
IMDb member since January 2012
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    12 years


Cedar Cove

Watch the first episode and quit!
I wasn't paying attention and I clicked on this title Cedar Cove I thought I was watching a movie not a series. I watched the first episode and thought what a wonderful movie. When it was over I realized it was a TV series. I loved the first episode so I thought I would watch the rest of the series. It went from being this wonderful story where I dreamed of living in Cedar Cove. To the most idiotic soap opera. I hate the show it gets worse with each episode. Poor writing the actors are very moving but the story lines fall extremely short. Do your self a favor watch episode one and quit! Each character in the show goes from bad to worse. It is very depressing and disappointing.

The Lamp

A Lamp to light your way!
The Lamp is a wonderful, heart-warming movie for the whole family. . Louis Gossett Jr. is one of the greatest actors out there! I can relate to this movie I lost my son in 2007 to Leukemia he was 17. I kind of died inside and after watching this movie I can see I can not only change my life I could make someone else's life better. If you have a little imagination and want to see a good move this one is the Lamp to light your way! When you think your life has changed so drastically that nothing will ever make you happy again, you discover that God's plan, while different from yours, is always perfect if you "Just Believe"!

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