
IMDb member since January 2012
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One for the Money

TERRIBLE- very disappointed
My daughter and I have been Stephanie fans since the beginning, although we both have the admit the last (3) books have been rather ho hum - I have to presume the author has run out of story lines. My daughter had seen the trailers and I had not- she told me the characters would disappoint me- I did not believe her.

This is one of the only movies I was ready to leave before it was finished. I agree with another reviewer that Sandra Bullock would have been more believable for Stephanie- nothing against Katherine. From Grandma Mazur to Ranger - none of these were what I pictured when I read the series- and what is this about, promoting Eddie suddenly from street cop, a chunky, donut loving patrol officer(which he loves) to LT, WHY? I always pictured Grandma as a little blue haired lady- much like the adorable matriarch on the Golden Girls. In my opinion- Debbie Reynolds did not fit the bill at all. Very disappointed- As my grandson would say" we don't need to buy this one grandma".

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