
IMDb member since February 2012
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Don't be Besharam to watch the movie
Following my weekend schedule, I watched Besharam with my dad yesterday. Last 2 weeks were dry because Lunch-box did not release in Bahrain and I was in no mood to see Phata Poster Nikhla Hero.

Besharam movie was ridiculous and revolves around the life of a car thief, played by Ranbir who falls in love with Bank manager, Pallavi Sharda. The girls falls in love with Ranbir, when he steels her car and braves to again steel the car from a money laundry guy, to whom Ranbir sold the car in the first place. The trump card of the movie is the casting, which features both Ranbir's parents Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh as a police couple. They have acted well and look great together on screen.

The film is categorized under comedy and the only comic scenes are the once in the trailer. If you are looking for humor, save yourself the trouble of visiting the theater and watch only the trailer. Cheers


Say no to Jobs
The much anticipated movie Jobs - based on Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs, released yesterday in Bahrain and I was extremely disappointed with the movie. One of my friend said to be before I decided to go for the movie that "How can anyone go wrong with making a movie on Steve Jobs?" Unfortunately there are folks like Joshua Michael Stern, who can get completely lost with their direction and purpose.

The movie is completely disconnect with Stern introducing scenes in the middle which do not make sense. The movie tries to capsulate Jobs principals without laying their foundation. For example, in the movie Jobs ask this co-founder Woz to align the circuits beautifully on the motherboard and then goes on to say inside outside. What does that mean? Luckily for me I had read the Jobs biography in which it was mentioned that Job's source of obsession with quality of product was his father. His father even asked him to paint both side of the fence, including the side which is not seen by public. This is not the only incidence, there are over dozens such scenes or dialogues, which do not make any sense. Also, the movie totally messes up with his first relationship and his relationship with his daughter Lisa. The director bluntly finishes the movie when Job just rejoined apple as CEO in 1996.

Although I am fortunate enough to be in a region, where movies are released on thursday because of Friday, Saturday weekend, I normally don't post my reviews. However this time, I wish to save time and money of my fellow Steve Job's fan and hence this review.

My recommendation: Grab yourself a Pizza instead

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