
IMDb member since March 2004
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Dr. Moreau's House of Pain

A very well made, interesting movie...
If your goal is to rent something bad and critique it then go find a TROMA film and have at it! If, on the other hand you like being pleasantly surprised at what can be done on a low budget then this film is an excellent example.

Charles Band is- an inconsistent director. Some of the films he's done are crap but others are Brilliant and explain his high status in the industry. Dr. Moraeu's House of Pancakes is a very watchable very enjoyable film with better than average Make-up fx and NO CG! not any to speak of anyway. The Make-up effects while conceived by old favorite John Buechler are fleshy and visceral and more than competently done by Veteran Bruce Barlow considering the budget and shooting schedule. Sets and art direction are key to what make this such a fun watchable movie and Mac Ahlberg's lighting and photography bring this to the caliber of many of it's bigger budgeted rivals. Judge for yourself!

AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem

alien VS Predator 2
What an overpriced, superbly polished turd! That the producers could give the go ahead on this "Made for 14 year old boys" piece of garbage just shows their complete lack of standards and regard for the audience. The acting- if you could call it that reminds one of the Roger Corman films of the 90's, I could only hope that either creature got to them soon. Predictable high profile B Movie this! In addition it would have been nice had the story followed some line of logic- Characters were on one end of town one second and miles away the next. Please forgive any spelling errors- I am still livid from seeing this film and destroying two hours of my life...

Shaun of the Dead

Brilliant! best film i've seen this year!
Thank God for this!... Having been many zombies I can say- this is a gorgeous film!... Nothing I can tell you will help- it doesn't need it! Go see this! immediately!... George! take note! Someone got it! and really good! cheers to the writing most of all!

resident evil 2 has nothing on this! make-up fx are perfect! story perfect! acting perfect! I cannot recommend this film enough!

... the bit with the records... and that's all I should say- is wonderful- Shauns discovery of the phenom plays great!

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