting of a uncharacteristically cantankerous turn for Julia Roberts, & equally impressive, offsetting husband played Ethan Hawke. Both star as main protagonists & well to do upper class couple from the city, that rent a luxurious weekend guest house as a means to getaway or "leave the world behind" for a quiet temporary oasis. The opening is largely underplayed by introducing us to Roberts character as the main purveyor of the online acquired guest house, who merely sees ppl as unwanted detractors, hence seeking asylum w their 2 teenage children, in said location. This is when our journey into the fear based odyssey is catalyzed brilliantly by the introduction series of unsettling disturbances. The first & foremost of which is in that of the form of irreparable internet & phone connectivity. The 2nd & more alarming is the even MORE Mysterious ARRIVAL of a father and daughter, whom upon the family's first night show up unannounced & in the middle if the night, claiming to be the home's original owners. These roles are played brilliantly by Marshala Ali, And Myha'la. Needless to say, much of what comes next is a very subtle, yet heavily suspense inducing nosedive into the dissection of the new characters motives, as they are also apparently well dressed upper class ppl, yet their coincidental arrival, AND claims for needing to seek access to their home( amidst a night where no electronic lookups or verifications are accessible ") are somehow ominous & arousing of suspicion. The themes here a socio-political & simple with varying degrees of complexity as we simultaneously learn more about the characters, & what occurs in the world around them. I THINK thats all i can honestly say without involvement of Actual spoilers as this is a real gem of mind bender whose secrets you WANT to uncover as the film goes along. All i can say is its truly a well done slow burn thriller that by the movies end, simply brought chills all around my spine with its core believability as far as WHAT COULD REALLY happen in modern day hitchcock film. Dont disservice yourself by reviews of the petty few who simply ignore the nuances of good filmmaking and character building & complaining about its continuity. They obviously never got the RULE that IF A MOVIE ENDS with you wanting A BIT MORE, That it's usually a good thing. By the films end, however, its already made its full mind blowing impression and sends it message through quite well. Excellent all around casting, & a soundtrack that definitely fuels the all too real nightmare it eventually builds up to. See for yourself, in other words.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Creepy dark slow burn. Liked everything Except the main character.
Dyatlov's pass is a very ambitious multi layered found footage horror based on true events. It roughly shadows movies like Chernobyl in its mixture of fact, with science fiction. 5 college students venture to a mountainside where 9 explorers wound up mysteriously dead over 50 years proir. Its not 100% scary as it is suspenseful. The actual final act however deliverers as well earned payoff that lingers on long after the first viewing. The only thing that I can say bothers me is the annoying main character "hollie", who's a classically unlikeable protagonist who is so persistent at steering every bad decision. She the epitome of wvery character you YELL AT to "not go in there" and she does. With annoyingly naive cadence. All in all, it's an entertaining story.

An American Werewolf in Paris

Just too many unlikeable characters and no sign of what anybody would consider comedy.
I think they were trying to recapture the "fun" vibe of the original, but failed in every single step execution wise. Especially for a 90's movie, it only manages to show you what was so unlikeable about frat bros in real time. Tom Everett Scott was simply looking like he's supposed to be a David Naughton impression and is somehow bad at it. Which speaks volumes as Naughton's acting was always very 80's cheesy and didn't require much. Yet still the director manages to butcher every element what was so great in the original. Including the actual seriousness mixed with dark comedy. Nope. Here u simply want everyone to die as its a no stakes kinda dumb watch. The AWFUL CGI, the annoying lack of believeable chemistry between Julie Delpy and Everett Scott. Its all a bit much. But if youve got time, & Like werewolf movies..Go for it. This is not even in top 20 of THAT horror genre at all. This actually makes you appreciate "found footage" craze that shortly came after this. Even the wordt of those have more depth than this.

Bye Bye Barry

Ignore the incels commenting. A character documentary explaining the man & not so much the motives
I think alot of angry ppl with political agendas is wanted this film to be more what THEY wanyed it to be. An APOLOGY of sorts, (for the nothing they contributed to a sports legends career) This movie is handled in that vein at all. Think of it more as an episode of "30 for 30" that plays more on the nostalgic side of the mans career, and focuses more on the context clues of his life and personality as an explanation for his words early departure. People writing short sided crap like "they didn't explain" are simply ppl being dense at the docs main focal point, that Barry was both an introvert, and incredibly pragmatic person. It shows how He didn't EVER at any point strive for a bigger contract, media attention or personal accolades. An honest to god "shut up and play" kinda of player. Someone you'd THINK would be an appeasing subject for ALL the cry babies whining about Jemele Hill's (a Longtime respected sports journalist who they are not) presence in the film. (Literally you can tell when your reading a trump supporters review and theyre whining over someone's presence, thats what it is) Get over it guys.

Anyways, the doc shows you a prospective from a insider view into Barrys life, through his now semi grown young adult children. All in there from 20 to mid teens, (in other words, his accomplishments since retiring) and lets them olay interviewer for a segment at one particularly engaging part of the film. As one of his youngest, points out that it was in fact "THE LOSING" that would logically be the biggest reason for his early departure. But its biggest reveals to that lie in the films details. As far as ACTUALLY getting definitive answer from Barry on this. Not so much. The films as a whole is done well, with a proper amount of nostalgia & sensitivity Youve come to expect from other sports docs as the before mention 30 for30 series, & Barry himself is definitely a one of a kind personality who's career finally gets a better chance at reflection & humble introspection from Sanders himself. It shows you ALL the reasons why after painting the picture of a humble kid who loved his teammates, loved the sport but not the attention, as well as the looming issues with health risk from the sport . And how much THOSE things changing had impact on his will to remain. Some people who are selfish, and ignoring those things, would call Barry selfish. The reality is, FANS wanted him to stay and break those records FOR THEM as well as him. Barry only wanted greatness with the ppl he came in with. Detroit neglected this. Once those core ppl left, he no longer had a reason to stay. I think he was if anything a tragically UNSELFISH guy. An athlete oblivious to his own abilities and we at some point ALMOST get to that "elixir"of regret from a man who seems to kindve wanted a different outcome. But with Barry, we see more retrospective to his career and success withon his family life. Its sad and beautifully done. By the end, We dont need a billion whys anymore as its easy to empathize with just wanting nothing but a good life. This is all i took away anyhow. You be the judge.


I liked it. Mysterious & growingly ominous characterizations & kaijus..
I'll keep this a brief and concise as possible. This was a hugely ambitious reach for a movie that was centered around regular social themes. A sci-fi intwined story of a human growth. Its not exactly what you expect, as it frequently turns from sci-fi mystery, to somewhat disturbing character portrayal. Anne Hathaway is very good as a recenty gilted (from her well to do boyfriend's apartment) party girl "Gloria" who returns to her hometown, "to find herself" so to speak. Its impressive to see where from THAT opening cliched premise, where the film goes, evolving to a uniquely, darker toned journey midway through, as we look into our protagonist past, and the ppl who surround her life. Jason Sudekis is also a HUGE SURPRISE in probably the best acting and Ive seen him do, as her childhood friend "Oscar", who decidedly offers her assistance with a job, & general help w the amenities to get on her feet as shes has nothing but an emtpy house to stumble into every night. Then..she wakes to find that real life Giant monsters exists, and that they are materializing from thin air, terrifying ppl in Seoul, Korea. The news shakes her but soon becomes clear she shares a rapport and even responsibility for the existence of these creatures. Thats all I'll say without spoilers. From there this movie traverses some pretty tricky terrain as far as story, becoming more if a character drama, in sense of what would people do with such discoveries. I was pleased with the creativity and simplicity of the writing. The films heaviness begans to unmasks as it gets very metaphorical and interesting as our characters get more & more personal, til eventually it peaks at matching its mystery and comedy with some pretty serious drama. A well done and inventive way to tell a NOT AS FULLY interesting otherwise story of personal growth & what that struggle entails.

Mr. Robot: Hello, Elliot
Episode 13, Season 4

This finale went under appreciated, but now i give it flowers.
Wow. I had to rewatch this final episode after nearly four years to actually GET what was happening. Truthfully, I always loved this show, but really got frustrated with the ending the first time it aired. I think it came more from wanting a deep conclusion that was kinda drawn out. I realized it was also due to my favoritism for Elliot as our main Protagonist. That mentality must've blindsided me to how BRILLIANT the writers of this show were to brace us with a penultimate introductory episode before giving Our Elliot a beautiful and true to "Mr. Robot" send-off. Without giving any away many contextual factors go unnoticed in this shows last season and specifically last two episodes. But together, it ALL made sense. Mr. Robot was always with him, as was almost everyone who was a part of his life. The ppl who were the biggest of our lives altogether in the comfy dark room of our minds. Well done.


What a grossly underrated sci-fi/horror classic.
This movie was so unexpectedly good, it makes most people remember it over after watching the first time. With Ben Foster in lead a space corporal freshly awakened from hyper sleep, it opens us immediately into a dark, and mysterious world aboard a "noah's ark" like space shuttle, Elysium. Without memory of who he is, or why is was awakened, we are instantly drawn into a deeply rich and ominous unfolding of what has become of a seemingly abandoned massive ship initially built to transport earth's survivors on an 8 year mission to a new planet, Now powerless & adrift off course. His only other surviving crew member & higher ranking officer , Is played by a brilliantly auspicious Randy Quaid. The dynamics of their relationship and lack of knowledge of who they were both serve as a great catalyst to the plot throughout this already anxiety ridden, psychological mind screw.

Without giving entire storyline away, i will say the movie makes very quick progress in its twist & turns, as we are also made aware that, "technological failure" are not the only obstacles of the officer's plight, aboard the ship. As its now been populated by a species of unknown humanoid cannibalistic creatures, whose origin and existence also serve as one of the more ominous mysteries this little gem of a movie bestows upon us. The movie is fast paced, very well conceptualized & has a nail biting soundtrack and editing that very much resembles a David Fincher vibe. Without trying to hard to emulate any other film of its genre, it holds up well the entire 109 mins keeping viewers engaged in a very jarring world within a world. As Ben foster is sent to investigate the ship, we're 100% thrown into suspense as every character he comes in contact with, (& everwhere) is either an ally or more dangerous enemy. This one will forever be etched your brain as you simply wasn't expecting it. I consider it a cult-classic for sure, though its biggest crime is how massively underrated it was upon release. Blame marketing. But its an all around great film.

BoJack Horseman: That's Too Much, Man!
Episode 11, Season 3

The episode that is the opus of series.
Mesmerizingly beautiful & bleak at the same time. The 3rd reunion of Bojack & Sarah Lynn was done in such a witty, thoughtful, haunting, emotionally charged & engaging way you kindve feel yourself in this episode so Much as a third wheel for the most outlandish characters of the series's bender, that it gives you chills when they reach the epicenter of their trip.

Its a very heavy feat, accomplished by writers who definitely deserve the praise for their vision. To bring such deep and affecting life from one dimensional nihilistic characters who upon first glance appear only as extreme caricatures . But as we unravel the layers of their life stories and subsequent pain, and bare witness to to them being exposed by their impending bottom, we see them as mirrors to the rawest and existential human experiences. Ambition, purpose, & ultimately depression when those things dont bring us happiness. I weep for Sarah Lynne and Bojack, & every soul in need of something to helo the keep going, but never attains it. That is the essence of this episode "Thats too Much man". Life, sometimes is too much. And how sometimes when when we are drowning, the actual peril is reaching out. This episode hit all the feels. And is the saddest and most well done of the series. Bravo.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Gang Turns Black
Episode 1, Season 12

If you don't appreciate this as one of the most exceptional of the series..you watched wrong.
As one to catch on to this series late When i did (2009) I've since that time, watched this show go from a small gem of hilarious raunch comedy (introduced to me by a girl I was dating) to the most brilliant and entertaining performances Of any sitcom I or anyone has ever seen.

Rob, Glenn, Charlie & the gang really committed throughout these years to keeping everything about this one's execution open, funny & honest. As conversations of race in the times need to be.

As a black man who enjoys both comedy and art, I find this to be their most interestingly thought provoking, WHILE MAINTAINING BALANCE OF BEING FUNNY, episode. All gift wrapped as a cheesy "The wiz" type musical w cleverly inspired lyrics, we are shown a day in the life of The gang surviving a reality as black people w NO short on all of the modern stereotypes being placed front & center for us all to laugh at (as these guys do so well.) What ppl don't understand is, alot of blk ppl like myself, although I consider myself a cinephile initially never watched this show, again had it not been for the girl whom i was in an interaccial relationship w, not sure how long it would have been for me to actually catch to it. Even then, back in those days they weren't FX most popular show & every other blk friend id told about it, said they never watched although they heard. Because On the surface, it just doesn't strike as our usual format for what would be entertaining comedy. But I must say, they've transcended many times over through that period for me, and proved themselves to Be genuinely the freshest, most original funny thing on tv. Feels like almost disingenuous to call This episode my favorite of the series and to be honest, I wouldn't put in ANYWHERE near the funniest. However it doesnt change that it also happens to be my favorite. This episode not only serves as their second commentary to racial issues,(think "the gang gets racist" s1) but it also serves as an ode to 80's sci fi. With particular reference & memorable cameo by one of my all time faves, Scott Bakula. This episode has it all. Its another well done masterpiece that didnt hold back.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

This show...isnt what it thinks it is.
I know there's already a plethora of labels being given to those who criticize marvel at this point. But this show is just plain bad. Badly written, badly conceptualized, and for reasons i can only articulate through some other famous tv characters words (bcuz otherwise its hard to express what exactly they are doing wrong) "Its highly insistent upon itself".

This shows weak constant missed attempts at genuine humor is so cringe, as well as its soulless lack of depth in each character is the manifestation of ALL PPL Who hate marvel movies actually but want to be a part of something. Much like its protagonists Jennifer Walters. Yes, im sure youve heard the defense of advocates saying that this portrayal is "comic accurate" & trust me thats not the problem or what im speaking to. Its more its shallow, watered down version of the MCU world building weve been watching for over a decade now being completely cast aside to create a sillier, less stakes driven story, & simply using "girl power" idealism as its founding principal for why its entertaining. Its not. Im greatly disappointed as i was open to the first 2nd tier marvel character break the 4th wall and have what I thought would be interesting & edgy semi adultish takes on the post endgame avengers world, but no. No mention of even the snap with THIS character or even solid connection to an MCU storyline except ridiculously contrived, unenthusiastic cameos and boring side plots. Not a manbaby fan who hates female heroines as I enjoy cpt & ms. Marvel. But THIS? Ugh. Its first episode is a huge corny eyeroll start to finish. At first i thought the man baby crowd was simply showing preemptive bias, but now..by end of episode 3 and it's shameless selling out to pop culture rather than building real plots or conflict within its own characters, and opting to just toss in random "avengers" characters whose appearances All seem to be aimless, has finally forced me to see this show for what it is. This series ISNT really gonna get better, bcuz they'd have at least made an ATTEMPT at a plotline by now. Or at least created some structure for its main character to at least be indoctrinated into being liked, other than shes a "better hulk, and just is..because...girl Power". Its not trying to br taken seriously and there's Definitely a way for writers to do that. I mean, but at every turn its striving for this to be something of a serious female empowerment comedy through its symbolizations with Jen's powers. But then it lends itself in the next episode to "lets have her be a fan of raunch rapper Meg thee stallion & have her twerk in her lawyers office". Give me a break. This show's dialogue reads like it thinks it's a sophisticated intelligent adult fun, then turns around to be just a really drunk obnoxious teen "fun".

The point of Walters existence so far seems to express both need to prove herself, while obnoxiously screaming "Ive got nothing to prove", when she most certainly being a new addition to the universe does. And as for her wall breaking, this show could take a hint from shows like "the flight attendant" where the female lead is constantly clueing the audience in but still has a genuinely funny take & realism when asserting the conflicts. Hell even "Ally Mcbeal" did a better job at centering its ally ship with its viewers, IF THATS what this show is attempting to be like, but with super heroes, then they need to do better at tapping into that and not so much the "avengers" & "celebrity" cameos angles. Both those fore-mentioned shows have done waaay better at building their characters worlds up, as well as making them relatable, rather then assumption of likability "just cause". This show missed the mark and feels like more rushed phase 4 fodder. The actress does fine, i blame the creators and writers uninspired efforts at maing us connect with whatever the hell's going on in this show. Why does wong breakout blomquist for example? Why? So Wong could make an appearance apparently. How about her being a lawyer representing a metahuman and no mention of "Sokovia accords" i meAn seems like a golden opportunity to make reference to how that whole thing unfolded after endgame..but like i said, this show doesn't appear to be concerned with making any REAL, serious Plot worthy connections to the MCU ppl love, instead wants to be its own silly, "fun" universe where the storylines dont matter as long as its messages of "twerking" & "she doesn't need a man" is expressed. I'll say pass whether or not u are misogynistic or feminist. Either this hammy series will make u wanna gag.

Bad Words

Bateman and his young costar are too good!
Severely underrated comedy. Loved every thing about this film from start to its suprise "reveal" ending. This movie delivers just as its main character, underneath all the R rated language, and cynical exterior, at its heart an adorably, warm and intelligent look friendship & redemption. Total surprise and ashame ppl havent sang its praises as they would "wedding crashers" or any other raunch laden buddy comedy.

Atlanta: The Streisand Effect
Episode 4, Season 1

Who is the man in the "pink jacket?'
Loved EVERYONE in this episode including Zan. But most notably I enjoyed the dynamics of Lakeith Stansfield and Donald Glover. This is another episode that delves into the progressive speed bumps of fame. Namely, having to deal with social media critics & clout chasers. This was both funny, weird & touching.

Earn struggling to make ends meet, and Darius sacrificing what he has to help him, was a nice way to close that gap between them that existed in episodes previous to this one.

As Darius so poignantly states in the very last line "We're friends now".

Theres also the main story of Paper Boi realizing he cant stop the fame machine he's kickstarted from attracting stragglers along the way. "Everyone's gotta hustle" is a perfect line by the mixed race influencer Zan as is a central theme of the episode and SHOW itself for the character.

Last but not t least of what makes this episode unique of all others, Is we are made aware of a new ominous entity that I can only surmise will serve as the "Chekov's gun" of the series. While in a pool hall discussing his frustrations w the influencer/troll Zan, the bartender eerily tells of a MYSTERIOUS "MAN IN PINK JACKET & shaved head "(as very ominously & PURPOSELY described to US ) who is "looking" for Paper Boi. I find this tidbit MOST INTERESTING considering the show now approaching its final season, has consistently followed up most of canon storyline, yet this as of yet has not been addressed or returned to in the entirety of all episodes we've seen. Such a huge foreshadowing with a show this brilliant and great at escalating sub plots, wouldnt simpky let go to waste. Hence i have a theory this character (whoever he is) will appear in its penultimate episodes as the show closes. They've already created an interesting world within a world and for a show so consistent with its own mythos...Im willing to bet we can almost always count on each character arc to evolve, as well as each smart literary device to go to good use. This episodes stands as the calm before the storm. A warning of sorts to viewers. Be prepared, this show is a masterpiece that's always been more than what it seems on the surface.

Resident Evil

Would've been better as an anthology under another title
This isnt from any adaptation we've seen from either game or film, which could've been interesting, however fails miserably every passing minute of viewing. The melodramatic approach to the story is laughable, considering the characters (all save for one) are incredibly dull and one dimensional. The only guiding light for this sad offering is Lance Reddick, as Wesker.

Although the storyline is awful, its hard to take your eyes off him when he's onscreen.

However, he by no means saves this poorly contrived post apocalyptic drama, that has the nerve to present us with multiple timeline storytelling as we experience the the before and after apocalypse memories of the main protagonist. Ultimately taking us out of BOTH stories as the jumps between the presumed present and past, only serve as a BORING distraction from either the more than a setup of whats to come. This series would've served better as an anthology, under a different name.


I hate this show
Mostly Lame already done better by other series jokes and theme, minced with an annoyingly self aware kinda wokeness that makes proud boys come on to this app and review bomb. It somehow makes u appreciate family guy (which isnt much better but at least gives u 1 or 2 laughs in the firm of toilet humor) this show from The start seems undecidedly self important with its characters and plots. Its gags are often dry as hell & its writing translates better to a more established much lazier veteran program. That may possibly be what fox is attempting in its pickup of this one, as I said it makes u appreciate the other animations alot more. I'm yet to laugh.


It's not about money. It's about relationships. And my God I SOOO understand The awfulness of The relationship of Kendall & Roy Logan. To be honest, it's an entire ensemble cast of villains you dislike eventually being so stripped down and demoralized by the patriarch of the family, you eventually empathize, and ultimately relate to their inevitably visible human vulnerabilities. Greg's want as an outsider to be in, Shiv & Tom's disturbing behavior & need for acceptance, Roman's messed up physical & emotional ineptness, & Kendall's constant abuse & emasculation...all at the hands of their father, & boss , Logan Roy, played BRILLIANTLY by Brian Cox. Who definitely earned his Emmy for this unbelievably mean character. Wow. I thought I saw it all till I saw "Boar on the Floor". No spoilers. Just watch. Very entertaining, though you may feel strangely dirty after viewing a few episodes.

Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours
Episode 9, Season 2

I've never seen them Do this yet. They made a character episode, WHILE paying homage and Made it in that lovable upbeat but sad Ted Lasso kinda way. Beautifully done visuals & cinematography. I was here for all of Beard's odyssey threw London streets. It's was all so good. The slow mishaps, the shadow of growing impending doom, and boy they put this character though it!

That's what's so great about the episode. Just when you think he's ready to give up, they show u another side of our Beard. So tragic, funny & beautiful and contrary to what other "fans" of the show say, this episode could've easily been penultimate and starred only one character. That's good writing.

Eden Lake

Brutal & hard to unpack, However, if you judged as a bad movie, you're critiquing wrong.
I see a lot of the same ppl who don't understand the difference between a BAD movie and SAD ENDING. This movie is classified as a horror/thriller. That's said, it delivered in both those departments, & without reusing the same old venerable tropes modern horror movies do. If anything, this movie offers us a whole new kinda mental anguish those movies cannot by utilizing very simplistic devices. 100% Realistic "could be anyone" situation pitting two "adults" against a group teenagers in its theme of the fear & brutality being bred from within. This wasn't just some movie about bullying gone wrong. For me, this was more a VERY HARSH & but honest cautionary tale of how wrong things can truly go just by simply choosing ONE wrong battle. There's a great utilization of the woods as backdrop, as we are engulfed in this couples initial paradise as it slowly descends into a full on nightmarish ordeal as the movie comes full circle. Michael Fassbender of course is terrific & in typical fashion delivers brilliantly as someone we both will scream in frustration & compassion for. I'd say all actors By its end, This movie inspires alot of uncomfortable feels, as it's climax is easily one of the most mentally jarring turns of events I've seen for this kinda "thriller". Again, this without ridiculous jump scares everywhere, or a killer in a mask performing overly intricate gory deaths is a very well done thriller.

The Belko Experiment

I loved this movie! Better than atypical slasher or horror movies. Not an entirely groundbreaking concept, but filmed with enough style to make it entertaining.
This is a movie that crept quietly through the masses and undeservedly went unnoticed in my opinion. This movie starts with its own ominous cadence, then delves 100% into its own chaos, by engulfing its audience into the peril of all the Ill fated building employees. Without spoiling, I can say that it's 1st opening sction sequence is undoubtedly the most entertaining. Lots of as well, mystery as well as we don't know who or why exactly the antagonist is doing this. But very cleverly they build up a very real hysteria that comes with one human beings survival in knowing its being challenged. All in all, I liked its characterizations & hilarious amount of ultra violence.

Season of the Witch

Perhaps Nicholas Cage's most underrated movies. Much better than critics gave it.
Looking back on this movie, I can understand why it was overlooked. It was somewhat of a period piece wrapped into an action/horror movie. However when you get midway through it's actually hard to believe that it's Such understated ensemble cast that was likely overlooked for simply being what many assumed like be a predictable, venerable concept. I'm guessing GOT wasn't even as big yet for ppl to appreciate a "Crusades" era horror, But the real driving force of this flick is simply the suspense, & conviction of each character.. yes even Cage is good here. While this lil gem released the height of "found footage" horror flicks, we could've expected a cheesy bunch of jump scares and lame CGI at some point. But the driving story keeps all those cliches surprisingly minimal. And besides Cage & also have an all star cast w Ron Pearlman, Christopher Plummer, Claire Foy, Robert Sheehan, & Ulrich Thompson. It's honestly just a fun, movie w a serious tone if you will. By midway, we're so engrossed in journey of two Knights who're charged w the transportation of a "possible " witch in exchange for their freedom, we don't notice we've been spared all the predictable cliched tropes, in both action and horror movies. That's also the thing, it's also somewhat mystery, as we like Cage's character question whether or not said girl is actually a witch. I give it a 7 for its likeable cast , & simply being a unique film against the odds for its time.


Ignore the critiques of the fragile "dude bros", This show's start is amazing!
I never can tell when it comes to certain comic book culture fans, whether there tastes comes from a real viewers aesthetic, vs an unrealistic comic book readership, which to me, is arbitrary when viewing an adaptation.

In the case of Zack Snyder's film adaptation, (which let's face it, wasn't fully appreciated, and maybe for good reason at the time) We got a "COMIC BOOK READERS" nearly dead on version of the comic. Which box office wide was unimpressive, and got mixed reviews.

With this series premiere, Lindelof brings us BACK to the universe of ALAN MOORE'S "Watchmen", but accomplished something Snyder's couldn't. An ACTUAL REAL CONNECTION to our history in AMERICA. The episode opens with one of the most shockingly controversial opens for a "comic book" you may ever see. He recreates the TULSA MASSACRE of 1921, also known as the destruction of "BLACK WALL STREET ", in which 100 of black men & women many home & business owners were lynched, burned as well the entire community burned to the ground. Most don't realized this was an ACTUAL event in history. Others, simply fail to see how this opening serves as Lindelof's OWN THEMATIC TOUCH, (as opposed to word for word copy)to SYNC & parallel OUR human history, as does Alan Moore's original source material, USING Richard Nixon's Presidency as a device. We open with an actual historic event of America's ugly underside, witnessed through the eyes of child.

Next scene, we are artfully thrown through the timeline of the same Oklahoma town, in the WATCHMEN parallel universe, with one minor change in history being the clever link to our reality. America's current climate of racial tension isn't a secret, I think.

Regina King shines as the "vigilante" cop/heroine in a world where cops must hide there identity. Much like criminals..or Super HEROES? Which, depending on what you want to interpret, Is a great concept for this universe. The first "bad guy" we meet is a member of a supposedly white supremacist organization, known Only as the "7th Calvary" being pulled over by a black, masked highway cop. This introductory encounter shows us the world of policing has changed as the officer, who suspects the driver is a member, can't even draw his weapon, without permissive clearance, subsequently leading to the cops murder. Enter Don Johnson, (Who's likability as a good ol boy, is becoming more & more impressive) As the seasoned & war weathered sheriff in a town that apparently has had a tumultuous series of events, since its NIXON 80's alternate history. It should be noted, That we as viewers get a better, more inclusive look at the WATCHMEN universe, but from a RURAL, "Heartland America" setting as opposed to the novels more Industrial,City backdrop. For those who didn't like this premiere, I can only surmise are those aforementioned, sensitive "dude bros", whose precious literary world's cannot be bothered with anything touching what their minds idea of the "comic" should be. What Lindelof has done is add his own ACTUALLY CREATIVE touch, using all of the source materials TRUE elements. With multiple Certain events to Moore's work. I smiled when it starting raining squids midway through the episode. Original storylines BASED on the source material must involve a creator, but also a viewer having imagination. By the end of the episode He seems to be building his own "noir" like mystery, w our badassed main protagonist, (King)reeling from shock & loss, w a gun aimed at the man who happened to be the same child we followed in our traumatic opening scene. All in all, this was an impressive & purposefully secretive (plot wise) start. I like that we Didn't get an explanation for EVERYTHING that going on right away, rather more focus on connecting on how our characters are living an have assimilated to this world. I'm definitely gonna watch The next one.


Beautiful. Just a damn good, well shot, refreshingly honest performances & story.
I was prepared to not be into this movie as it seemed very much a not a "dude" type of film. If anything, the STYLE & Camera work got attention. But oh boy...what a payoff. They actually got me to tears with Cleo's entire Labour scene. The reason you gotta give this movie the respect is due to both the ACTRESS, & this filmmaker, who deserves the praise for bringing to life Real basic human emotional connections to the life of a Mexican lower class woman. American society DEFINITELY needs this portrayal & story. These are the same REAL ppl certain INHUMAN WALKING GARBAGE FIRES & the lil dumpsters that support them classify as "ILLEGALS". Let's not pretend this beautiful touching movie wasn't just made in the face of HEAVILY GROWING UGLY anti brown Racism in our country. THIS MOVIE SPEAKS SO LOUDLY I feel in response to the way our society views both women, & Mexicans. You can genuinely FEEL It's not JUST a year in the life of a lonely yet beautiful human, but an artists carefully done love note to a life once shared intimately. Maybe it doesn't have this affect on every one. Rest assured there are always genre movie crowd ppl that will always be "bored" & not "get it". But this one is a little but too honest and simple to have to "read through". Hey f u can sit through this and feel nothing..I pity you.

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