
IMDb member since February 2004
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Boat Trip

Cliché city
Two straight guys end up on a gay cruise. I really, really wonder how anyone could have thought that this simple idea would make for a good and funny movie, but unfortunately a lot of people thought so and there we are. Damm who is Cuba's agent?

I mean, in my opinion the worst kind of movies are bad comedies. I can live with bad action movies or bad horror movies or even bad dramas. But watching a really bad comedy is like getting beaten up. Other bad movies at least can make you laugh (sometimes) but if a comedy is really bad there's nothing left to enjoy.I can honestly say that "Boat Trip" is one of the worst comedies I have ever seen! This film reminds me of movie's like the bikini shop or meatballs but they were funny when i was 12.

The story itself is awful and even worse, unbelievably predictable. There isn't a joke you don't see coming miles before it happens and it's always one you really wish won't happen, because it is such a bad one. But every joke here hits its bad mark and leaves you with nothing more to do than to stare at the screen in disbelief.

The whole "gay" issue is handled as bad as possible. There is not a single "normal" gay person on this ship. Everyone is a kind of a freak, dresses like a woman, makes exaggerated moves and is saying "uh" and "oh" and "ohoho" and "ohlala" and things like that all the time. Every cliché you can imagine about a gay man is implanted here and beaten so long until it's last drop of life vanishes. And it's all about sex. Everyone is kissing and touching and making sexual advances at everyone else. At the breakfast buffet there is an ice sculpture that looks like a bunch of penises. That's supposed to be funny.

When one character makes a change of mind from hating gays to being gay it is so unconvincing that 1 minute later he is running after one of the babes.

The other guy has to act as if he's gay so he can sleep with the girl he loves (don't ask about the logic). When they do so under an orange tree, oranges fall down, so that afterward they are covered in about 100 oranges. He also does a dance show as a drag queen for about 3 minutes. Everyone is shocked or disgusted about being gay, no matter if it's a man or a woman. Imagine that: this movie is about gays and it isn't even sure itself, if it should tolerate them. When one guy starts philosophizing that gay people may not be so bad after all you're almost ready to believe him.

The characters are unbelievable cut-out stereotypes played by untalented actors with no conviction at all.

House of 1000 Corpses

Snuff Film
OK I just caught this movie on cable a few days ago. For the first 15 teen minutes I thought , OK this is going to be a good film. I don't know what to say after that it just turned into a sh1t fight. No story, I'm just lost for words now. WTF is going on in this film. I hate trashing films i always try to find something good about a film but this film it is so hard. Shot like a MTV film clip. As I said before the only good thing about this film is the first 15 minutes. When the woman who falls though ground only to be chased be even more hillbilly's. Please tell us why they are doing this or why are they are wearing masks from WW2 and what the hell they are doing? This film is like a bad snuff film. If you wanna see a great film about hillbilly's check out a film called "Deliverance"

Lost Things

Quiet a good film
I just caught Lost Things on Showtime a couple of days ago. Its bad when an Australian film comes out and people haven't even heard of it. Not sure about many of you but I had no idea about Lost Things at all. It all starts with four teens on a surfing holiday. Two men and two woman. Everything thing seems to be going fine till they meet a man called Zippo.

This film had me in all the way I was confused and scared at the same time. It takes you a while work out what is going on. Then at the end I think It's up to you yourself to decide what really happened. Which I found to be quiet a good thing.

The only few things I didn't like about this film was. I think just a few to many flashbacks of people just staring out to sea. The other was to cast two leading men that look nearly the same.

I think this film was shot a very low budget so my hat goes off to the filmmakers. If you haven't got foxtel check it out on DVD a good little Aussie film.


You give great Ned
I just seen Ned for the first time. Ned is a spoof on the famous outlaw Ned Kelly. I found it to be a very funny film. The sets look amazing considering the film was made for such a small budget and such a young director. The acting is also great Felix Williamson stole the show. The montage where he meets Ned is just fantastic. I wish people would give small Aussie films more of a chance. This film was never meant to be Lantana. It didn't have any star power either, like Ned Kelly with Heath Ledger in it. I will watch Ned maybe 20 times in my life. I won't ever watch Ned Kelly again. So if you haven't seen Ned check it out its great for a laugh.

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