
IMDb member since January 2012
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    IMDb Member
    12 years


(2012)'s not all that funny
I've been excited to see Ted since I saw the first preview. I read some of the initial reviews and it sounded great. I have to admit, it wasn't THAT funny.

First, the voice of Ted. It's freaking Peter Griffin!!! It's like the creators of SpongeBob making a movie and they use the voice of SpongeBob. It's really distracting. And when Ted is making fun of someone, he uses Stewie's voice?!?! Why!?!? Don't you have another voice you can use? The beginning of the film, Ted is a cute and innocent bear. I felt the movie was funnier then. The vulgar, smoking, sexually active Ted felt forced to me.

Some of the jokes fell flatter than a Kansas interstate. Seriously, the movie theater was completely packed and there were jokes that didn't garner one single laugh. Sometimes I couldn't tell if they were trying to make a joke or not. Some jokes were supposed to be kinda mean, but were just kinda dumb. There were times it seemed like the audience laughed because they thought they were supposed to. This is Ted!!! It's supposed to be hilarious!!!

There were some funny parts. But honestly, I left disappointed.

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