
IMDb member since January 2012
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Secret Invasion

"Secret Invasion: A Disappointing Journey into Mediocrity"
Disney's much-anticipated show, "Secret Invasion," based on the Marvel Comics storyline, falls flat on its promises of intrigue and excitement. Despite its star-studded cast and the potential for an engaging plot, the series fails to deliver on multiple fronts, leaving viewers with a frustrating sense of missed opportunities.

One of the most glaring issues with "Secret Invasion" is its lackluster character development. Despite having a talented ensemble cast, the characters are poorly fleshed out and fail to evoke any real emotional connection. We are introduced to a multitude of personalities, but none of them are given enough depth or nuance to make us truly care about their journey. Instead, they feel like mere placeholders, going through the motions without leaving a lasting impression.

Compounding the problem of weak character development is the lack of likability in the main cast. Even the most talented actors struggle to salvage their roles from the clutches of dull writing. Characters who were meant to be complex and layered come across as one-dimensional, leaving us indifferent to their struggles. It becomes increasingly difficult to invest in a story when you can't find a single character to root for or empathize with.

Perhaps the most egregious flaw of "Secret Invasion" is its agonizingly slow progression. The series seems more interested in elongating the mystery rather than moving the plot forward. Episodes pass by, and the storyline inches forward at an excruciatingly slow pace. It's like watching paint dry, with little payoff for the patience invested. This snail-paced narrative drains the excitement from what should have been a thrilling and action-packed show.

What's more, "Secret Invasion" fails to generate any genuine interest in what lies ahead. The lack of compelling storytelling and uninspired character arcs diminish any anticipation for future episodes. Viewers are left feeling detached and disinterested, questioning whether it's worth investing their time in a show that fails to capture their imagination or ignite curiosity about what is to come.

Overall, "Secret Invasion" falls short of its potential, providing a lackluster viewing experience with its boring character development, unlikable characters, slow progression, and a general lack of interest in the future episodes. Marvel fans hoping for an engrossing and captivating series will likely be left disappointed. With so many other high-quality shows available, it's difficult to recommend investing time in a show that fails to deliver on its promises.

The Terminal List

WTF is it so dark!
It's hard as hell to even pay attention to the story when every scene is in a dark room! It's just laughable, even daytime scenes are somehow dark. Military meetings...yep in a room with no lights on. Getting an MRI in a hospital...yep dark room. I'm just over the bird brains who do this in movies and shows. Why?

Kung Fu

It's ok
Some of the harsh reviews trying to base it off the old Kung Fu are just ridiculous! Let's be real, the original wasn't anything special and this one is just about the same. I find myself wanting more but find the writing very predictable and uninteresting. The fight scenes are a bit laughable but bearable, the acting is decent but nothing spectacular but that's probably due to the script. If you're looking to get stoned and pass the time there's worse things to watch. It's a 5 to 5.5 IMO.

Nightmare Alley

This movie is like watching paint dry (visually impressive paint) but still paint! There's almost no action and the plot is weak. The acting is good but it doesn't really help the film at all it just makes the far too long movie bearable.

Good Sam

The premise of this show is just idiotic and the interaction between Dr Griff and is daughter is just annoying and not enjoyable to watch. There's just no fixing bad writing.


Zero stars! Don't take me for an idiot and name a move to suck in sci-fi fans and then deliver another although much more boring PTSD movie! Stop pumping out garbage like this under the guise of another genre!

The Wheel of Time

Love It!
I've read all the books and although it's a bit different I still love it! Rosamund Pike is fantastic as well as the rest of the cast. Don't be deterred by the negative reviews that bash it because it's too "woke", they're just racist Republicans.

La Brea

I really wanted to like this but, wow, it is just terrible! Terrible story, bad acting, and laughable CGI. The only thing that can make it watchable is to get completely stoned.

Legends of Tomorrow

Used to be a fun show
As the seasons have gone on it's just gotten ridiculous. Season 6 is the biggest jump the shark season of any show ever. The writers of season 6 need to seek medical help it's like they're all suffering lead poisoning from the paint on their office walls. Completely unwatchable now!

Army of the Dead

Entertaining but don't expect a deep plot. Decent fight scenes decent acting, tons of action, funny in parts, but the plot leaves you wanting.

Without Remorse

Wow just terrible
There's so many holes in this story it's too many to even point out. Plot is terrible predictable and almost unwatchable.

Ginny & Georgia

Ginny ruins this show!
Everything about this show is funny and cool except Ginny. There is nothing likable about her character. The way she interacts with just about every character is annoying.


Ummm ok
Great visuals, great acting, turd of a story, and the worst dud of an ending!

Shadow and Bone

Epic fantasy!
Excellent binge watch series. Loved every episode.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Snooze fest
Perhaps this would be better if you could binge the entire series but as it is watching 1 a week is incredibly boring. The story line meanders along from scene to scene with nothing of interest happening. The main characters are all boring and grumpy with no likable attributes. I'm on the 4th episode and I couldn't tell you what's happened in the previous episodes because frankly after watching them the content is easily forgettable. A good series should draw you in and make you part of the journey. This series unfortunately is in need of better writers and a script that doesn't put you to sleep.


I usually love shows like this but this is hard to watch. The weekly stories are disjointed and the leading actors aren't that like-able.

Resident Alien

So funny
This is one of the best comedy shows I've seen. The writers are definitely "different". Give it a go it's worth it!


What kind of crack are people smoking?
This show is absurd! I tried to watch this and couldn't make it past the second episode, then everyone says it gets good after the 4th. The biggest question is how the hell did anyone make it that far?! Ok, I jump to the 4th episode which granted does start to get better but there's just way to much of the campy sitcom nonsense and not enough good substance. How anyone could give this show a 10 while at the same time saying the first 3 episodes suck is beyond me. The idea of the show is ok but the execution is terrible, boring, and unwatchable not to mention the fake sitcom laughter made me want to throw my tv out the window.


Great movie!
My mind is blown with all the 1 star reviews! Clearly people had some Pre conceived idea of what this movie should be to rate it so low. Let's be real people there's some trash movies with a 5 star rating but this is not one of them. I haven't seen any previous version of Mulan so this was just me watching a movie, and I really enjoyed it. The movie was an 8 or 9 for me but I'm giving it a 10 to balance out the idiot reviews that give it a 1 star. Let me show you a real 1 star movie and you'll be begging to watch this.

The Queen's Gambit

This is not the typical type of show that I would usually watch but I'm so glad I did. It's so unique and different that it's difficult to put into words. If you're thinking of watching this show, just do it, you won't be disappointed.


Either the writers think we're idiots or they are idiots. From the start until I could take it no more (episode 4) they went from one absurdly unrealistic scene to the next unrealistic scene. I mean c'mon, the daughter is calling her mom in space on the way to Mars from her cell phone between classes in school!

Love Island

Latest season not even on an island
I couldn't even get through 1 episode. This is absolute trash! The producers should all be fired!

Backyard Envy

It's ok
I really want to like this show more but, watching James the soul sucking black hole of negativity makes it really hard.

Ice Cold Gold

I don't get it.
If you stake a claim of gold on Mars doesn't mean you can get it out of the ground. The entire premise of the show makes no sense. I give it 3 stars because of the beautiful scenery but that's all you get.


Why? How?
There are way too many holes in this storyline for such a high rating, not to mention it's boring. There's so much that doesn't make sense that I'm actually struggling to write a review. I'm a bit speechless.

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