
IMDb member since December 2011
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    IMDb Member
    12 years



This show is a masterpiece
I don't agree with the reviews that say the start is great but not the ending. I thought it was incredible from start to finish! The acting, the set design, the costumes, the cinematography, the soundtrack: it's all spectacular. I frequently found myself admiring how a scene was set up, a single shot, an angle, a sentence.. There were times I said aloud to myself "this is amazing", and that doesn't happen often.

This show hits hard. Certain scenes are difficult to watch, and if you are someone who feels empathy deeply, it might feel painful and very frustrating because of what the main characters are going through. Nevertheless, I loved the experience of watching this show, and I'm excited to re-watch it in a few years and experience it all over again.

I would recommend this to anyone who is into horror/thrillers with a vintage twist, Ti West movies, American Horror Story, or race and social issues as a central plot.

Pledge This!

Seriously misunderstood
This is a PARODY. It is not meant to be a serious movie. If you enjoy absurd and slightly edgy comedy, you might like this. I certainly got a few good laughs. Do not go into this thinking that it's a regular 2000s Paris Hilton movie about a college sorority, it is meant to be a joke.


Loved the show, hated the ending
I was ready to give this show a 9/10, but the final episode bumped it down to a 7. The ending is just so frustrating, makes the entire story feel pointless. I was really looking forward to seeing how it would unfold, but then it was over. Just like that.

Would have been great if they added maybe 3 more episodes so we got a proper ending.

And I must say I don't understand many of the other bad reviews talking about poor writing and horrible characters. I thought the show was refreshing and it had me hooked. Binge-watched all the episodes in less than 24 hours. But that ending...oof.

A Dark Song

Interesting, but ultimately pointless
I'm not going to spoil anything, but the ending of the movie is so weird and disappointing, I don't know what the filmmakers were thinking. The whole story ends up being pointless and it felt like I had watched a whole movie for nothing. The male character is also pointless and you are left with more questions than you started with. I gave it a 3 because of good cinematography, there are some interesting shots, but other than that it really falls flat. So much time is spent building tension, with no climax. The build-up is good, but is it worth watching a movie that gets you intrigued and ready for action, only to get none? I wanted to like this, but I don't think it's worth watching.

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