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Worth it just for Asavanod's performance alone
I saw Countdown recently after it was recommended on a foreign movie Oscar board and I think the movie may leave you quite divided. The first act is brilliant. Fun, tense, interesting characters, it all works well for the set up of 3 Thai college students in New York for the New Year's celebration. They order drugs and find Jesus, played by David Asavanod, at the door eager to sell, hangout and generally freak out everyone in the apartment. It is referenced in the movie a couple of times but he is the literal Tsunami actor. An absolute animal. Charismatic, powerful, scary, funny. David completely owns this role and will hook anyone into his frightening portrayal of a fringe drug dealer with a score to settle. Without giving too much away, Jesus has his reasons for being there and they aren't just to sell drugs. When he goes from fluent English to fluent Thai without missing a beat and completely selling it - I was slackjawed. Despite David's amazing and convincing performance the film itself goes a bit off the rails at the halfway point. And rushing to a tidy conclusion it leaves you wanting in the end. However, watch it. Asavanod IS the next big thing. He will get bigger parts, he will be major player. I watch a ton of movies, foreign and domestic, and this is the guy - believe it! Maddis 7/10


Good but very much a copy job of recent French horror
I admit, there were moments of fun but if you have seen Inside or Frontiers, you will instantly recognize the elements "reimagined" from both. This is the Indonesian version of those two movies with some nice gore but unfortunately not much originality. I would imagine if this was new to some, it could stand as a worthy horror entry but just pales in comparison to the films from which it borrowed. So, recommended but with an asterisk at the bottom.

Frontiers was no doubt a French take on Texas Chainsaw but there were enough nuance elements to make it interesting - the Nazi bloodline, the pigs, the original death scenes all made it entertaining. Inside, IMO, was simply brilliant. Awash in a blood soaked homage to a female Michael Michaels stalking a pregnant women in her home, it had several cringe worthy contrived plot devices (the cops for God sakes!), but it manages to pull off a sympathetic antagonist at the end.

Now back to thing they did well was to inject some humor and male machismo into an otherwise derivative plot. The idea is of course to make you forget reality and this movie will do that. The blood soaked walls and carnage that remains at the end somewhat discredits the supposed craziness of the family given how meticulously clean and white everything is in the beginning scenes of the home. If you are a horror fan, don't miss it. If you are a fan with international taste, you may be a bit turned off by the repeated themes and copied scenes throughout.



So bad its bad
Wow, what a trainwreck. Where to begin...I suppose by this time you have more than recognized Cuba's downward spiral but teaming him up with Slater is an even more embarrassing turn for both actors. Slater has been pawning off his creepy yet campy style for years now and occasionally pulls of an entertaining performance (Dolan's Cadallac, He was a quiet man), but here he just swims in the dreck. Horribly miscast as a priest, he can do little more but smirk at the camera and look at his shoes. Devon Bostik is laughable as a drug dealer - I mean really, Wimpy's kid's big brother is now a tough guy? Just a total mess and a shame for all involved. I had hopes that Cuba would rebound at some point, but he seems determine to join Wesley and Steven Seagal in the DTV "worst of" series. Seriously, don't waste your time or money on this, bad bad bad.

Little Fockers

Fock you you focking focks
Awful 1-trick pony played out over and over, hardly a smile to be had except when remembering the first and the barely adequate sequel. Wanted this to be better and appreciate that many will love it simply for nostalgic reasons but is it too much to expect a little comedy? Stars today seem to have become lazy, phoning in performances for paychecks, thinking that by strolling across the screen they can derive whatever emotional response they want from their audience. Demand more. Can't argue with the box office numbers, which probably means there will be focking more of this to come. And we thought DeNiro had stopped slumming. At least Hoffman caught a few lines that stuck out. Yawn to the rest. 3/10 Maddis

Mirrors 2

Worthy followup, what Aja's movie should have been!
This follow up to the somewhat disappointing 2008 film, Mirrors, is in my opinion a worthy successor and in many ways better than the first. Out of the gate, the kills are very good and in higher quantity. There are beheadings, disembowelments, and lots of creative use of the mirrors to ramp up the tension. I liked the backstory, though a little familiar (think Stir of Echoes), and thought Nick Stahl gave a credible performance as the disturbed protagonist. The CGI is tasteful despite the movie's premise, not overused. The special effects and makeup were spot on. I would definitely suggest giving it a try, there are far worse films out there, and if you liked the first one or the original Japanese film it was based off of, then you are sure to enjoy the sequel. This is what Aja's film should have looked like to begin with.



The Experiment

Contrived and slow plot makes for a boring ride to a known end
The Experiment as you know from the summary is a film about psychological tests performed on everyday citizens put both in the role of prisoner and jailer in a makeshift prison. They are videod and given a regiment of "normal" prison life to discover how they will react or change from their principals stated during initial interviews. Sounds interesting but ultimately nothing much happens. We are not invested enough in the character to truly believe they would behave in the manner presented. It follows the expected formula to a tee. Of course the guards power trip, of course the prisoners band together, of course we will need escalating events to bring us to our already predicted conclusion. Brody and Whitaker are great here, they bring as much passion as could be expected. However, their backstories are just not flushed out enough to bring empathy to the portrayals. It was like watching a fight and rooting for the guy you knew was supposed to be good. No one really learns anything about themselves, nor do the events really matter more than the shock value they provide for the screen. Sadly, I thought this could have been much better and while the original doesn't stray too far behind, at least with the relative unknowns in that film, we could connect and believe their struggle.


The Killer Inside Me

Very brave and new spin on film noir
Very few times have I appreciated subtle spoilers for films prior to seeing them but this would be one of those exceptions. Without ruining anything, you should know there are several scenes of explicit violence against women(yes plural) in this movie. This is NOT a date movie, in fact this may be the one that puts a horse apple right in the punch bowl of your date night if you even think of taking a lady. That said, it was thought provoking and while the ending did seem to be tacked on, the bulk of the film was stylish and formidable. Casey Affleck has held the screen more prominently since Gone, Baby Gone. He has a sense of himself as an actor that allows the camera to simply observe instead of leading the way. I don't know many actors that could have pulled this off as well as he does here. Jessica Alba seethes and burns up the screen with sexuality. Unfortunately Kate Hudson looks like a plum pulled right out of the corn field and adds little more than some "what the heck happened to her" moments when she is on screen. The big problem I would argue is the plot. The whole movie is built upon one contrivance after another and some off-screen plot twist such as how a person in jail is able to commit suicide under the watchful eye of the jailer is an aggravation to the viewer who has committed to sitting through to the end. The good news is that the on-screen sequences are great in and of themselves. It all feels like a snapshot of history mixed with neo-noir violence. Everything from the sweat stained undershirt to the Howdy Doody road signage is accounted for and it adds a great deal of authenticity to the narrative. I think you would have to file this one under "Not for Everyone" category and leave it at that. I enjoyed it and will recommend, although only to a select few.



From the first five minutes, you know its gonna be a stinker
Just terrible. Bad acting, bad script, pacing was 100% predictable and there was not one cliché left uncopied. The only press this is going to get is from extraneous, irrelevant tabloid schlock. Once the film is seen by more than just the makers of the movie, its going straight to the bargin bin. There were a few redeeming special effects but tossed in but with the nonsensical storyline, it hardly saves the movie. To add a twist convincingly, you have to make us care about the protagonist, there was no one in this movie that didn't look like they just walked out of a spray tan booth and teeth whitening salon. Just aged actors who seem to think by flashing a smile and looking pretty, they can compensate for their plastic personas. Did not enjoy this one bit sad to say. Funny that almost all of the 20 something votes for this film are 10/10, wonder where that came from? I would suggest avoiding.

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

See this movie, ignore the hate, great bloody fun!
Like a much maligned red haired stepchild, I couldn't help but rush to the defense of this wonderfully original and frighteningly gory sequel to Cabin Fever. The original, while a little overrated, has long since graced the front of my horror section display and continue to maintain a semi-annual viewing...even if some parts are skipped over. I had such low expectations for this movie until a few reviews poured in and shocked to find they were for the most part positive. This is beyond any normal run-of-the-mill successor and easily stands on its own as a caricature portrayal of high school angst, bullies, love crushed puppy romance, and even a fat chick who gets hers in the end (no pun intended). The beauty of this movie is that the grimy slimy disgusting bits so perfectly mirror the supporting casts and the movie's ability to hop and skip from one shocking, funny, bloody snapshot to the next. Now I am not a fan of B-horror, but this could very well convert the strongest objector. Cabin Fever 2 does do away quickly with the plot of the first movie, but thankfully retains some threads of continuity, not the least of which is Winston. With some of the funniest lines and a slightly larger role, Winston delivers his quirky, party monster deputy doggishness with the confidence and glee of only a seasoned performer. He knows we love him and basks in the light as long as it shines on him. We have hair lipped teachers, full frontal absurdity, body parts, fat chicks, fat dudes, nerds, jocks, you name it. The best attribute though is the loving nods to horror of old including Carrie, Texas Chainsaw, and even Kill Bill. I have to say, I loved every minute and like the movie, once you succumb to drinking the punch, you're in for a great ride!!!! Maddis 8/10.


Doesn't hold a candle to the movies it copied
The Horsemen touts itself as another serial killer cat and mouse and admirably attempts to mix in several sub-genres including torture, exotic piercing, plot twists, and even a silence of the lambs (more Primal Fear in execution) style prison exchange. What transpires is unfortunately a lot of set pieces that don't add a lot to the whole. Dennis Quaid has always been fun to watch and has had several noteworthy performances (my fav will always be Savior). Here he struggles to play a hardened detective reminiscent of Al Pacino in Insomnia, his lines are forced, he is simply a poor casting choice for this role. He never reaches believability as the detective, and the dramatic subterfuge of a single dad with 2 kids is laid on so thick, he never sloshes out of the muck long enough to fill either role. The plot is OK, fairly standard shake on a playful serial killer vs cop movie, but the dialog is simply horrible. The lines are terribly cliché' and the actors, while capable, are just waiting for there time to speak, never fully absorbed into the movie. This will likely go to video soon where it may attract an easy to please crowd but ultimately does not hold a candle to any of the movies it copied.


13 Hours in a Warehouse

Lame and disappointing Reservoir Dogs ripoff
Had high hopes for this movie after reading a couple of positive reviews but have to say this was a big let down. The plot was an obvious ripoff of Reservoir Dogs without the good acting and great storyline. I mean really, guys meet up in a warehouse after a heist and have a conflict...surprise this didn't get hit with a lawsuit.

So the story is that five men find themselves in a warehouse after meeting up after a heist. From there the story drags you along as one by one they meet their demise and a couple of resident ghosts along the way. The story had promise but took every amateurish turn it possible could and in the end simply had no bite to it. It then proceeded to copy movies like 13 Ghosts and Silence of the Lambs(nightvision scene) to a laughable extreme. The acting was just awful, the soundtrack nonexistent, and the set was about a barren and uninteresting as an empty shed. I mean would it kill them to put a few set pieces to draw attention away from the meathead performances.

The one plus was that the ghosts were creepy until they also started to talk and act. I appreciate this was likely made with a group of hopeful friends and worked on a low budget, but so did the movies it ripped off. Nothing better than a student film here and you can't help but think it could have matured into a much scarier and likable film in the hands of a better director and better performances from the bland cast. These guys should really find another line of work.

Suggest staying away, this one is a stinker.

Cheers, Maddis

Broken Fences

Bad bad bad, contrived and boring
To sum it up, don't waste your time. Bad acting followed by really bad acting and a swiss cheese plot make this one of the worst efforts at movie making in a long time. Avoid this nonsense if you can, not even worth a free download.

I think they actually used food coloring and water for the effects, and while the picture perfect outdoor setting was there to use, it was just a series of still shots and half done set pieces. Guaranteed whoever played the son cashed in some favors for a role, really horrible. They might as well have thrown in a slow motion "Noooooooo" as he runs with the gun. Shameless.

Gee, wonder who the 5 people who scored this 10/10 were? hmmm. Just so you are aware, when you do that to your movie, it aggravates people into posting a 1 vote. At least be a little honest when scoring, otherwise nature has a way of correcting.

Street Kings

Stay with me Washington!
Here we are again back in the days of The Rookie or is it Dark Blue? After the first dozen or so gaffs, cue Keanu throwing up in toilet, cue Keanu swaggering every line like he just remembered what to say next, cue the donkey-eyed cop face as Keanu ducks, flanks and fully extends his sidearm around every hidden corner; you start to wonder is this movie taking itself seriously. Then the bomb drops, Detective Washington (yes Washington), who turns out to be a black ex-partner turned Turncoat for Internal Affairs against Keanu - are you with me - is horribly gunned down in front of said ex-partner. Now we have all just witnessed at least 100 bullets riddling this poor guys body, but that doesn't stop Keanu from stating "Stay with me Washington". Oh brother. Why didn't he just say "You killed my partner, you expletive"? But that is when the tide turns for this movie. You realize, it's not taking itself seriously, its having fun at poking fun at all the 80's (The Rookie, Lethal Weapon, Point Break, etc etc) and yes some 90's (Dark Blue, Last Action Hero, etc, etc) cop, buddy, detective-on-the-edge movies that stopped being guilty pleasures and started feeling like a mundane ouroborous (look it up if you haven't seen Adaptation) and seamlessly replaceable carbon copies.

Then we have the actors. Jay Mohr, horribly miscast, as current team member and always a shady glean in his eye foreshadowing his inevitable typecast deception. Forest Whitaker, long overrated and soon to be dismissible presence as the Captain-on-the-take father figure. If he didn't try do desperately to be Denzel, it would be easier to let the overacting and eventual fall-back to the stereotyped omniscient black overseer which he so often plays. Joe Morton, Don Cheadle anyone? In any case the character simply does the 80's style police captain gorilla dance (not a racial slur, plenty of white captains do the same thing) while simultaneously having ulterior motives. Sigh...

Even with all the bad, this movie however does deserve a viewing, if nothing more than to reacquaint us all with the movies we love to hate. Flashbacks of those almost unwatchable childhood memories of Beverly Hills Cop and even a few cop&dog movies were unavoidable while sitting through SK.

Go see it or better yet rent it, or even better yet watch it at a friend's house. But be prepared, you won't remember a thing that doesn't resemble a memory you already had (look it up if you haven't seen Total Recall).

Best, Maddis 6/10


Go Next Door for a Fun Trip into Film Noir and Horror - Great Movie!
Naboer tells the story of John, having recently been left by his girlfriend, he retreats into self imposed isolation in his somewhat claustrophobic apartment. As the story unfolds (some parts in flashback) John is approached by his alluring neighbor who seduces/drags him into an underworld of sadism and mysterious undercurrents of retribution for something John does not yet understand. Definitely unique in it's storytelling, Naboer treads on well told paths of scorned women terrorizing unsuspecting man, adding it's own twist which is sure to leave you replaying the movie in your mind.

Naboer is like a full bodied wine who's bouquet unfolds slowly in your mouth and just when you thought you had it figured, the aftertaste hits your senses and shocks you into the realization of what you have really been drinking. I have to admit that there were times, even when I had the movie figured it out, that I was concerned it would turn into a patronizing "gee see how we fooled ya!" moment. However, the director pulled it off. With a clever blend of atmosphere and suspense, the movie relies less on your powers of observation and strives more to tickle your senses and ultimately leave you with an uneasy, somewhat grotesque feeling as it winds to a close. Rather than slowly drag out the ending, he drops it right on your head and then allows the explanation to seep slowly from the screen making an all too simple answer seem unbelievably full bodied and satisfying.

The kicker to this film is the incredible 112 minute running time! Had this dragged out for another hour, no doubt this would have left a sour taste. Instead you are thoroughly engrossed in the pace and momentum and knowing that the film must race to reach it's conclusion only heightens the anticipation and elevates the sense of closure.

I would compare this film certainly to Polanski in it's sense of style and cinematography, but also to Christopher Nolan's Memento in the way that it delivers a one-two punch desert after a very satisfying meal.

The acting is superb with a stand out performance by Kristoffer Joner, making an unlikable protagonist compelling and empathetic. The rest of the cast is fantastic and quite realistic playing some very tense, scary and perverse characters.

See it, experience it, and then look forward to more of what this director has to offer.

Maddis 8/10


Follow your nose, this one's not bad at all
Head towards this smell. Really not bad at all given a relatively low budget and mostly unknowns in the lead. Here is a movie that rests its strengths on the very essentials of a good horror movie: scares, creepy atmosphere, and a little humor to ease the tension. The plot is ho-hum with a group of college students making their way across the desert and somehow stranded at a diner. The stalking of an unknown creature begins and they are picked off one by one in various gore filled scenarios. The added intelligence of this movie is that it keeps you guessing almost to the end what is going on. When the twist is finally revealed we are left a little unsatisfied, but like a good roller coaster, the ride was enjoyable even if the scenery was a bit bland.

Many have compared this to Dead End, which in my opinion was horribly drab. Reeker is far superior and if any comparisons should be made it should be to Haute Tension.

This team could certainly do better and will inspire a lot of fanfare for the next go around. But all in all, this Reeker was well worth the time.

Maddis 6/10


Strong delivery of cast and crew makes Dirty a clean and polished ride
Dirty will unfortunately draw comparison to Training Day, but if you can get past the similarities of the cover of this book, the content will come back strong and stand alone as a polished original. This movie reminds you that with decisive, deliberate direction, an excellent score and solid performances, a routine storyline can serve as the boilerplate foundation for the more difficult aspects of film-making to shine.

Collins has always been a favorite of mine to watch; almost singlehandedly destroying stereotypes of Latino actors while simultaneously stewing in the shallow pool of roles offered him. His stand out performances in 187 and Tigerland have only been improved in Dirty with his ability to bring humanity and sincerity to his otherwise bland characters. Gooding pulls it off in the end, almost through the sheer pleasure of watching him portray such an off-type character that the "over the top" performance was a necessity to draw your attention away from the believability of his playing the role. It was as if with every screamed expletive he was daring you to not take him seriously.

Dirty is a poster child film for how a director through what would appear to be either deliberate, clever and wise choices for the cast and crew or was very lucky in the outcome. But to this writer that is the magic of film-making. The end result of this film looks like a seamless collaboration of professionals turning out what is an interesting, exciting, visceral portrayal of bad cops and worse cops trying to outplay the system. Luck can only take you so far, and no doubt every component played a part in making this film work. The cinematography keeps the grit and grime of the streets in full focus, and the action and sometimes brutal violence is always just around the corner to snap your attention back into place as the plot moves forward.

To compare this movie to any other is doing it a disservice. Dirty takes any preconceived lemons it clearly had as a disadvantage going in, and made lemonade worth a second glass. Try it, you won't be disappointed.

7/10 - Maddis


A disappointment, could maybe pass for a movie of the week
Confession is a drama set in a catholic boarding school revolving around the escapades of Luther Scott, it's self proclaimed "go-to" guy for everything from alcohol to adult magazines. The film does a good job of setting up the character of Luther, portrayed by Chris Pine, and starts to take a turn when Luther is ratted out by one of his classmates after a dorm hall party is busted up by one of the head priest.

I too was mislead by some of the comments on the board into thinking this was going to be something unique but instead found an average run of the mill TV movie. Starts out strong but drags heavily through the middle and it's predictable end.

What I found incredibly distracting was that almost all of the key players, including the 25 year old Pine, were trying to portray 17 year old boys! The overall acting is pretty poor, including some laugh out loud moments, but is adequately carried by Pine. But still you can't help but think you are looking at young stock brokers instead of adolescents. The believability of Pine and some of the other characters as schoolboys was simply stretched too far.

The plot is formulaic and at the end of the day leaves little to remember it by. A good candidate for Movie of the week but can't compete on the mainstream level. There are even mid-movie fadeouts where the commercial breaks will be. Save this one for the 2am "need to sleep" dozer unless you know someone who was in it.

5 out of 10 Maddis


Just plain good and scary
Thai movie creators of Shutter finally got it right. This movie was very creative and genuinely scary. Comparisons to The Ring and Ju-On are fair but Shutter does stand in a class of it's own with interesting character development and original storytelling. Be prepared to jump and be intrigued by the plot as it winds to a horrifying conclusion. Shutter is definitely one of the better horror movies made in a while. If any complaint exists for many Asian horror movies, it's that the special effects surrounding the make-up on the ghost never quite seem to come out believable. It's clear the directors relied less on makeup and more on mood and atmosphere to lay claim to many "jump out of your seat" moments. See it, this one's a guaranteed shocker!

Maddis 8/10

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Decent direction can't turn this movie into anything but a big game of Clue.
Not being one of the hoards of pre-teen Harry Potter fans wanting to jump back into Hogwarts for another round of magic and mayhem, I was probably one of the few who went to see what acclaimed director Alfonso Cuaron of "Y Tu Mama Tambien" fame had done with the story. Would Harry and Ron take Hermione on a fun filled road trip to the beach having various erotic encounters along the way? Not likely.

What I found was more of the same from the other pictures. If you are a fan and have read everything about the young wizard, you are sure to find a treat in seeing it play out on the big screen. However as just another muggle with a penchant for movie watching, the story line can be a bit boring and dare I say soap operish at times. As with the end of the last film, I felt like we were in the middle of a big game of Clue, with the Prisoner of Azkaban in the cabin with the candlestick as one of the many possible scenarios.

Visually stunning and special effect full, this latest entry was a pleasure to enjoy. The camera shots are far superior to the work from the first two and you couldn't ask for better back drops for Harry and friends to fly, run, fight, and frolic as we wind down another chapter in Who Dun It mystery theater.

Like Chinese food it's a fun ride but at the end a little unfulfilling. How this film avoided PG-13 for scare and violence is beyond me. 6/10 Maddis.


Self indulgent but on topic
Haggard the Movie was touted as a spin off come feature film from the Jackass boys. Far from it, the movie dives shamelessly into camera hogging tom foolery which is only funny to the boys making the film.

Ryan Dunn has to deal with his cheating girlfriend and wacky buddies in a series of staged interactions. The girlfriend has taken up with self proclaimed "Hellboy" and proceeds to toy with Ryan's emotions throughout the film. Ryan enlist his friends to spy, prank and generally destruct the girlfriend and Hellboy's life, making for some unfunny and crude scenes involving everything from masturbation to doodie.

Sitting through this movie was pretty painful at times, but taken in context there were a few funny moments. Wouldn't recommend this for anyone who doesn't skateboard or find fecal matter funny. You won't get a lot of the jokes unless you have seen this crap before - no pun intended. If the movie could have stuck with the theme of crazy character sequences with a punch line and depended with the constant Margera vanity shots it might have worked.

Bottom line, don't waste your time. Maddis 3/10


Don't miss this haunting love story and disturbingly violent revenge drama that dares you to look away!
Haunting, lovely, innocent, graphic, touching, personal, frozen in time, unique, artsy, voyeur, friendship, love, selfish, selfless, beautiful, ominous, lurking, dirty, fear, violent, graphic, empathy, sorrow, burn, hatred, drunk, searching, fueled, disgust, graphic, determined, graphic, hatred, graphic, violent, pain, graphic, satisfaction, graphic, empathy. All of these words come to mind when describing the path Irreversible takes you on; a clever and truly unique look at lovers drawn into a seedy world that ultimately devastates their lives.

There are many elements of this film to consider, style, plot, characters, violence, sex; but the overwhelming theme is love and the lengths man will go to revenge or satisfy his thirst.

Irreversible is disturbingly violent and pornographic at times, no doubt shocking American audiences who have never seen such a raw unabashed peek into the acts so brutally depicted by both the protagonist and villain on screen. It seemed as if the director wanted to first de-synthesize you to the point of numbness, daring you to look away and then taking you on a personal journey through the lives of three individuals as they put their flaws aside and cope with each other and their environment the best they can. Like a trip to the dentist, the director dispenses with the Novocain and starting drilling! This film is nothing but original and takes a fairly simple story line and depicts in a very stylish way. I found myself wanting more at the end of the film but feeling satisfied that I had experienced what was intended. Recommending Memento as a comparison is not fair to this work Like Haute Tension, of the horror genre, the director has taken a common plot theme and added his version to include a few shocks and insight along the way.

Emotionally draining and ultimately satisfying meal to be savored and discussed but probable seen only once for fear of giving into our own hidden weaknesses.

Maddis 8/10.

The Boy Who Cried Bitch

Great Movie, great performances
After seeing the Boy Who Cried Bitch, you might be left wondering what happened in 1991 that they couldn't release this film. This movie is one of the few effortlessly fused Theater Release with TV Movie of the Week that perhaps it lost it's footing in both venues. A shame that more people didn't get the chance to see what is surely a great performance by a young Harley Cross. This is before "Shriek If you know what I did Last Friday the 13th" but shortly after Believers.

Harley was a young actor to watch with notable films "Cohen and Tate" peeking with "Perdita Durango" and an otherwise downward slide to obscurity since. He certainly shines in this role as a confused and psychotic adolescent on the brink of madness struggling to find a place in the outside that compliments his inner demons. Rarely have we seen a young actor display such range and for this reason alone, this movie should have shucked the title and some of the cursing for something a bit more palatable to the mainstream public.

BWCB was unique in that it explored some of the complexities of child abuse, manic depression and a mother's ultimate failure to connect with her child in a way that is not cliché. For example a good scene early on has Dan (Cross) being seduced by a groundskeeper who obviously tries to fill a father's role and lure the boy into a man-boy relationship. Dan turns the power position around and immediately uses the man for beer and food for his brothers and friends. This film takes an honest look at young teens, not shying away from the way they talk and the amount of insight they have with their adult relationships.

I recommend this film for those looking for a good hearted, insightful, sometimes dark and emotional journey through a troubled teen's life.

6/10 Maddis

Secret Window

Keep this Window Shut
Secret Window - 5/10

Johnny Depp is back, or never left, from his Pirates of the Caribbean fame and if you are anxious for another dose, take pleasure in this Stephen King dramatization of a short story in the acclaimed Four Past Midnight series. However, that being stated, nothing much else dwells in this slight satire of a novelist stuck in a man vs. man scenario out in the woods. Too much feels contrived and forced as we are painstackingly walked into the inevitably drawn-out conclusion; which if you didn't figure out from about 20 minutes in will make you feel more sheepish than surprised.

Depp does dive into the role but is never quite believable as the character he portrays. Timothy Hutton shows up as Depps' wife's new love and nemesis but seems put in there for the 'ahh' factor more than anything else. You will be struck with a striking similarity to his prior role in Stephen King's Dark Half where he plays an author fighting his evil self, born out of his psyche. Weren't there other choices here that could leave this film with a little originality?

What makes Secret Window forgettable is its ambling pace around what should have been central story lines. Rather than explain some of the intertwining coincidences that the lead character encounters, the movie hides them making the ending that more obvious and leaving the film lacking substance.

Along the same line as Pet Semetary in terms of quality but should have safely departed from Stephen King land and tried standing on its own. Think Shawshank Redemption for a good example of how that is done. Decent video for a night at home, but save your 7,8 or 10 dollars for the big screen.



The Dreamers

Tries for combo of a gender crossed Y Tu Mama Tambien and Larry Flint film but drowns in a weak script which doesn't connect the style and sex with the plot.
The Dreamers tries early on to capture the nostalgia of Cinema Paridisimo and Last Tango, but as it is forced out of the streets and movie theaters of Paris and into the apartment of twins Isabelle and Theo sharing a room with Matthew (Michael Pitt) the film slowly treads into dull territory of exploring the relationships and personalities of its leads which just can't compete and leaves a shallow feeling with the viewer. The tempo is offset by the frequent, sometimes stylish, nudity, but combined with the lackluster of the characters involved seems more shock than art.

This film is very visually stunning with a few notable scenes attributed to the director's influence. One in particular has the two men in a tub with Matthew looking through a soap framed picture, another takes a voyeuristic view of Theo (Louis Garrel) as he walks down the outside stair and digs through garbage for a meal. Unfortunately they seem misplaced with the script which lingers too long in places and never fully connects with the revolutionary backdrop to which the movie is set against. This makes some of the later scenes come up particularly flat.

Michael Pitt is certainly at his best and probably the highest profile role he has taken in a film. The bland, modest, yet naive demeanor to which he plays his role is certainly one aspect that keeps the film together. The fact that he exposes every part of himself is true to the role and adds an honesty and believability to the character. Eva Green seems like Angelina Jolie crossed with Katherine Hepburn. She is remarkable and holds the screen, storming through scenes and even when completely nude, commands you to look her in the eye and listen.

The components of this movie will seem familiar to fans of Larry Flint and movies like Y Tu Mama Tambien. Sex and Style take precedence over substance of Script. But what is lacking here is any thread to tie those three components together and instead they run their separate paths.

A decent film for the fan of stylish, sex laden art fare, but be prepared to walk away feeling unfulfilled.

Maddis 3/10

The Girl Next Door

Tired Old Teen Comedy Beast...
Maddis - 4/10

Oh won't the tired old teen comedy beast stay in it's cave, roll over on it's back, raise it's four padded paws and utter a last warm dying breath so we can have something new...Not Yet...

Girl Next Door certainly had promise as the next American Pie, Last American Virgin, Risky Business, you name it cliché teen movie but fails to deliver in an over saturated plot with a great opening and mild peaks in performances. Timothy Olyphant shines as the smart-witted, smooth, yet violent porn pimp. Olyphant's character and relationship with Elisa Cuthbert is taken almost straight out of 1986's Something Wild with Melanie Griffith (free spirited victim) and Ray Liotta (crazed ex-husband) with Emile Hirche sitting in for a teen Jeff Daniels.

Regardless of the repeat plot themes, the movie had promise to show some originality but slips back into the "need a laugh, show a teen in a sexually awkward moment" filler for the overlong 110 minutes.

Emile Hirsh plays the sexually frustrated yet bland teen with a mix of college ambition and supportive parents, mixed with president of the school, mixed with sneaking out for a mid-morning beach trip character that will have you wondering "will this character ever be consistent?". Hirsh holds the screen in the early stages but then seems a little too mature for the role he plays. Suspending disbelief is one thing but you will continually ask yourself "would such a smart teen realistically be put in these situations?"

Never quite finding it's ground the plot skips around from comedic fantasies played out in Matthew's head, to brushes with the porn pimp, to road trip, to prom, to X-rated video in the school locker room and finally back around to romance. These scenes are interesting taken on their own but do not connect when put together. The trailer smartly focuses on the fantasy, first-person aspect of the movie which would have played well had the filmmaker stuck with it. The trailer combined with the 10-minute scene "conveniently" leaked over the internet did well to market this comedy as a must-see and certainly highlighted the best of the movie. Instead we are jerked back and forth through the story almost as if shot by different directors.

Strong performances by Dano and Marquette although they both seem miscast with Hirsch. Standing out awkwardly as a group, the only time these two supporting actors shine is when they are together alone. A movie with these two and their misadventures might have been better. Cuthbert is great on screen but certainly deserves a stronger lead that what this film offered. She will most certainly use this as a launching pad for better projects.

Sure to go straight to video after a short stint in the theaters, wait for a late night viewing of this movie on cable and steer clear of the sure to be dead-in-the-water sequel that will hopefully put this beast to death.

Maddis 4/10

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