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The Hacker

Can Vigilantism Get Justice?
This film starts out as a women, Justice, gets kidnapped.

The hero of the story, Eric, happens to be Justice friend and is distraught when he learns she has been taken.

Nadia, a black and pink haird pimp, is the head of trafficking the girls. I suspect she was trafficked herself she she was 16.

Emily, another victim of trafficking, was found murdered in a local park.

Eric, the hacker, decks out a remote control car in order to disarm the kidnappers with some sort of flash bang.

Eric comes in and with the help of a female friend kills them. But it's not over yet. They still need to find Justice and take down the ringleader.

Can this vigilante team do what the copes can't? Can Eric rescue Justice? Watch this thriller to find out!


Mother Nature in its glory
We start off beautiful scenery and lovely music. Then we go into the loss of humanity. Where did it go?

We see Nature with gushing springs and lush mountains. The suddenly the stark contrast poverty India. Muddied contaminated water.

The question is asked "Why do we suffer? Why all the tears? Why all the pain?"

The 61 minute film is summed up as look at how humans and nature get along. How cities overtook the land the land, how people turn a blind eye to suffering.

This film urges you to do something. Anything, Help those around you. Plant a tree. Volunteer at a shelter.

You can make a difference. You can be a positive change for the sake of the people. For the sake of Mother. Mother Earth!

The Irish Connection

Girl Power, Kicking Butt and Taking Names
We start off with a woman on a first date with a very.. confident man. She turns out to be an undercover agent, Alice Baker. And he ends up is a henchman working for a pregnant mobster.

About 12 minutes in you get the credits accompanied by an up beat song.

Charlette is out for blood as she teams up with two clueless guys to find the evil Priest and his goons.

She rides fast on her black hog and fights with fist of steel.

What I love to see in any low budget film is locations and this film didn't disappoint. They also had a variety of music tracks that were fun thought the film.

This is a must see won empowerment butt kicking action picked spy movie!

Eyes of a Roman

YES! This lived up to the hype
Right off the bat I was swimming is high expectations. I researched film, read the reviews and watch the trailer. I was pumped. But was I disappointed? No, No I was not.

We start off where a Roman commander finds a young boy, Atticus.

Atticus turns out to be a Spartacus sympathizer killing his commanding officer in order to save a little girl, Aelieana. This actress, Ella Morrow, is really talented and phenomenal just to watch.

If you like historical dramas then you will love this film. It doesn't feel low budget and re minds me of the last 2 seasons Spartacus the TV show that is no longer on Netflix.

This film is worthy of a Netflix debut and I hope it gets it.

Before it Happened

You can't save everyone
Elie is a decetive who wants dispetaly want to find and save his ex partner. He gets obessivd over the case like any good cop would. Except Eli to has some saving to do in himself.

We start off this fil with a Eli doing questionable police work leading to him in assaulting an unarmed man and breaking and entering with gun drawn into a residential dwelling. But he rescues the kidnapped girl thus establishing Eli as the good cop who will stop at nothing to do what is right.

This film is aimed at the Christen audience talking in the fist few seconds about redemption and being prominently featured on a Christian channel.

Will he find the light? Will he stop fighting everyone he meets? Will he let go of his past trauma and move on?

Like Yesterday

We start off this 45 minute friendship/romance with a guy about to propose to his long time girlfriends. Unfortunately he found himself single and after some moping he agrees to go in a blind date set up be his long time fiend and roommate.

Low and behold he knows his blind date and they both decide to hang out instead of going their separate ways. While relaxing and getting some food they discover they discuss old memories.

She left, she said good by to this old town and seams to hold resentment toward her her old friends and classmates. But good this she is back so she can have this blind date.

Will they stay together? Will they go their separate ways? Will she realize leaving the city long ago was a mistake?

Evil Lurks

Therapy isn't for everyone
We start out in a group therapy session where everyone is entranced. Everyone Except Kemberly.

She is unable to relax thus unable to be possessed, yet..

Kimberly is haunted by grief. She seeks refugee with a hypnotherapist who promises to help her forget. However chaos ensues when the therapist is possessed by a a demonic spirit and tries to control Kimberly.

Will Kimberly repair her strained relationship with her dead beat dad, Shawn who is also a cop investigating the murders caused by victims of the hypnotist?

Watch this exciting thriller to find out. Filled with evil spirits, a cop on a mission, a family is turmoil and lots of graphic murders.

Triple Cross

Will they ever get out?
Three people find themselves kidnapped in an unfamiliar environment filled with smoke and haunting sounds. They must work together and find a way out.

This film is fuming with suspense as these three must work together to find out who took the money, who is watching them, who is trying to kill them and how to get home.

Each character has guns and must resist the urge to kill each other as tensions rises.

Will they be able to put their differences aside and work together?

This abstract film is filled with suspense and will have you on the edge of your seat.

Will they ever find there way out?

The Bush Knife

Crime or Punishment?
We first get introduced to the lead as a news report ring out through the city about a vigilantly on the loose.

Next we go into flash back mode and look at at how at all started. What man an average family man turn to a life of crime? What could of possessed him?

Turns out this average man's family was stolen from him and his bloody vengeance was all in pursuit to get them back.

The audience watches, shocked, at the means this man will go. From butcher shops to fast car chases this action packed thriller will leave you on the edge of your seat.

This may be a low budget but the amazing locations will have you thinking it belongs on the big screen. This production spared no expense to take to on this ride.

Access Control

a laugh riot
Before even watching the film I got a Police Academy vibe and I was not disappointed!

Luke is a new security recruit for a hospital's nightshift.

After getting the job we are introduced to his girlfriends who drops some truth bombs about their relationship and she does not hold back.

Luke gets into shenanigans by being lazy, having wild interactions with staff and patients, and sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

His boss, Randy, is all about rules and reputation which adds to the comedy.

Through all of this is a deranged pill thief that both security guards must team up to try to solve. Who could it be? Will they be able to catch the pill thief?

The Keys

Cinematography master pieced
We start off with my favorite areal shots then dive into the character development with a voiceover.

Real estate agent, Sam's first day and it's his birthday!

A delightful young woman comes to view apartments/rental units with him. As the story progresses, apartment by apartment the characters get closer together. The will they won't they question is thrown up in the aid making the audience believe she was his birthday "present" sent by this friend/boss.

Sam reveals his dark part to her. And instead of being repulsed she sympathizes with him.

On the last unit they see things take a turn for the worst. This wasn't the "happy ending" he was looking for.

Who Needs It?

Family Comedy
The first few minutes aerial shots got me excited. Usually for indie films I'm not blown away before I meet the characters, but this time I was!

This film first a hard look at race when a African American male is marrying into a Caucasian family. The second couple is there with their ex whom the woman has a child with. The third couple is having financial issues.

Race is addressed in a respectful manner and it causes the characters to not only look at their own biases but their true intentions as well.

In therapy the couples discuss expectations and life problems.

With the help of their therapist they are able to grow as couples and strengthen their relationships.

We are asked the question in the tile who needs it? However I think the better question is who benefits from therapy? And I believe the answer is everyone who wants to grow.

The Clean Up Crew

cinematography genius
This British horror show was wonderfully done. From the camera angles to the spot on acting.

I love how they start off with dialogue then a few minutes in do the title and the actors name, Editing at its best.

I do wonder why the characters parked so far away with that long driveway.

I don't want to give away spoilers but the creative way everyone dies kept my glued to the screen.

I really felt like I was watching a crime scene clean up from True Crime and even Dexter vives.

This is great story line with three cleaners going to clean up a crime scene only to discover the killer is still in the house.

I rate this 10/10 for having it all. Nothing was skimped or left out of this film from the props to the music.

Da Pop-Up Movie

Fun late night comedy
This is a great slap stick comedy where a man has weed growing of his head. This motion picture makes you feel like part of the family as it take place at a backyard BBQ. We are introduced to fun characters that appear and disappear as the show progresses and characters get more and more high.

There is some R rated scenes and implied sex. The music video part in the film shows a women wearing a string thong that leaves nothing to the imagination. Their is a good deal of cussing and sex talk.

If you like weed, getting high and twerking by big booty women then look no further.

I would classify this as a late night comedy to watch after the kids go to bed.

GOW - Ghost of Wuhan

Amazing dialogue
This indie flick has all the elements you would expect in a covid film. It has drama, it has suspense and it has danger. Will our lead find the cure? Will all his effort yield him the victory the world needs? As you sit on the edge of your seat you feel admiration and compassion towards the heroin. However you also feel rising anger towards the virus that murdered so many.

The production cleverly plays around with color schemes of yellow and blue.

Although this film is in Hindi, I would argue its a mix of English and Hindi since in the characters switch back and forth between the two languages with ease.

The Queen's Influence - The Vanishing Culture of Hiko in Tonga

Intriguing history of juggling
This delightful documentary is calming and a fun learning experience. You get to learn all about the Hiko Juggling.

You lean that this is an all women sport/game/competition that is unique from the rest of the world. I was overjoyed to find children and families bonded over juggling and I was able to reflect on my youth when I tried and failed to juggle.

I was fantasied to learn about the famous dancing that was a mimic of juggling itself. I have gained so much knowledge and got to travel with the host to Tonga to learn about this unique gift that these ladies have mastered. I rate documentary 10/10 :)

Homecoming Massacre

This indie film, measuring at just over 90 minutes is filled with horror and gore as we follow Jonathan, Derrik Wynn, on a murderous rampage throughout his hometown.

This passion project came out just in time for Halloween to excite us and draw us in to Jonathan's word of mayhem.

The character that stood out was Pam, Lisa Kwon, as she brought a fresh realism to the film. She was the one who made this slasher film more blockbuster. And also because of her I do believe this film would be rated R.

The care that went into editing is evidence as the film falls into place.

Make sure to Enjoy the various locations of this film.

In Isolation

Fresh take on a deadly virus
The mind of a man who lost someone dear to him as he mulls over, again and again, her death, her life and all that was lost.

The audio is the first thing you notice about this short. Apart from the acting this stands out the most throughout the film. The editor/sound did a wonderful job.

In just a mere ten minutes you are transported back to when the virus ravished the world and all the emotions of that time come flooding back.

Although the acting seemed secondary to the sound and camera angles (such as close ups of eating and food) it was non the less critical to the storytelling process. :)

The Stag

menacing devil of a film
This film follows a cocky young man, Samuel Borowiak, who goes to a sex addict group to try to pick up girls. Can he get anymore desperate?

However when he meets this woman, Broyony Harvey. For drinks later things don't go as planned.

Who stole the show for me was the silver foxed therapist, Amberli K. Hartwell. She made the perfect caring woman to lead the group. Her presence was striking and it left me wanting more. What stories have you heard in these meetings? Did you ever feel inclined to repeat them?

This film was meticulously planned though out. Every shot was carefully procured. The wonderful attention to detail by cast and crew make this a must see film!


Devine Casting
Kitty Timbers slays as a creepy clown. She seams the perfect blend of psychotic and compelling.

Elihue Ackerman portrays a detective who needs this case to save his career.

This film take place in various locations but non more stunning then the asylum where the characters broke out of.

An hour and a half is not easy feat for the up an coming director Oktober Layne. However, this movie is a fun horrifying showcase of what talent can emerge from indie films.

Will the detective catch the murderous clown? Will the town ever be safe again? You must watch to find out.

Rating 10/10 for great casting and locations!

Communist Girlfriend Capitalist Boyfriend

Cars go Vroom
This film was artistically done. The setting showcased the beaty of India. While the two main characters discussed the future of their relationship the audience gets a rare glimpse into India's landscape.

As the leading male was charming and charismatic vs the main female that was more set in her ways. This was a slow burn film as there were many areas of paused dialoged and the main location of the characters was sitting in their camouflage jeep.

If you are looking for an easy going film, enjoy listening to conversations, love watching cars and seeing the views then sit back and enjoy the ride. This is a must see indie film.

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