
IMDb member since January 2012
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The Man from Toronto

Funnier for a different reason
As for the acting: Woody great as always. Opening scene was awesome. Kevin was goofy and adorable, filling the blanks.

There is action and Action in this film. Fighting, Shooting, things blow up. Lots of cars die. Special effects are cool and exiting (Airplane scenes). A plot is often inferior in this genre as are Oscars.

Apparently I hit English Audio Description instead of English subtitles. I noticed halfway and switched to subtitles but soon switched back. The (female) speech must have been on double speed to keep up with the scenes. A bonus, try it out!

Thank you for reading and let me know my review was helpful.

The Handmaid's Tale

Know when to stop
No SPOILERS here, there is nothing to spoil! Rating is NOT for story, action or dialogues and certainly not for episode closing shots... I agree with most reviews rating 1-5. I rated 6 for plot in season 1 and 2 and actors stamina.

De matchmaker

Feel Good movie
Great casting, fine acting, funny and sweet script.

For the Love of Spock

Desperate! For the Love of Spock
This documentary starts with chronological overview of Nimoy's younger years of private life and his determination to make it as an actor. Handpicked for Star Trek. The insight how Nimoy formed and perfected Spock's character is told by a fleet of his co-stars, directors, writers,fans and then some. In my opinion the film should have ended here. Why? From here on it's the director (and son) Adam Nimoy painting the picture. Black. Unwillingly we learn of his life issues; failures, addictions, losses caused by his father. No love for Spock, mainly envy. Maybe making this film was comforting. So is therapy. Sorry, no applause.

If this is his hope to healing it is

The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet

cinematography 10+
I won't bother you with another plot summary nor with the wonderful acting. I just want to point out the unbelievable visuals of landscapes and scenery, rural impressions, camera angles, exposures, pip and.. I will stop now before spoiler alert. See for yourself and enjoy!

Whitney: Can I Be Me

Sad Story Straight Forward
This documentary is not so much an homage to an amazing lady with a god given voice, but a honest look behind the limelight scenes: a woman trying her best to keep it all together. Although we all know how the story ends, this picture takes us back to the start. We see her star rising: albums, shows, world tours, movies, awards. Stock material mixed with many personal videos show us how success brings fortune and fame but also pressure, uncertainty and anxiety. Close friends and family share their personal thoughts about these high and low periods.

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