
IMDb member since January 2012
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    12 years


The Babymakers

Don't listen to critics. Go rent it!
This summer has been terrible for good, fun movies. Avengers, Batman and Ted were the only exceptions. This movie, just like Super Troopers is a genuine comedy without being pretentious. It is a low budget movie and therefore did not make it to most theaters and didn't have enough advertisement. But it is definitely more enjoyable than many big budget disappointments of this year. Acting is good, storyline is hilarious and outrageous. There is not one boring moment in this fast paced flick. I am surprised to see such a low rating by moviegoers. We had bunch of friends over and we couldn't stop laughing! It is one of the funniest movies at present on RedBox or Netflix.

Battle: Los Angeles

Enjoyable Sci Fi Movie
I don't know why this movie has such a low rating but in my opinion this is a solid action, sci-fi movie. The plot is not unbelievable and it has all the military details about it to make it more thorough and enjoyable. I do not like movies in which heroes don't get killed by a thousand bullets or exploding buildings. I like real, Saving Private Ryan like action. So for a movie-goer like me, this was very well defined action movie. The acting is not bad at all and I was surprised to see why people mentioned this to be a cheesy movie. Which sci-fi movie is not cheesy? I have seen many highly rated movies having a terrible plot and ordinary acting and I will put this movie above those Bottom line is, if you liked Independence Day then you most likely you will like this movie.

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