
IMDb member since March 2004
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    20 years



A Valiant Try with good plot and a happy ending
I'm a big Sci-Fi and horror fan. I just watched Dinocroc on the SciFi channel. It's about a young woman who works for animal control in a small town. She loves animals, can't even put them down when the sheriff ( also her dad) tells her to put down the dogs to make more room.

Her on again off again boyfriend Tommy then helps her and the idiotic gene- manipulation plant to battle a creature that is half-dinosaur and half-crocodile and twice as deadly.

The most interesting character by far is an Aussie herpatologist and hunter named Dick. He drinks, smokes, has no fear. Whenever he's on-screen, your attention goes right to him.

Throughout the film, Dick and Tommy seem to have a 'special' relationship, even though Tommy sleeps with the animal control lady once.

Overall, an interesting watch and not bad for a straight-to-video movie. It's more SciFi than horror but it gives you a few jumps and surprises.

Judging Amy

Excellent show; a classic for television
Judging Amy is one of the best television shows in entertainment history. It is classic in that it explores family values while still being willing to explore the darkness of modern- day society.

It is also not the 'usual' family environment with a divorced mother who's struggling to raise her young daughter and juggle a social life while being constantly bombarded by juvenile court cases. At times I've often wondered how Amy deals with such domestic violence and mentally ill children and trying to do the 'just' thing while following her gut and heart. Dealing with issues from exorcism to a child custody battle after 9/11, the show doesn't hold back. It's easier to watch than to actually be there and make such decisions.

Amy also lives with her widowed mother who is so fantastic that I wish she was my own, with her witty remarks and quiet understanding.

Amy's court room assistant and friend, Bruce, is a strong image and beautifully played. His budding romance with Amy has been a long but much-anticipated storyline.

Her cousin, Kyle, is one of my favorite characters. He is a troubled and interesting character. His fight stay on the wagon from drugs and alcohol proves to be a precarious one while his boss continues to try to help him in unusual ways. All and All a very provacative show.


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