
IMDb member since December 2011
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The Veil

Beneath The Veil
Moss's English accent is a little dubious. But I'm warming to her characters charm. The scenery, so far, is beautiful. The story is very well put together. The acting is flawless.

So far, by episode two, it is turning into a game of multilayer chess. Between 2 women on a road trip. Both trying to discover each others roles and motives on this journey. And between two different countries US and France, attempting to establish control over the "mission".

As spy thrillers go, this one is one of the most interesting that I have seen in a long time. No Hollywood BS. Well worth the time, energy and focus.


I've seen all 3 seasons.
Season 1 was dark. Well delivered. I rated a 10 by episode 5. I really enjoyed season 1, it deserved it. Season two was very different. Not as dark, it had a faster pace. A more enjoyable ride. But season 3? It started off well and continued up until episode 8. That's when things got a little disappointing. Hence the drop from 10 to 8. All in all, I'm very glad I binge watched this. I highly recommend that you do. But be prepared to be slightly let down on the last two episodes in season 3. Again. Really worth a watch.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

I was looking forward to seeing this. And usually when you look forward to something, you except some disappointement. I am very impressed. This is one of the slickest productions that I have seen in years.

The Equalizer

It's not that bad.
At first I cringed a little. But as the show progressed I began to really enjoy it. Yes, it's full of cliches. But it's good chewing gum for the brain.


Such a pity.
This movie had potential. Great CGI however, the acting and script is dreadful. Cringeworthy at times.


They kept this under the radar. Why???
Wow! Complex, intense, intelligent and gripping. I wish there was more tv like this.

The Midnight Sky

Well worth watching.
After reading so many negative reviews, I wasn't expecting much. Some say it's not Science Fiction. They need to open their eyes. This movie is moving. It's not Star Wars, but it is good. Very good in fact. And if you have any humanity in you, it will bring a joyful but saddened tear to your eye. Give it a watch.


I wasn't expecting that!
5.5 on IMDB? This needs to be up there in the high 8. I came across this movie by mistake. The first 4 minutes 58 seconds did it for me from a cinematographers point of view. It was one shot for nearly 5 minutes, even over a hedge? It was smooth. Then we had a multitude of powerful cuts, each image a thousand words.

This movie was beautifully shot, beautifully thought out and beautifully delivered. Admittedly, It was hard to follow toward the middle, but upon conclusion, everything made sense. It is full of twists, it's a trip. But wow. Well worth it.


Lovecraft Country

Don't believe the trolls
It's classy, well written. very well acted and intelligently produced and directed. I'm currently watching Ep. 7 and still not so sure what exactly is going on, but I'm enjoying the ride.

Episode 6 was beautifully done, even though it was mostly subtitles. (I'm not a fan of subtitles).

Ignore the trolls and form your own opinion. Approach it with an open mind. You won't be disappointed.


"Well that happened"
It's not as bad as the many of the reviews make it out to be. The whole production is a little dated. Had this been released/produced in the early naughtiest, it would have received a much better welcome. I enjoyed it.


Could have been so much better.
The CGI was wonderful, the plot had potential. The acting improved after the first act, or after Vin Diesel killed all of the b movie stunt men stand-ins. Actually things were improving when Vin Diesel went to London to murder another founder of the tech that was going through his veins, except it wasn't London, it was blatantly obvious that it was Cape Town with the CA registered vehicles and the dodgy London accents and the corrugated iron roofs. There was no thought at all in trying to convince us otherwise, other than a handful of yellow registration plates.

The direction was aweful, the journey confusing. It was an insult to ones intelligence.

6 Underground

Very Enjoyable Chewing Gum for the Brian
Having read all of the reviews here, I'm somewhat surprised at the amount of negative opinions. As many here are have stated, "it's a Michael Bay movie"

I loved it.

Van Helsing: No 'I' in Team
Episode 9, Season 4

I thought it was really good too.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. The girls portrayed fear, real fear in a very convincing manner.

Another Life

The Special Effects could be a lot better. At times the story drags out, so much so that I skipped through most of episode 8. But all in all it's not a bad watch. The actors are good, when the script is flowing, it's quite good. I don't see this show winning any prizes, but I do hope that there will be a season two. Perhaps it will attract some investment for the CGI, and perhaps the scriptwriters will tidy up the slow parts.

Black Summer

A killer
Absolutely fantastic!! Watch it, not what I expected at all.

Patrick Melrose

Daunting, Daring, Engaging, Outstanding!
Cumberbatch was never very high on my list of talented actors. I watched two episodes of Sherlock and left it at that. I tolerated him in Star Trek Into The Darkness and I wasn't overly impressed with him as Marvel's Doctor Strange. But I'm a tough nut to crack.

All that said, the trailer for Patrick Melrose caught my attention. It came across as witty, intelligent and possibly engaging. Inasmuch as the first episode in this five part mini-series goes, I was not disappointed.

From the get go this episode draws you in, from the bad news phone call to the ensuing adventure that follows. Melrose not only has to deal with the bad news, but must do so in the company of his personal demons throughout the episode.

Cumberbatch's performance is stellar, at times leading you to worry about what his character is going to do next. The script is flawless with an abundance of quotable sarcasms . The rest of the cast are equally as engaging, as is the cinematography.

I'll say no more than this, watch it. Make sure you have no distractions. It's worth it.

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