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Its Snowing in the Summer

Perfect little short film
I was fortunate enough to catch a recent festival screening in New York City of this little puppy, and here's what I took away.

1. The story. It's simple, real and well timed. It's carried by the acting and backed up by...

2. Beautiful crisp cinematography and overall design. Great musical score!

3. Time. It was the shortest peice of the night but hit the biggest chord because of its simplicity and episodic feel. Needs to be tv show

Films like these make the argument that you don't need to spend 2mil on movies. Find a good story, great actors and a small, strong team who genuinely like to make art.

I look forward to more material from the team! Well done!

Rifkin's Festival

Predictable, Precise and Precious
As we get older and love doesn't seem to be enough and life is actually - quite simply inbalanced and almost artificial - watching Woody Allen movies brings life to the relatable and makes you laugh at the ridiculous of human behavior. Especially the fantasies of grandeur, - the intimacy between professor and the student or plumber and plumbers assistant, what have you, Rifkins Festival still plays at the comedy of the desperation and the fear to become stagnant.

Well shot. Good speed. Bold choice in actor, but the chemistry between authenticity and subtly feels balanced throughout.

Don't watch it expecting an Oscar. Watch it to enjoy cinema again. The movie also tells you that.


Frank Miller may have needed a paycheck?
The show is Luke-warm. It flows into the assembly line of fantasy Netflix is pooping out. I'm not sure what goes on with this production, but it seems as if - yet again - the person who needed to "sign off" on each episode made bad calls and therefore, jeopardizes the entire flow.


The animated segues are too much. I keep thinking its a title card, but it isn't necessary.

May not be worth a Season 2 green-light.

The Old Guard

Potential is the word of the day, boys and girls.
This film had it. Still kinda does, in a deeper sense of the review. But here's what this film does. It's shot like a TV show. Lots of wide shots mixed with medium shots. It fails to suck us into the characters which is a little bit of a mis-fire because there are beautiful cinematic actors in this one. It takes itself a little too seriously. It's a good story, still works. The music composer feels timid. The music and SFX, compared to the potential of the level this movie could've sat at, felt like a bowl of warm soup. WITH BARELY ANY BREAD TO SHOVE IT DOWN WITH. Let's punch it. C.Theron is a perfect candidate for this, but she felt held back by script. The style didn't land. Perhaps it remained safe because of a producer's order? Who knows. But if this saga continues, the production team should trust the instinct to get nuts. I have an open schedule to march the saga into disco island.

The Mummy

Lukewarm beginning of possible franchise
Oh Hollywood. I blame you. They take inexpensive, in-experienced directors and throw these gigantic scripts at them and say "make this." Alex Kurtzman is a great producer with exceptional writing abilities. As a director, he is still a little wet behind the ears.

Tom Cruise was Tom Cruise. You just can't get past it, and he makes no attempts to find a character ever. But he's a movie star, so whatever.

Jake Johnson, the "comedic sidekick," was AWFUL. I'm so sick of seeing him and his passive deliveries. Why is this guy famous??

The script was bad. 6 writers working together couldn't make this work.

There were some mindless blockbuster moments that were engaging for a few moments but other than that..it's a summer blockbuster that didn't do well.

This was a poor beginning to what could be an amazing TRILOGY; HOWEVER...AND this is a BIG SPOILER...

Tom Cruise, who is now the Mummy himself, will be worth watching for the next sequels. They set it up well and I'm ready for the next one. His 10 minute portrayal of the newly transitioned Mummy took me back to Interview with the Vampire. The inner demonic Tom Cruise is worth the price of admission next summer.

Man of Steel

Falls flat.
I think it's time to put this franchise to bed. Let superman sleep, for that's all I did during this film...

1. As attractive as Henry Caville may be, he is not right for this role. Not much acting at all.

2. The only person seeming to be paying attention to acting was Amy Adams, who I can honestly say, is wonderful but miscast as Louis.

Overall, the movie tries VERY hard to keep our attention with space themes and action surrounding the story. It was a little hard to follow, and didn't leave much sympathy or reason for needing us to care about the story.

For a budget of over 200 million, we could have helped to solve world hunger instead of wasting 2.5 hours of everyones time

Moonrise Kingdom

crisp, clean, well-staged, acted and written.
the gift that Wes Anderson gives us is the gift of making it seem as if every single moment of living for his characters is leading up to something huge, as much as they like to remain neutral.

never a dull moment in the script. a master of the staging of each frame, this movie feels like a play. so sharp that the comedy is situational and rare.

bill murray creates someone that we all want to be, but simply cant. bruce willis - welcome back to acting. and hello hair. the two kids are so unique and mature.

Wes Anderson, well done. and roman c.

i'd give it a 10, but i'm too egotistical. 9.5

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

if you don't take the movie as seriously as nic cage did, you'll probably have a mind-less, enjoyable ride. not too campy, and strong supporting acting, unique cgi and dedication to honesty of the exterior of the rider's character are all factors that save this film.

in 3D, it's wonderful. nicolas cage has jumped from a-list movie star to internationally famous cult star. he chooses movies and characters that are so off-beat they seem put off and "too much," but he just entertains. in this movie, he has funny moments that breach into the cooky, icon mode - receiving light applause and laughter from the audience.

if you bring a date, you might want to end the night with heavy drinking in a pub, after this movie.

enjoy the entertainment.

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