
IMDb member since March 2004
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Avatar: The Way of Water

Take the Original, Add Water, Rinse and Repeat!
Utterly boring pathetic attempt to cash in on the original which was far superior in every way.

Utterly stupid to put Quadritch in an avatar body when he failed and died in the first one.

Story is same as the first- just add water.

Visuals are nice an all but gets sick of blue blue blue.

Only one action set piece and everything else is just talk talk talk.

Why do blue alien monkeys from another planet call each other "Bro"?

This is a teenage angst story with a much blue monkeys set under water.

Original movie was superior in every way. I don't see any difference in the CGi either.

If you like teenage angst set in an alien world among blue monkeys who call each other bro and the most predictable storylines ever- please watch this crap.

I'd rather watch the first.


Star Wars for Grown-Ups
Never was a fan of this character Andor from Rogue One and I kept putting off watching this as much as I could.

Finally got around to it and I am just blown away.

Best Star Wars series Disney has put out by Parsecs.

Its like an old-school Cold War spy thriller helmed by the best actors and filmmakers.

Lots of Gestapo/Resistance overtones.

Believable characters and memorable dialog.

The action scenes when they do come have a weight not seen in many Star Wars of old because of the acting and backstories.

Producers don't pull out any of the major old-school characters for the sake of fan service.

Everything feels like its made to perfection.

This is Star Wars for adults.

Top Gun: Maverick

Star Wars with F-18s
So this is Star Wars down to the T- includes a trench run, to make a miraculous attack on a 2 meter target causing a chain reaction that blows up like the Death Star and includes a last minute Han Solo-esque save by Hangman.

Unrealistic, predictable, stupidity on a epic scale. Do people actually behave and talk like that at Top Gun?

Every cliche in the book is here and its cringy AF.

Does old geezers come out of the woodwork and take the trainees on corkscrew like death-defying moves like that?

Does Iran have snowy, green landscapes like that?

Can't they use unmanned drones or Tomahawks to take out the base?

Couldn't they have taken out the SAM batteries as well as the runway with their cruise missiles?? Lol

Why do the surface-to-air missiles arc back and follow their targets?

Why don't the enemy 5th gen fighters have a name??

The dialog, story and characters are written by ten year olds with the most predictable turns imaginable.

Only saving grace are the amazing aerial action which is the only reason to watch this crap.

Its stunning in IMAX.


The second best Predator movie after Arnold's classic in 1987.

Had to wait so long for this one.

Best appreciated in the biggest cinema available.

They concentrated on the hunt which is what it should be about.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

This is the one you've been waiting for...
Finally put a huge smile to my face.

Best Disney made Star Wars show or movie yet.

Fits in perfectly with what was uttered in the New Hope.

This is it.

Prehistoric Planet

Looks like they went back in time to film this!
Game changer- utterly incredible.

CGI is so good its like real life.

They tried to make it seem like they actually went back in time to film the dinos up close and personal.

True game changer in documentary filmmaking.

The Northman

Great Movie- but Final Battle is stupid
Loved it- refreshing and violent.

But the final duel on the volcano is stupid. After Ameleth gets cut and drops to his knees any sane opponent should've finished him instantly- instead his uncle just waits and wait and waits till he gets up. Lol Realism out the door.


So bad its good? nah- Just Bad
Thought it would be so bad its good- nah just horrendous.

Looks like everything is CGI- no miniatures or practical effects.

Even the CGI looks like its Unreal Engine. Lol.

No Time to Die

Something you don't see everyday, these days!
Its like every Bond movie of the past 20 years.

But refreshing cos its got actual locations, actual stunts and minimal CGI unlike 99% crap they put out these days.

So yeah go watch it and celebrate something you don't see everyday.


God its so boring
And the constant noise of the soundtrack made me nauseous.

Endless slow notion ballets of ships landing and taking off. We've seen these so many times before and much better in Star Wars movies.

Needs a ton of editing.


Jane Wick
Does to the Japanese Yakuza what John did to the Russian Mafia.

The Color Purple

How this didn't win an Oscar is beyond me!
Guess the old white coots in the Academy were not ready for this.

Coming 2 America

Utter Trash
Starts with the worst CGI ever seen. Its like when all your old uncles get together and try play the fool in front everyone. Green screen, crappy CGI, CGI lions, CGI lion fart jokes. Most boring unfunny dialogue ever. And they lost the plot- they only in America for like 5 minutes. First one for a comedic masterpiece- this is just a joke.

First Man

Utter Masterpiece
This movie ditches all the sentimentality and focuses on the man. His hopes, fears and his family. Despite all his achievements how he never got over the death of his little daughter.

Staggering performance by Ryan Gosling and the supporting cast. Must watch movie- 10/10


Stupidest Creature movie in a long time!
So they inside flooded house with roof access stairway open- she hears a chopper- takes out a flare and tries to signal it from the inside the house and not run up to the roof. lol. As can be expected the croc crashes through the window she's signalling from.

Unusually stupid movie with every cliche ticked.

Frozen II

Too many songs- couldn't follow it.
Evey 5 seconds there's a stupid song. Oh Disney sucks as usual.

Total Recall

This is why Arnold Ruled the 80's and the 90's!
Utter violent, action packed masterpiece with some of the greatest action set-pieces, effects and one liners ever. See you at the party, Richter.


Much Better than I Expected!
Movie is saved by some good actors- especially Dennis Quad and Woody Harrelson and a adequate supporting cast! Effects are not its strong point- but overall well executed- fluff is kept to a minimum, unlike Pearl Harbor.

Just seeing the young pilots dive bombing into a hailstorm of deadly flak while trying to destroy the enemy carriers, will make you forget all the faults.

Watch it in the biggest screen possible.

The Witcher

Too much storyline and talk and exposition- not enough Monster hunting
Cavill needs more screen-time. Too much side stories of which some are vomit-inducing. Not enough monster-hunting.

Seven Worlds One Planet

Utterly Incredible- the bar raised once more!
After Planet Earth 1 & 2 and Africa one would think BBC couldn't do any better. You'd be wrong. This series is the ultimate nature documentary ever made- you'll see stuff that you've never seen before and in gorgeous 4K clarity. Watch it on the biggest TV possible and it'll leave you breathless.

6 Underground

Worst crap ever
Orange filters and shaky cameras- simply horrible Couldn't even get past 5 mins.

Ad Astra

Every cliche in the book.
Like Event Horizon with Brad Pitt and far more idiotic. It cannot seem to decide if its a hard SF movie or science fantasy. Its definitely not HadSF.

Coupla good FX scenes such as the luna rover attack and chase- but the science in that is laughable.

After the initial exposition anyone can easily guess whats gonna happen.

Just watch Event Horizon and be done.

The Irishman

Three and a Half Hours of waiting for the inevitable
Lots of gangsta talk peppered with bullets to the head. As usual Scorsese needs a good editor. Just skip to the end that we all know happened.


Far better than expected- like Star Wars under the sea!
I completely avoided this movie thinking another stupid superhero movie with a fish guy. Then saw a still of the visual effects of Atlantis created by ILM and thought might check it out just for the effects.

Boy was I in for a ride.

Utterly mind blowing in every way- sure the story is cliched and old as stories. Good vs Evil, love vs hate. But the fairly unique setting and the amazing cast and execution coupled with the most amazing effects work and fight scenes I have seen in a long time, make this ride well worth taking. Its almost like the first time you watch the original Star Wars. With sequences that made me think of George Lucas in his prime, the director and the filmmakers have done an amazing job.

Plus its got a great ending- not open-ended like the Marvel crap- its a solid happy ending like the first Star Wars.

just watch it.

The Predator

Utter Trash.
Don't even bother- just watch the first two movies with Arnold and Danny Glover and call it quits. This is the worst crap ever put on film.

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