
IMDb member since February 2012
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Copenhagen Cowboy

Those that get it, get it...
Those that don't, won't. This show has one of the best female leads I've seen in a long time. Unpopular opinion here, but one of the only gripes I have with this show is I wished it was longer. I'd absolutely love more of a deep dive into Miu's world, her childhood, etc.. My first thoughts when starting this show, If you watched "too old to die young" and remember the cowboy episode (which has scarred me to this day) I was kinda getting the same vibes as that, but with a dash of something else, something mystical ... I was pleasantly surprised when it quickly moved on from that first storyline, which opened the door to all that ensues. Anyways, if you're a fan of NWR's work (other than Drive lol) give this show a watch! 10/10 brilliant, chefs kiss!

The Little Mermaid

Not good
Actually it was pretty bad. Mostly the same complaints as everyone else, terrible cgi, bad casting, the songs weren't hitting, the chemistry between everyone was just off. Sebastian's acting was probably the best and closest to the original but the way he looks ruins it. What Disney should do if they want to keep making money off these remakes so bad is to have Pixar remake them. Why can't they do that instead of trying to live-action the classics?! I think it'd be a huge hit and I know I'd watch them. With that being said I don't hold blame to any of the actors for just doing their jobs. I do believe they all tried their best. But in the end the finished product was less than ideal.


It's not good
So bad, so many things that don't make a bit of sense... for one it plays like it's being read from a book, the lines are cheesy and delivered like someone reading for an audio book or voice acting. The topic is good, it could've been relevant and relatable, but the movie plays way too far from reality. Ur telling me the main character quits her "dream job" and amazing life and marriage, to go to a clinical trial for something she doesn't want to do (have kids) nor has ever wanted to do? Yeah I'm so convinced! Not to mention she goes without telling her husband, which didn't make any sense. Why did it have to be a huge secret? There were many scenes that made me laugh but weren't meant to be funny... the ONLY good thing about this movie is it has Jan from The Office playing the Dr who's facilitating the trial lol. Some other freaky deaky scenes with frozen chicken eggs and fetus' swinging from its umbilical cord between a woman's legs like a clock. Okay I know I'm making that part sound cool, but trust me it's not.

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