
IMDb member since January 2004
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In My Sleep

Fascinating Idea for a Thriller
Someone's killing your friends. You're shocked to discover that IT MIGHT BE YOU - doing it in your sleep. You have to be your own detective and solve the mystery before the police do, or else...

A great high concept idea powerfully acted by upcoming stars of television and film.

All the while there is a deep dark secret that needs to be uncovered to get to the answer.

I saw this in a theater in West Hollywood with a very crowded house who seemed to be enthralled. And from what I understand the show killed in both L.A. and NYC in the premieres. Also from what I've heard it has done very well at festivals as well.

The music score was particularly engaging and drew you deeper and deeper into the mystery - a de rigueur element for a thriller.

Great stuff. Go see it.

To End All Wars

A powerful film about faith, hope, and courage in the face of tyranny.
The film is a tribute to the principle that "they can imprison my body, but they cannot imprison my spirit". As a metaphor for all life it can give hope to anyone who feels that they are trapped by a nightmarish prison of circumstances they cannot escape - how to live a fully human life when escape is not possible. One of it's most dramatic elements is when the film's ultimate pragmatist (Sutherland) has to choose between facing this nightmarish tyranny with the courage of hope as his fellow inmates or with the cowardice of convenient compromise as is his character. A truly inspiring, and moving film. The brutality shown however is not for the weak of stomach. This is a war film the way war really is. The acting is exceptional, and the production value is stunning for a film that was not produced a big studio budget. As most true stories about real people are, it is engaging, but that also is because it is well told. The film picks up with the gripping details of the Japanese prison camps where "Bridge over the River Kwai" left off. I'd give it an 8 out of ten.

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