
IMDb member since March 2004
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Fine "feel-good" movie
This is a movie about how the former sex-worker Chihiro, now working at a bento shop as a sales person, helps those emotionally in need who come her way from all ages and also how she connects them with each other. Perhaps her approach has something to do with the Geisha culture which seems to be based on things more than sexual attraction. Good acting in general. Little physical action but some emotional ups and downs. The Japanese society is more hierarchical than those in other developed countries and family ties are stronger but they also suffer quite a bit from loneliness and this movie shows how some of them try to deal with it (or unable to) without being pessimistic.

Pera Palas'ta Gece Yarisi

Mostly watched to be reminded of / enjoy how people and streets of Istanbul looked like 100 years ago
Rated this 7 because as a Turkish person living in Istanbul, I enjoyed watching the people and streets as they were (imagined by the show's producers) a century ago. Both acting and the script is so-so. I doubt most non-Turkish people would understand and enjoy many nuances in this show and enjoy it as much. I reckon I would rate it at most 5 if I were non-Turkish. However, while Netflix productions in Turkey with historic elements are not so great either, they are better than most other similar locally produced shows in terms of attention to detail and genuineness.

Raising Dion

Only the first season worth watching
It's more of a kids show but also for adults. It has reminded me of Stranger Things but not as good. I watched all of the first season but could bear only the first 3.5 episodes of the second season. The first season has some original ideas but the novelty wears off in the second season with no new ideas or concepts. Acting is OK including the kids and I thought Alisha Wainwright looked stunning in the first season. My rating of 7 is only for the first season. I would rate the second season with 5 stars only if I could rate each season separately but as a whole.


Nice to see a Danish series once in a while
Though it has its moments and some decent acting, not that great and a bit slow but I watched it anyway as I haven't seen a Danish series for a while and wanted to be reminded of a Danish city, homes and lifestyles.

Shinbun kisha

Good show with hints about ways of life in Japan
Some may find this show a bit simplistic and idealistic but I liked it because it shows how importance is good journalism to a society and, in a different matter, how ways of life in Japan are different. Some differences are just interesting such as how the recruitment process works or how polite people are to each other (sometimes even to annoying degree in my view) and others not so good such as too much resistance to change.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Too much teenage oriented
Compared with earlier Spider-Man movies, I found this one to be the most teenage-oriented and boring. The scenes where characters reflected on their thoughts and emotions seemed to go on and on. Wish it were at least 30 minutes shorter and had a more gender-balanced super hero distribution. I have rarely disagreed with IMDb ratings as much as I do for this one.

Hubble: Thirty Years of Discovery

Good documentary but could be better.
Watched all in one sitting. It was nice to get a refresher on some of the things I knew about the history of the Hubble telescope. Glad they did not give up on it after the tragic accident in 2003. Wish the documentary said more about how the telescope has actually contributed to our understanding of the space and stars.

The Outsider

Lacks suspense
This show is a bit boring because it lacks suspense. Acting is mostly good but one of the key characters, Holly Gibney played by Cynthia Erivo is unconvincing partly because of the script and partly because of the quality of acting. Interestingly, the final episode is the best one.

The Wire

Great show except the last (5th) season
Quite realistic (in most aspects), informed, multi-faceted and entertaining description of the fight against drugs and violence, the lives of drug-dealing criminals and people somehow related to such criminals in a majority black city. Interestingly, the show remains plausible and suspenseful even into the fourth season. The fifth season however is a bit implausible and looks like the producers just wanted to capitalize on the success of the first four seasons. I rated this show witha 9 because of the weakness of the fifth season. The first four seasons otherwise deserves a 10.

El Camino

Good movie but better watch all five seasons of Breaking Bad before this
Considering it is a movie, not a TV series, it moves considerably slower than Breaking Bad. It is a good movie but you need to have watched preferably all five seasons of Breaking Bad to fully understand and enjoy it. I would probably have rated it 6 or 7 if I had not done that.

Breaking Bad

Entertaining fairy tale
Having watched the first four seasons, my take is that "Breaking Bad" is a fairy tale about a chemist who gets cancer and then starts cooking drugs to pay for his treatment. Acting and shooting is good and the show is entertaining but it has major plausibility issues. If you have enjoyed "Better Call Saul" and don't mind some large logical gaps in the plot, you may like this one too.

The Flemish Bandits

Great series with good acting and authenticity
This is a drama depicting well how life was in some parts of the Flamish land in 18th century for different parts of society and the relations between these parts. How women or relatively poor were treated in those times are appalling. It looks like a lot of effort was spent towards getting the living conditions accurately as well as the costumes and make-ups. The story is not that gripping but still makes you wonder what's next. I thought all actresses and actors had done a great job.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Worth seeing it in a theater only if you are really into zombie movies
Better visual effects and more action but less suspense (unless zombies really scare you) and more predictability than the first one. This seems to be one of those movies where the trailer is significantly better than the movie. A bit of a waste of time unless you are really into zombie movies. Less character development and a more shallow look into the characters than the first one. More like a horror movie with some action. Plot does not include too much intrigue to make the movie really interesting. You will probably want to see it and still enjoy it if you have seen the first one but otherwise you may have better choices. I was looking forward to seeing it but I came out somewhat disappointed because I am not really into zombie movies. Yes, that is pretty much it. A good quality zombie movies with somewhat weak plot and significant predictability. Don't hurry to see it but rather wait so that you don't spend as much money unless you are a zombie junkie.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

I want Megan Fox back please and a better story line the next time
I thought Megan's acting was a bit light and shallow even for a movie like Transformers but not after seeing Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. I think the two main problems are the weak story line and Rosie. This is of course not a romantic movie but even a pre-schooler would show more passion for her boyfriend and look more convincing than "Carly" does for "Sam". She is right in the middle of historic and sometimes very dangerous events, yet she sounds and occasionally looks more like she is in a fashion show. Despite Rosie, I think the movie starts pretty nice with the Apollo story and John Malkovich and the visual effects are extremely good throughout the movie but not enough to cover the weaknesses. And for god's sake (and I have two mention that I am not an American), what is a British girl with of course a British accent and quite poor in acting doing in a movie that looks, sounds and feels so American? Rosie's inaptitude for acting made me feel like a bit I am watching a British sci-fi TV show with mediocre visual effects and story line like Dr. Who. I want Megan Fox back please!

Star of Jaipur

Waste of Time
It has been more than three months since I watched this, but I remember very well that it was one of the worst thriller/action movies I have ever watched. I rented this movie checking its rating on IMDb (8.7 at that time), but I was appalled after watching it. Very poor acting, very weak plot, no suspense, nothing that arises at least slightest surprise or interest; complete waste of time. I am very surprised that some people have voted ten for this movie. It really hurt my trust in the ratings of IMDb. I remember doing all kinds of things while trying to sit in front of the TV while this movie played on. I think I could have had a better time just by watching TV commercials instead of this movie.

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