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Top of the Heap

Top of the heap hits bottom
A major flop for all involved. Poor writing. Poor plot lines. Poor acting. And the show just looks cheap. Why the wonderful Rita Marino ever got involved with a mass like this. Thank God the show only lasted seven episodes is a blessing.

And Just Like That...

Why? Oh Why?
Move on, nothing to see here. Our SATC gals (sans Samantha) hit the TV screen with a special 10 episode reunion that hits all the wrong notes. Lesbiansih. Masturbation. Wetting the bed. The show does answer the question: "Can one be too WOKE." And during this outing the girls actually have BLACK friends. WOW.

SPOILERS: Miranda is a drunk with a sex crazed son and empty marriage. Charlotte has a fluid gender daughter who likes to be called ROCK. And Carrie wears the dumbest outfits while she stumbles around after the death of her husband.

All three of the actresses don't have much to show on their resumes since the original SATC ended 11 years ago. So one can imagine this mess was made for a couple of paychecks.

I rated this three stars by mistake. It should be one star. You can't go home again.

Christmas in Connecticut

"Don't Miss" Holiday Fare
A wonderful confection from beginning to end. It is annual viewing for me. Who knew Stanwyck was such a gifted comedian?

Yes, it it old fashioned movie making but we all need a little Christmas right now. The story has just enough Christmas elements too it but could stand on its own. Make some popcorn, make the kids turn off their cell phones, and enjoy this movie.

Marvelous supporting cast.

Glorious black and white film.

Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas

Merry Christmas to all! They finally made a great holiday film.
The cast.

The music.

The story line.

The production values.

All practically perfect in every way. God blass you ROKU for this frothy delight. The last 15 minutes will having you crying happy tears.

I never saw the original TV series. I only hope it was as good as the movie.

The Grinch Musical!

How to destroy a holiday classic in 83 minutes or less.
Too long. So boring. Off key signing. Joyless. Awkward staging. Endless commercial breaks. All this and Morrison destroying a holiday classics with a misguided take on the lead character. Why all the pelvic thrusts?

How did the production go do wrong? Thank goodness this production is totally forgettable.

Take my advice and stick to the original animated presentation.


Crash and Burn
Well what can I say, the commercial made this film look interesting. But be warned: it is overlong and plodding...so much so that it seems to last for hours on end. Trouble is, the only interesting portion of the film is at the beginning with the plan hitting a storm and then all the mechanical mishaps. Unfortunately there is one long film to try to sit through. I like Denzel. I really do. But he too much of a likable guy to carry off the druken pilot character that the entire film hangs it head on. You can figure out the story line and the ending way before it happens. The characters are lifeless and cardboard cut outs. I cannot understand why FLight was nominated for any awards. So this film is not my cup of tea. It seems to be liked by many. I just found it dull.

A Christmas Story 2

You can't go home again
Here's proof that you can not go home again . This film is totally heartless and soulless....so pale in comparison to the original which has evolved into a modern day classic. There is good reason this film went straight to video. Please do not waste your money on it. I had a cheap rent from amazon.com. I thought it might cheer me up ...having the flu and all.

Back is our Ralphie now at 15 and he wants a car for Christmas. The old man will not spend 40 cents per pound for a turkey so he is involved in some subplot to catch a fish for Christmas dinner. Part of the problem with this video is the incredible number of subplots...each more uninteresting as the others; including a candy cane fight at Higbee's, a Santa who walks out on the job, poor Randy getting dressed up in tons of layers to go outside, and a love interest for Ralphie. Even the "leg lamp" shows up for an encore.

A Christmas Story 2 looks like one of those made for TV films on SYFY or Lifetime. The sets are cardboard...but then again so is the acting. It makes "The Santa Clause 3 and 4 look like art films. Costumes are barely period. I dare you...I double dog dare you...to watch the preview. You will see exactly what I mean.

Someone was out to make a buck. But then, that is what Christmas is all about.


Funny...I want more
Very short episodes (about 3 minutes each) and iffy production values but this show has a natural funny charm. I only wish there were more episodes even though the writers seem to be running out of ideas. The first season is much better than the second. You will recognize many actors in bit parts throughout the run of the show. Handsome Owen Marshall is charming and funny as a straight man living is a world that has gone gay. From boy bands to fanny packs to straight pride parade, the show offers a satirical viewpoint on "coming out in America." Sadly, the gay characters are all a bit to the extreme, while the closeted straights are the new normal.


Lots fo Yawn, Little Whoof
Not totally awful since there are a few hot guys scattered throughout the film. But a weak script with even weaker acting and very sluggish direction do not make much of a film. Yes, In know it is an indie, but let us stop making excuses for indie films. The film revolves around the Tyler character and his coming out in the bear scene. Everyone in the film is so crazy over this Tyler guy but he just is not all that. Highpoint of he film, if that is what you want to call it, is a hilariously bad scene of Tyler learning how to bowl. The marketing department promotes this film as channeling the Sex in the City series. Not even close. Another subplot has to to with a character who wants to get his stomach stapled. And yet another subplot is about a bear couple trying to decide if they want to "open up their relationship." All in all, the is movie that goes nowhere and is deadly boring along the way. My advice: go rent anything but this film

Butch Camp

Butch Camp is Bad Camp
An amateur production filmed in Chicago with with lots of stereotypes. From dykes with bikes, to cross dressers to bitchy queens, the fill is a complete guide to gay stereotypes. The film goes on way too long...you will find yourself looking at watch...A LOT. Bad script. Even worst editing. Lousy acting. The film half of the film is barely passable, the second half is terrible. Just turn off the DVD and go do other more important things...like ironing. Paul Denniston is a likable sort but cannot carry a film. So called comedian Judy Tenuta is embarrassing to watch. Her segments seem to have been filmed separately and inserted into the film randomly. The rest of the cast should look for a new line of work...acting is out.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

You forget Sarah because this movie drags on and on and on
Maybe this movie would have worked with a better cast. Maybe this comedy would have worked if it has a sense of humor. As it stands, Foregetting Sarah Marshall is a totally forgettable film that will leave you wondering how it ever got made. It is kind of like several comic strips taped together to make a story.

Totally miscast is Jason Segel who makes a poor choice for a leading man. How did he get the part? Oh, he is the screenwriter. Why do we need to see him nude umpteenth times in film...and shots of his "johnson?" He is just not a comic. Jason is the weakest link of the movie just as he is on the TV show "How I Met Your Mother."

Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!

A waste of film...and your time.
Gee, I need to write at least ten lines but can sum it up nicely: THIS MOVIE IS A PIECE JUNK AND NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. What were they producers thinking when they green lighted this mess. It is one of those films that make you feel embarrassed for the cast and want to kill the writers. No redeeming values. No comic value. Lousy acting. I could go on and on. Such is the sorry state of gay cinema. Let's see, the plot device behind this film is a content to determine who can screw and get screwed the most during spring break. As impossible as it many seem, this film makes "Justin Loves Kelly" seem like a work of art. No need to view this film. You have been things to do with your life.

Summer Catch

Summer Catch is not much of a catch.
Enjoyable. Yes.

Predictable. Yes.

Nothing much here but a nice little movie about baseball. Yet another film that looks and sounds like it was supposed to be a made for TV movie. The movie's saving grace is "eye candy" Freddie who looks great in - and out - of uniform. Make this film a drinking game: down a shot every time the writers find another way to get Freddie naked, shirtless or running around in his underwear.

Lots of minor characters with uninteresting story lines. The trailer makes this film seem like another teen sex romp but it really is more focused on baseball.

The Promotion

Much Ado About Nothing
Take a moment to watch the credits.

See all the people involved in this movie? Did not one person have the guts to say "this is a real stinker." All in all this movie is waste of film...and a waste of your time. You will find yourself thinking " Maybe something is about to happen. But nothing does. The movie plods along and has a serious lack of funny. There is major talent in this film but they have nothing to work with. The film appears to be made with a first draft script...maybe they planned to do rewrites but ran out of time.

On a positive note, the scenes filmed in Chicago make the city look great. Everything else in the film is ca-ca. Note to costume designer: Next time you get a film, take some time to make sure the clothing fits the actors.

Do not buy the DVD. Do not rent.

Goldfish Memory

Goldfish Memory...It's more fun to watch your goldfish swim around in that little bowl
I can sum up this movie with one word, "YAWN." Hardly interesting at any level, Goldfish Memory is a long, tedious look at the loves and loses of a group of Dubliners. And that would be group of people you have little reason to care about. I cannot understand where all these positive write ups came from - friends of the producers no doubt.

This little production is bit better than most of the films showing on the "here!" channel. But that is not saying much. My best suggestion is to turn the film into a drinking game. Down a shot everything the director cuts to a shot of a goldfish or goldfish bowl. You will be passed out on the floor in 20 minutes. And with a film like Goldfish Memory, you could consider that a blessing.

Under One Roof

Under One Roof is Underwhelming
My advice: skip this one. Really. You have better things to do. The only laugh I got from this film is reading the IMDb synopsis - "Sex and the City meets The Wedding Banquet." I don't think so. You may find a chuckle or two because the film -and everyone in it - is sooooooooooo bad.

This is film is so amateurish it does not deserve to be in the movie database. The script is at the high school creative writing class level. This is a bad sit com parody you would expect to see on your local public access channel. The acting - if you want to call it that -is horrible. Attn: Jay Wong: you cannot carry a film. And, Sandra Lee: please keep your day job. The "sexy" boarder is Robert played by James Marky - I just don't see it.

To top it off, this feature looks like is was shot with someone's home video recorder - flat, lifeless. Don't get me started on the editing - scenes are held way to long for no reason. Camera shots are usually wide to capture the whole room and all the people in it. So there is plenty of awkward staging. No pesky medium and tight shots to get in the way.

Lots of miscues in this one. Key to the plot is the "heat" between Daniel and Robert. But, there just isn't anything so the film fails because it is centered around this "dangerous relationship". Funny how the film synopsis lists Robert as a cute guy from the South. His character is from Indiana. Last time I looked, that state is in the Midwest. In a useless subplot, Daniel's "girlfriend" is dating a "black man" The horrors! But he looks Asian to me.

But there is some nudity (mostly limp is you know what I mean) in the film - more on the level of soft porn.

The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green

Mostly Unfabulous Movie About Ethan Greene
Why? Oh, why did they make a movie about the Ethan Green comic strip?Funny when appearing every two weeks in the newspaper, as a film it falls flat. You want to like this film but that is impossible. Better to have made a film about the "Hat Sisters." The script is as if someone took some of the printed comics from the newspaper, taped them on paper and called it a script. Everyone's dialog would probably be better in speech bubbles. A character that would be funny in two or three panels of a comic strip does not make a movie. Actors look uncomfortable...and look like they are searching for cue cards. I heard this movie was made in two weeks...it shows.

And look who made the film: HERE! Those folks are single handedly destroying gay film .

Kiss the Bride

Kiss this film goodbye.
Wow, Kiss the Bride wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good either. It sure was no "Later Day Saints." The movie sags in the center...perhaps cutting out about 30 minutes would have made a more enjoyable film. But the film gets bogged down again and again by annoying subplots and throw away scenes - the whole gold outing sequence comes to mind.

Even though "Kiss" was made for theatrical release, it looks and sounds more like a made for TV movie. Every scene is lighted like a department store. So many characters are so throw away.

And dear Tori is actually a pleasant surprise. She steals every scene she appears in.

One scene really annoyed me. It was the rehearsal dinner in this larger room with scores of tables - all decorated. But only 5 or 6 people in a room for 250! Where did everyone go.

Gay cinema has sunk to a new low...but not as low as the horrible films being produced and shown on the Here! Channel.

Naked Fame

Naked Fame? More like Naked Flame Out
So what is one to do if you are a porno star with fading looks? I know, become a pop star! This documentary - and I use the term loosely - follows the trials and tribulations of Colton as he tries to transform himself from a gay porn star into a singer of electronic (read: dance) music. I only wish Mr Ford's voice was as muscular as his arms...sorry to say his vocals are painfully thin. There isn't much interesting going on here but Mr Ford and friends are eye candy.

See him record a song that sounds exactly like every other mindless dance tune. See him travel to New York to make "connections." See him go back to L.A. with little success. See yourself look in the mirror and ask, " Why am I wasting time watching this mess?"

Polar Opposites

Polar Opposites...more like bipolar
Take one part lousy script, add painfully poor acting and turtle-slow pacing, then mix in some cheesy special effects and plenty of stock Air Force footage and you get Polar Opposites. This direct-to-the-Here! Channel exercise tries to position itself as a gay disaster movie but only ends up a disaster.

The film takes a long time time go anywhere - thanks to a mother lode of uninteresting sub plots. By the time the film gets moving, you frankly won't care. The magnetic poles on the earth are changing due to an atomic blast in Iran (oh, how topical). The movie is all downhill from that point. To make sure you get the point, the whole magnetic field concept is explained several times...in once case by using a battery and a tangerine.

See the crazy cancer patients in the free clinic endure earthquake after earthquake. See the lone scientist (didn't the actor play Mr Sheffield on "The Nanny" TV show?) who has the disaster all figured out but no one will believe him. See the scientist bicker with his live-in dad using some of the worst dialog ever put on film. See the "exciting" earthquake sequences when it is so painful obvious someone is simply shaking the camera and the falling debris is Styrofoam. See the top Army general try to make sense of what is going on and then try to stop an atomic attack on Iran (oh, how topical again).

I wish I could explain the ending but I am still scratching my head trying to make sense of it. As for the gay angle, there in one brief man-to-man kiss at the end of the film. So if you are looking for frolicking cute guys, you will not find any in "Polar Opposites." You have much better things to do than watch this mess. Go wash your hair, cut the front lawn or use a tangerine to explain to your kids about the magnetic forces around the earth.

Made of Honor

Romantic comedies - remember them?
Here is lighthearted entertainment for an enjoyable evening at the movies. Columbia Pictures tries to reignite the romantic comedy genre with this frothy piece. Made of Honor is nice picture to watch but somehow the whole exercise seems forced and one can only think of what could of been if the script was just a bit stronger...and the direction too. The movie takes way too long to get moving and doesn't know where to end....the final scene is tacked on.

It's hard not to give away plot points since this film seems glued together from bits and pieces of 1960's comedies as well as things you've watching on the Lifetime Network. Still it is fun. And Made of Honor is a lot more enjoyable than Baby Mama which is just a long...very long...skit from Saturday Night Live.

Patrick Dempsey looks good on the big screen but seems a bit lifeless. Do we really need scenes where characters discuss how pretty Dempsey is? He also looks a bit long in the tooth for the age he is supposed to be playing. But looks real good in a mini-kilt. On the other hand, Michelle Monaghan is enchanting and lights up the screen every time she appears. The audience falls in love with her. Other characters come and go as the plot line dictates. The three bride maids seem like a missed opportunity for comedy. The mother of the bride suddenly pops in...and out just as fast.

Made of Honor tries too hard to be something that is not in its DNA: an adult comedy. Attn Columbia: there is nothing wrong with making a nice movie. Why junk it up? Several bits are quite vulgar and add nothing to the plot. An example: Grandma Pearl wearing a necklace of thunder beads and several tacky references to Dempsey's character being gay.

In many places the cinematography is incredible - especially shots of the Scotish countryside. Almost too good for this film, it gives the film the look of a fairy tale come true. A big negative is the pop rock soundtrack that is overbearing and I would imagine exists only to have a soundtrack album.

Surge of Power: The Stuff of Heroes

Surge of Boredom - A complete waste of time!
Well, I will tell you right up front: avoid this movie at all cost. What could have been a fairly interesting spoof on super heroes (gay one's at that) is one of the dullest films to come out since the invention of film. "Surge of Power" is quite possibly the longest 85 minutes in the history of the movies. Surge does have a power: to make it seem like time is standing still.

The script is half baked and lacks anything close to a believable story line. Let's hope Vincent J. Roth never writes another screenplay. The story never seems to move forward or amount to much of anything. Is this a comedy? A spoof? Comedy? Bad timing and bad acting just make it a bad film. There is no wit...just a bunch of nit wits. who probably think this film is great. Go back to film making class.

The acting is horrible. Let's not even call it acting...no one is even trying. The cast is packed with instantly forgettable actors. Most seem to be walking through their parts...or making it up as they go along. The actor who attempts to play "Surge" is worst of the bunch. Hot guy but not much else. He has no sense of timing...no sense of character. Thus the film makes no sense. You will find it odd how he never seems to be looking at the people he is talking with. Or is he just stoned? Celebrity cameos - and I am being quite generous using the word celebrity - are simply embarrassing. Oddly the high point of the film is the appearance of Nichelle Nichols (you remember her from Star Trek) as a character named "Omen." The lady does a lot with 10 lines of dialog and makes every else look bad. Sadly, she is gone after a few minutes and the film again sinks into mud.

This is what gay and lesbian films have come to? Producers Vincent J. Roth, Tom Tangen, and Michael Donahue should be ashamed of themselves.

Can't Stop the Music

Please stop the music already!
This movie was bad in 1980. It is worst now! Talk about not aging well. There is a good reason it flopped so badly during initial release: bad story, bad acting, bad cast. But on a positive note, it does have a few catchy tunes such as YMCA, Magic Night and Can't Stop the Music. Too bad disco was over by the time it reached the screen.

Producer Alan Carr actually thought he had another monster hit like Grease. Nothing could be further from the truth. One is almost embarrassed to watch this mess. It actually makes Xanadu look like high they thinking"? Bruce Jenner moves like cardboard and seems uneasy during this entire exercise. Valarie Perrine added another film to her list of flops. Steve Guttenberg is horrible beyond words. The movie is suppose to be the story of how the group The Village People got together. But that was deemed a little too gay so we have this love story going between Valarie and Bruce. The Village People get very little screen time which is a blessing. It is humorous to see the ultra gay Village People with their "girl friends" in several of the scenes.

Stay away. Don't say I didn't warn you!

I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry

Awful. Go see Hairspray instead.
Dumb premise.

Offensive script.

It's official, Adam Sandler career is in the toilet.

Kevin James works on the small screen, keep him out of the movies.

Plays like a made for TV movie for the Lifetime channel.

You will find yourself thinking, "Will it ever end?" I wish I could find something nice to say but I would rather have my money back.

America, you deserve more than this drivel. Go see anything but this turkey. I be it will get a Raspberry Award. You want a good, entertaining film, go to Hairspray.


It's fun to go to the movies again. Just go see it! You will love it.
Hairspray is the best time at the movies in a long time. Throughly entertaining from start to finish.

Movies like "Chicago" and the over-hyped "Dreamgirls" were more like MTV videos with all the quick cuts and camera movement. Other recent musical outings like "Rent" and "The Producers" were just horrid and almost killed off the recent revival of the musical film.

Hairspray is a big-hearted musical comedy like they used to make them. The movie is fun, looks great and is packed with wonderful songs. People actually applauded at the end of the film - when is the last time that happened? Casting is almost near perfect. I said ALMOST. John Travolta fails as Edna who looks like a man in a fat costume...many lines are swallowed and the comedy misfires. This Enda is too June Clever in tailored house dresses so the big Edna-makeover number "Welcome to the 60's" fails to hit the mark. And where on earth did Travolta get that accent? He sometimes sounds like a Southern Belle, other times like a Minnesota housewife. Golly John, this is Baltimore! Queen Latifa calls in her performance as Motormouth Mabel. There is no commitment to the part. What we get is the same character she played in "Beauty Shop." Where's the grit? Where's the anger for injustice? The scene with the protest march is more like a Sunday walk in the park.

But, the young cast is fabulous. Nikki Blonsky as Tracy carries this movie. She is the heart...and the soul. Go see it.

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