
IMDb member since January 2012
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Perfect meld of old and new
I wasn't sure about casting Colin Farrell as an old style Phillip Marlow detective before watching this series but have been pleasantly surprised. He is following in some big shoes though really makes this his own. The self referencing clips from old black and white film noir are excellent and reinforce the style of this series. This script isn't as predictable as many are and has a pleasing amount of twists to keep you watching week to week. Pacing myself has never been a strong point and I'm glad I've been made to wait otherwise I would have binged all episodes by now.

I hope this gets more series as the chemistry is good and I know by the end I'll be left wanting more. No.

Looking for Light: Jane Bown

A quiet portrait of a quiet woman
I found this quite moving and inspirational. I met Jane Bown once in a lift on my way to the Observer as a young photographer. This film gets to the essence of one of the great portrait photographers of recent times. It begins to explore the method which was derived in part from her background and from her belief about what things should look like, the shape and texture of life.

La trêve: Épisode 10
Episode 10, Season 2

Too much story padding and over acting
I wanted to enjoy this and found the story and characters interesting. However as the series ground on the story became ever more convoluted and unbelievable. The acting of the main character Was clearly well out of his range and as he struggled with inner demons which each time became toe curling may bad. Subtlety clearly not his strong suit. Some of the characters just had a walk in part to muddy the waters before disappearing - his daughter popped in and out to stir the pot before making herself scarce. They should have edited the script, cut a number of the walk-ons (There were about half a dozen people who showed up after the victim was dead only to provide yet another plot twist, it's a wonder of timing that they never met) and reduced it to six episodes. Too much padding and over acting for me.

From Darkness

Scenery not enough to save this
I've watched half of one episode and it's dire... The premise cop comes out of retirement to solve one last case is the kind of cliche that gives cliches a bad name. The dialogue is so predictable and straight out of a "what not do do when writing police drama" handbook. Clipped unrealistic dialogue makes it tiring to watch and boring. The characters are like actors trying to do 'tense police drama' from a book and the result made me not care about either characters or crime. Save yourself the trouble of watching this and watch some cress grow on a piece of blotting paper it's more entertaining.

The Team

Awful dialogue
I have to agree with other reviewers. The writing and direction is awful. This obvious visually are then stated by one or more of the actors. On discovering a red car at the edge of a wood covered in branches the detectives begin to process the scene a helpful policeman sidles up "It looks like the killer tried to conceal it covering it with branches at the edge of a wood." Is an indication of how patronising this is. It's a good concept but is clumsily handled - giant swastika painted on the lawn "could this be the signature of the killer?" Hmm I wonder? Save yourself the agony there are much better dramas out there.

Killing Eve

Begins well but deteriorated rapidly half way through
This began reasonably well with an interesting if well trodden story line. Once it transferred to 'Moscow' the story decended into absurdity with the prison sequence just ridiculous. It is a real shame as what could have been an original and slightly bizarre story became something I couldn't even bring myself to watch to the end.


Ignore the 9* ratings
I was looking forward to this as it's subject matter seemed to resonate - someone trying to reclaim their life after a traumatic experience. Sadly I have to agree with the one who rated it poorly as the script doesn't live up to its potential. There are some good moments but they are few and far between but if you were expecting to be aching with laughter then you will be disappointed and if you find this funny then you are possibly the kind of person that finds others misfortune a source of hilarity as it will confirm the smugness of your own life.

There are better ways to spend your time.

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