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Mary Tyler Moore: Cover Boy
Episode 6, Season 2

Anyone know the song Ted played on Mary's record player/hi-fi?
When Ted is playing go-fish at Mary's apartment, he asks if she'd like to hear another song and puts on this beautiful classical record type of song. I have searched a lot, but nothing, if anyone finds it please write a review about it for me. There are no lyrics in the song, so it is hard for me to track it down. But I just love the part of the song that I heard. Thank you if anyone knows.

Mary Tyler Moore: What Are Friends For?
Episode 10, Season 5

Mary Tyler Moore had an orgy!!
This was a so-so episode, but the only real funny part was toward the very end where she told the people at the office that she had an orgy when she was on her trip with Sue Ann-which leaves everyone speechless, except Ted-who is fascinated and keeps asking Mary you're kidding right? Since MTM is hot, I was strangely turned on when she said that- haha. In any event, back in 1974 using the word orgy on t.v. was probably pretty controversial and racy-and as much as I had seen the MTM shows over the years, I never remember Mary saying that. I do remember in another MTM episode, Ted mentions having an orgy to Mary with Mary , but with "no whips and midgets"-but I think that was in an episode after this one. Not positive, but I think it was the episode entitled my three husbands or something like that, where Lou, Ted, and Murray each have their own fantasy about what it'd be like to be married to Mary and Ted's fantasy was the funniest, of course, and this is where he makes the orgy comment.

Beauty and the Beast

Could Emma Watson be more beautiful??? <3
I am a guy and admit I only saw this movie because I think Emma Watson is the cutest and most beautiful thing and she looked more beautiful in this movie than any movie I have seen her to date or ever-after all her name is Belle-meaning beautiful in French-and I would have been disappointed if any actress played Belle other than Emma; therefore, Emma playing Belle seemed felicitous. I could be wrong, but I think this is her first movie she has been in where she is really considered the main character.

I am not going to give anything away since I really cannot. I vaguely remember the original 1991 movie that I saw decades ago; but from what I do, the movie does a pretty good job of emulating the original 1991 animated version, while adding its own flair.

A few people I have seen on TV this morning criticized Emma Watson's singing in the movie, but I thought she sounded perfect-then again, maybe I am biased because I have adored her since the Harry Potter Films and have seen all her other movies since.

I thought all of the parts were played perfectly and the film was an overall joy to watch, and didn't feel silly watching this on opening day as a grown man surrounded by mostly very little kids with their parents. I think most of the parents who brought their children probably wanted to see it more than their children.

If any event, I think this movie will go down in history, despite the critics and look forward to getting this on DVD when it comes out. I was a little confused about the part where they flashback about Belle's mother and Belle as a baby and what really happened. Perhaps, it was because I was startled by Emma's beauty. I also did not understand the magical powers of the woman who released Belle's father, as that is never clearly explained and maybe wasn't supposed to be.

The film was great. Emma was beautiful as Belle. Perfect adaptation. Emma was beautiful, especially in those dresses. The film was the perfect length. Emma was even stunning in the very beginning before she wore those dresses in the village-maybe even more beautiful than in the dresses, as she has the most beautiful face. This is a great movie for the whole family, especially if you have kids and gives off a warm feeling and nostalgic feeling of when you saw the original as a kid or adult.

By the way did I happen to mention how unbelievably beautiful and cute Emma Watson was in the movie? 10/10. Three thumbs way up!!!!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

El sucko!
This show is the worst most unfunny thing I have ever watched. TV is clearly hitting rock bottom. I saw an episode last night at a friends and it will be the last. Not even a single chuckle I got. Sandberg is the most horrible unfunniest actor ever. I believe he only became famous because Adam Sandler "got him in the show business door." Nice going Sandler. No characters are funny and the writing is horrific likewise.

The only good thing is 'da gorgeous short hot brunette(Melissa Fumero) who is a cop-the one who kisses up all the time to the black gay cop. But even her hotness won't keep me tuned in.

Two and a Half Men

This show sucks!!! Charlie Sheen sucks!!!!
Half of each show takes place in Charlie Sheen's bedroom with the same old dilemma time after time: I just banged another chick, now how do I get ride of her. Can't these writers come up with anything new or interesting?? The jokes are cheap, child-like, and after one or two all the too predicable.

It is baffling that Sheen's character is getting laid at all by anyone, let alone by hot chicks left and right. Besides his character being affluent what does he have going for him? Sheen has gotten really creepy looking over the years. He is not a good looking guy at all. In every episode he wears the same thing: loafers, knee high tube socks, khaki shorts, and the bowling shirt. Give me a break man. Not to mention when he approaches women in the episodes and is trying to give them game or pickup lines or be charming it comes off unbelievable. The way he talks to a woman and his mannerisms while doing so reek of insecurity as Sheen is insecure himself. Obviously he is acting like himself in real life 'cuz it is sort of his show. So he is dressing himself and acting himself. Sheen's character is boring and has no emotional range. Same episode him drinking beer or talking about sex. ZZZZZ.

In fact all the characters are unlikeable. Cryer is a total nerd and is whining or complaining about something endlessly. If he doesn't like his brother then move out.

It is not worth talking about more. I am not a fan of Ashton Kutcher but he could not possibly be any less funny than Sheen. Glad Sheen is gone and am baffled the show is still being aired.

The Soup

The show stinks but not as much as the host!
I was a huge fan of talk soup in the 90s when John Henson did the show. Henson was hilarious and was just a natural when it came to comedy. I stopped watching it when Henson left and they had other hosts take over. Hosts who tried too hard to be funny and obviously the show bombed.

Years later The Soup tried to emulate and capitalize on the success of Talk Soup with one host going over clips or skits from shows or talk shows. Of the years it has been on I only saw it maybe two or three times.

I immediately have trouble watching the show because I can't get past the host, Joe Mcalla or whatever his name is, unbelievable arrogant, narcissistic pompous demeanor. I can't stand anything about him. He always has a smirk on his face like he is the worlds funniest man. Ironically he is not funny at all. He has one of those faces that you just want to punch in. So for that reason mainly I cant watch the show. The few times I saw him the jokes are not funny at all and the punchlines fall flat. The "audience"s laughter is fake and on a laugh track.

So this host who came out of nowhere seems to be popping up on talk shows, hosting the Betty Award 90th birthday special and all other kinds of prestigious gigs. What a joke Hollywood is to have this no name tool host such events. He clearly must know someone high up on the corporate Hollywood ladder or is an insatiable brown noser.

Anyway enough about this the show stinks and the host is the biggest prick i have ever seen on cable.

Ballet Shoes

Watson shines!
I saw this movie about a year ago and watched it just recently. I have to admit the only reason I decided to even watch this was because of the lovely and just beautiful Emma Watson. What can I say I am a guy. Why else would I watch this?

I had seen Emilia Fox before and Victoria Wood. Overall it had a good ensemble and decent acting. This was Emma Watson's first role outside of Harry Potter as far as I know. Although her character is portrayed as a bit selfish and cocky in the beginning of the movie, we get to see a girl who becomes sweeter and begins to care about others at the end. Her character Pauline is actually very insecure and Watson does some good work crying in the movie and showing all the appropriate emotions that are called for. My favorite part of hers is when she snaps at Victoria Wood for leaving her wrap in the wings, then she breaks down and sobs as she is running a tub while talking to Petrova.

The little redhead Posey is a brat and plays a brat, and Petrova is more or less a sweetheart who seems kind. The wardrobe and the recreation of the time period of the 1930s is all well done and has a nice feel to it.

I have to say that the ending kind of came suddenly with kind of a real lack of emotion. I was hoping for something more touching and less anti-climatic.

It is a nice story for young children, especially girls. And that the movie teaches that with hard work, caring about family and putting them first, and believing in yourself that dreams can in fact come true.

The DVD has special features with about a twenty minute or so interview with Emma Watson herself talking about why she took on the project, and what it was like working with the other actors, and her insight on the movie which I found delightful. The interview reveals she is not only beautiful, but is a very well spoken intelligent sweet young lady. I hope to see much more of her in independent, interesting roles in the years to come.

8 stars out of 10 for ballet shoes. Bravo!

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

No talented actors ... how did they get their show?
I like Danny Devito always have but I still can't manage to watch this show. I tried to watch a few episodes in the beginning but could not.

The characters are totally unlikeable, there is no chemistry amongst them, and it makes you want to punch them on the TV plasma screen.

If you like watching thirty somethings honestly acting like 14 and 15 year old children who wine, scream, complain, and act immaturely and insincerely to society and each other then this show may be for you. It is mind boggling that this show is still on the air.

These guys are or were no names. I guess they were buddies of Fred Savage and he helped them get into the show. I lost all respect for Savage after this.

Inside the Actors Studio

A pretentious show with a pretentious snotty host!
I have watched a few of these over the years only because of they had a guest on that I was interested in seeing.

It is understandable why they would have amazing actors on like Robert Deniro, Robert Redford, Denzel Washington, MTM, or Kevin Costner. But then the next day you have on like moron actors ...some of whom I don't even consider actors. I don't like to mention names but you know the types of guests I mean. So any respect I had for the show I lost after the lame guests they started having on.

I find it very hard getting over Mr. Liptons superior, snotty, and pretentious attitude he has towards the guests he is interviewing. He is a real snob and is pretty obvious to anyone.

But unless it is someone you are absolutely wanting to see, I say skip the show unless you can get back the show's pretentious attitude.

Impractical Jokers

Boiling Point/Punke'd/Jackass Ripoff Show!
This show is absolutely horrible. This show is nothing more than a group of four friends who stole ideas from previous shows shown on mtv that captured this idea years ago such as the TV show "boiling point". It is very similar to boiling point. It's also a cross between the show punk'd and Jackass with a few dorky guys trying to capitalize financially off of unoriginal ideas. The pranks these guys play on each other are not funny, and the other guys are in a backroom laughing hilariously and uncontrollably like a bunch of junior highschool boys. The one guy that is kind of heavy set with a shaggy hair cut is kind of funny, but the other guys are total dorks who are trying to be cool which is exceptionally annoying. It's a disgrace that a network, even trutv, would even consider giving a show to guys like this. This show I predict will be cancelled shortly.

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

Craig Ferguson is a pompous D-Bag!
I have seen about 5 episodes since the show has been on and caught one recently. I can't stand the guy or his "humor". I guess most Americans are easily entertained by his foreign accent or something. I was a huge Kilborn fan and was so bummed out when you lose a natural comedic like Kilborn to Craig Ferguson. I only knew him from the Drew Carey show as a side character, so you can figure my shock that they gave this idiot his own talk show.

However, as I said he has never once made me laugh even a little. I find it very difficult getting past his narcissistic pompous attitude and demeanor. You can tell he's one of those guys always expecting every little word and sentence that comes out of his mouth to be funny. You can tell from his attitude like it's the audiences obligation to laugh at his every comment and he's expecting it. Ridiculous.

Not to mention when he interviews guests he's super loud like he's interviewing them from 50 feet away. Plus he constantly interrupts his guests when interviewing them and talks over them in a patronizing way. Then he constantly looks out to the audience for reassurance that he's funny when interviewing the guest. I guess he's really insecure or something. I wont be watching this show again..just sickening.

Jumping Ship

Is that Kim Delaney in the film
There is this girl in the film who flirts with joey lawrence on the beach, and maybe its a dream i forget, but the girl/woman looks remarkably like kim delaney u know the one from NYPD I dunno ....Wassup with that.

thats all...o and the movie well yeah it sucked a b c d e f g h i

Prey for Rock & Roll

(no)SEX,(some)DRUGS, and (bad) Rock and ROLL
I rented this purely on the basis for Gina Gershon as the star of the movie. The movie's choice of characters is not great, and the movie doesn't really deliver a powerful message at all. There is no sex in the movie, there is one scene(like all gershon movies) where Gershon is about to get it on--but doesn't cause she's interreupted. And there is a guy in the movie who looks like steve-o from jackass plus 40lbs...who plays a good sleaze, yet his role has not purpose other than bringing jackie and the prison dude closer.

the most disappointing thing about the film is it leaves you empty at the end...thats all I will say . Although Gershon movies are likely to enjoy the movie, they are just as likely to feel insulted knowing she played a major role in not just the acting, but directing.

2 stars outta 5, but worth da rental

In the Cut

When Sleezy met Sally
This is a movie where from the beginning to the end you're pretty much like "what the" never feeling satisfied and feeling your intelligence has been insulted. A movie where although you don't care who the killer is, you know it's only one of 3 guys and you get rule out the most obvious one and you pretty much have a 50 50 shot.

Meg Ryan takes a different road playing a seedy, "sexy" strange mysterious woman which is a stretch from the good girl wholesome image she projects. Although not bad, she outta stick to the other image. \we also get to see a little skin from her, or the whole enchilada as she hooks up with some sleezy dude who looks like well a sleezy dude. I give her a 3.5 out of ten for her skin show, in fact, you were relieved when the lighting became dark in the shoot.

I would skip this one, but if you should rent it you will get some relief from \kevin bacon who makes some cameos as a crazy stalker who brings some light to the movie...almost hoping that he'd kill meg ryan early on and let the movie revolve around his character.....happy rentals

Day by Day

Eileen made the show
I remember watching it when it came on in the late 80s when I was about 10, and saw re-runs on tv land in the fall of 1999. The show is not really funny at all, except for the scenes with the hard career driven overbearing business woman who is ruthless, obnoxious yet funny. She looks pretty damn good. ANyway the occasional appearance from the oldest son is somewhat amusing. My favortie episode is the one where Eileen goes back to her highschool re-union and takes the kid from the brady bunch with her as her date. There, she dances look a crazy fool that she is, and ditches her date at the ball to be with a guy she had a crush on in highschool, only to break her date's feelings. And from my recollection, queen elizabeth is portrayed. Don't remember the details too much of da show but its funny. Too bad they dont show rereuns....

Dude, Where's My Car?

Dude, where's my $4.75
The first 10-15 minutes of the movie were ok, and the "and then" chinese drivethrough window had me cracking up and the tattoo thing was mildly entertaining--that's it. THe rest of the moive just went downhill once it started going into the space girls, the sci-fi characters--at that point you lost interest and lost your ability to laugh. Bad , just bad. and the giant girl monster at the end, don't even get me started!!

Big Fish

I don't know where to start, but I'll make it brief. I never go to the movies ever, but I knew this was a winner and it was beyond. Went back to see it the next night. It was a movie that tapped into all of your emotions and left you living vicariously through ed bloom throughout the movie. The last 20-30 minutes left me in tears. The end of the movie is the best as well as the part where ed bloom tells us how he feel in love with sandra at the circus and how he won her over in college(what an imaginary tale).

It has been two days and I can't stop thinking about how the movie moved me, and how it starts making you think about life in a big picture and what's really important, and to always believe and act upon your imagination, hence making your dreams reality!!

This movie will remain in my heart 4 ever.

Thank you Mr. Burton, Thank you

Backyard Dogs

cant stop re watching it
The movie can pretty much be summed up with a paradox: its so bad that its good. Kept me laughing throughout, and how bout that voodoo guy who always seemed to be showing up. The casting is impeccable, wouldn't have changed a thing. Loved the shooting locations, and whenever I watch this I always get in a good mood---go figure. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up... oh wait the fine Bree Turner was in it-- THREE THUMBS UP!!!

Lucía y el sexo

started off get then nose dived
The first hour of the movie was very interesting--I was hooked, interesting, beautiful leading lady, not a lot of sex but got to see her naked which was worth the 3 bucks. After she left him the movie started getting weird and intricated to the point of irriation, hence lost interest. Back and forth to the point where you use track of time and the correlation of characters as a whole. LAME_O

Backyard Dogs

cant stop re watching it
The movie can pretty much be summed up with a paradox: its so bad that its good. Kept me laughing throughout, and how bout that voodoo guy who always seemed to be showing up. The casting is impeccable, wouldn't have changed a thing. Loved the shooting locations, and whenever I watch this I always get in a good mood---go figure. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up... oh wait the fine Bree Turner was in it-- THREE THUMBS UP!!!

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