
IMDb member since January 2012
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    IMDb Member
    12 years


American Reunion

I don't get why
I am really having a hard time with the ratings that have been handed out recently for comedies. What makes a comedy good? Well, in my opinion, the best comedies of the decade have been films like Old School, Wedding Crashers, Anchorman, 40 year old virgin, etc. Those movies are filled with clever lines and new ideas; and American Reunion lacks both. I liked the first one a lot, and the next two were pretty good, but this one was a downright terrible script. Peoples sense of humor must have changed recently, because everyone only laughs at physical humor, which isn't that funny to me and is cheap laughs. For instance, in 21 jump street, when someone trips out and bangs into things people are going crazy but when there is a classic funny line people just smiled. I don't know what has happened in the last few years but I don't see how this movie could possibly get a 7.3. This isn't a classic comedy by any stretch, and only classic comedies receive ratings that high.

House of Lies

Smart show with a lot going for it
This is a great show for young adults and in particular young men. To me it is Californication with a little more whit. Cheadle is perfect for the role; making the viewer really believe he can make any deal happen with his quick tongue and confident demeanor(he plays a consultant for the number two ranked company if you didn't already know).Each show consists of him and his team trying to make one deal happen and then generally shows Cheadle returning to his family life in the end. Not sure why it isn't more highly rated, but I give it an 8. If you enjoy the playboy type role that Duchovny plays in Californication you will love Cheadle in House of Lies!

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