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Werewolf by Night

So fun!
I really enjoyed this. I hope Disney is planning on doing more one-offs like this. Just a breath of fresh air. It was a great call-back to old Hollywood horror with a modern sensibility and awesome graphics. I love a good creature feature, and this gives you that with style and panache. The direction and soundtrack was pitch perfect. The plot, characters, and acting was spot on. A blockbuster living inside a one hour B-movie. I would love to see a series of all of our old favorite monsters get a similar treatment, a sort of answer to the defunct Universal Dark Universe. Not sure if that would fit in the MCU, but I really like that they're trying new things other than the same old superhero movies.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: The Great Wave
Episode 4, Season 1

Yessssss! This is what I'm here for
This is really getting going now. I am very invested in the characters and the plot, they are starting to feel really fleshed out. I have enjoyed it so far, but this episode is where everything is starting to get exciting, and the point at which it feels like everything is starting to hum. I can't wait for the next episode!

Galadriel in particular is starting to feel fully realized. Also, loving the queen and orc leader, I want to know more about them. Not much about the Harfoots in this episode, and they may be the weakest part of the story so far. Hopefully, their plot will start to get more intriguing.

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99

The toll of unfettered capitalism
All these hippies that believed in peace, love and understanding grew up to be yuppies with no moral compass. Initially I was angry at the white middle class men for being so violent and aggressive at the festival, but after watching how the corporations gutted and monetized the original Woodstock experience turning it into a literal mass of swirling trash and feces, I understood the anger of the rioters. Something so beautiful was monetized and perverted. The original promoters should've been more ashamed and apologetic, but instead excused and misdirected any criticism away from their own greedy behavior. The innocence and idealism of youth is easily corrupted and perverted, but the song of the 60's continues to send a message of hopefulnesses that I still believe in. This is a great documentary of an event that I remember happening in my early twenties. I was the same age as the concert attendees, but didn't quite remember all of the details. It was worthwhile to take a look back at this moment in time.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III
Episode 3, Season 1

I'm definitely gonna keep watching, but....
Come on! The leaps in logic are too much. The action is laughable, and the dialogue stinks! Vader should never actually see Kenobi, and probably not Leia either. This story is just too lazy and uninspired. I think the little actress playing Leia is perfect. You all need to lay off these kids. You did the same thing to Jake Lloyd and he was great for his role too. I'm sure none of you keyboard Jedi's could act your way out of a paper bag. And lay off the actress playing Reva, I think she is great and very menacing. Your bigotry towards her is obviously clouding your judgment. The problem is none of the actors have been given anything good to work with. I've had to pause the show several times to moan and vent my frustrations. With all the money Disney plus is raking in, you'd think they could deliver a better product. Rogue One and Mandalorian are proof they can get it right sometimes. Now we just need some consistency.


What!? Whyyyyy!!?
The first two seasons were great. They had me intrigued and binging the whole thing, but season 3 has taken a nose dive. I would give the first 2 seasons an 8 or 9, but this season is a 5. I averaged it out to 7

Spoiler Alert:

Connelly's character was clearly the glue holding this whole thing together, and now in the middle of Season 3 I am having to force myself to sit through a whole episode. I am SO let down to watch a good series unravel so soon. Daveed's character is not interesting enough to keep my interest. I've seen other reviews laying blame on his acting, perhaps, but it may be the writing. Or it may be the fault of such a high-concept setting. Maybe there's just nowhere to go with the plot now that the tailies have taken over? Really it seems like the only interesting place to go with the plot is for them to leave the train, but that's a whole other show, and would probably require a much larger budget. Ho-hum. I wish producers would have a better idea of an over-all story before they start a series. I hate the feeling that I'm watching filler episodes. Maybe it's building to something really cool? I think I can sit through the rest of Season 3, but I don't know about anything after that if this doesn't get any better. And PS, all of you people on here complaining about shows being too "woke" are just revealing your own bigotry. It's time to come up with better critiques.


Change of pace for Marvel is refreshing
I understand that some people thought there wasn't enough action. There's some of us who like adventure without a ton of fight scenes and guns blazing. There was still plenty of action, but it also had a more philosophical approach. One of my favorite parts of the Thor movies is the interlacing of old mythology into current stories, Eternals does that as well. For me, it adds depth and resonance making it more enjoyable than the average action movie. I really hope they make some sequels.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 2020: A Year In Review
Episode 1, Season 15

So funny. They've still got it
10 minutes after finishing the episode and I'm still chuckling. Definitely needed that. Haha. Danny DeVito's bit is cracking me up. Didn't know a new season was starting today. What a nice surprise.

Wonder Woman 1984

Wonder Woman (and Gadot) are delightful
More an 8, but the overall rating seems low to me. This sequel is not as good as the first movie, but pretty great overall. The opening sequence I found exhilarating, and the lightness and fun throughout (especially Kristen Wiig) is a nice change from superhero movies that have gotten so gritty and drab. I liked the plot and the characters, but the dialogue was not good in some scenes, and the direction seemed a little clunky, which is odd because Patty Jenkins did such a great job with the first movie. I just think the script needed a little more polishing. Overall, it was a big, colorful blockbuster that hit all the right spots in a time when things are depressing in the world. That's what Wonder Woman's strength is as a character (and Gal Gadots awesome portrayal) she gives us a lot of heart, hope, truth, justice and a sense of caring for the greater-good (the parts I've always enjoyed most about superhero movies). I can't think of more timely themes. I definitely want more of Gadots Wonder Woman! I also really loved the soundtrack.

Palm Springs

Perfect movie for 2020
It's December 2020, and I finally got around to watching Palm Springs. It was released earlier this year and has been on my radar, but because of the pandemic; time has lost all's the "perfect" movie for this year. (Hard period)

If you've reached the end of all shows you've ever wanted to watch and still haven't seen this one, you won't regret giving it a try.


It's fun...if you're jellicle
If you don't like this movie, you're probably a bore. What were you expecting of a show where people act like cats? It's weird, it's "out there". Maybe you need to do more psychedelics, so you can get a personality and appreciate this treat of a movie? Great sets, fun costumes (don't believe the reviews) amazing singing and dancing! The ear and tail choreography alone deserves an Oscar. Relax. Give in. Try being jellicle for awhile.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

So much better than I first thought.
I'm giving 10 stars to counterbalance what I think are unfair reviews. This movies probably a 9 maybe an 8.

I grew up as a huge fan of the original trilogy, and when I saw this in theaters I felt pretty neutral. I didn't hate it, but it just didn't give me the feeling that I felt when I watched OG Star Wars for the first time. I guess that's been the problem with everything since the original trilogy. George Lucas has been a victim of his own success. Could anything have really lived up to the originals? I don't think so. But going back now, I love this trilogy. It enhances episodes 4-6 in a way that I didn't first realize. The plots, the characters, and the acting are not as abysmal as people claim. Jake Loyd, Jar Jar Binks they're great! And everyone who disagrees is bantha pudu. Y'all just need to lighten up and learn to have a little fun with things. The Jedi Order may be a type of religion, but the movies aren't. Relax. And enjoy!


More than the sum of its parts
I'm really irritated by all the reviews that speak only to what Oblivion has in common with other scifi movies. It is true that there are a lot, but that's what is so great about this movie. It takes all the well-worn tropes of scifi like: alien invasions, post-apocalyptic dystopia's, artificial intelligences gone awry, and a David/Goliath fight for survival and tells a fresh and engaging story. This is a movie that actually has something to say, something that I found very touching. In fact, the more I thought about it after the movie was over, the more I loved what it was saying. The overarching message is obvious enough, but the implications of what it is saying reverberate back through the storyline and give more weight to what could appear, on the surface, a simple action-adventure tale. My friends and I discussed it afterwords and made a lot of interesting observations and connections.

I have to say that I am very impressed with director Joseph Kosinski who came up with the story and helped write the screenplay. His direction for Tron:Legacy was good but flawed (mostly due to a mediocre script that he didn't write), but here he guides the characters through an epic adventure with the restrained passion of a director who is confident in what he is trying to communicate to the audience. Amid the special effects and big set-pieces there is something nuanced and beautiful in what he is trying to say about life and the here-after.

I would definitely recommend this movie. It has all the elements: great visuals, beautiful music, and an entertaining plot. Just keep your mind (and heart) open to the larger themes that are connected to the simpler actions of the characters.

John Carter

Grand adventure, clumsy execution
I'm giving this 7 stars because I love the effort that goes into big, sweeping scifi adventure movies...ones with lots of delicious special effects. And this movie certainly fits the bill. Unfortunately, what could have been a great movie ends up being just passable entertainment. The story starts with a great premise (so great that I went home and immediately downloaded the whole ebook series), but the moment John Carter lands on Mars the characters actions start to lose credibility.

First of all, the wire work when John is finding his new found strength is clumsy at best. And it seems that the filmmakers never really set clear parameters for John's powers. One scene he destroys half an army of the green, horned martians, and the next scene he is being tossed around by just one of them. It seems to me if you can destroy half of their army, you can certainly fend off just one of them.

But the worst offense for me, was the awkward dialog between John and the martian princess. Stilted, with no natural flow, too much talky and not enough subtext. Let their relationship unfold naturally, we want to see them fall in love in a way that is credible. And why would he fall in love with her anyway? For someone who was half naked, she didn't even feel like she was a real woman of flesh and bones. Half-scientist, half- warrior, you'd think she would have jumped off the screen as a character, but her character seemed only half-drawn. Definitely a problem with script & direction, but the actress may be partly to blame. Not sure, haven't seen her in anything else I can remember.

Having said that, I would still recommend this movie to other scifi lovers. There's enough interesting things going on in the movie, and enough other world strangeness to get your fix. I just wish the movie would have been better realized.

I would definitely see a sequel, but wouldn't be too upset if one never gets the green light. Come on Disney! This is twice you've squandered two franchises with great potential. I still don't understand how the new Tron was so beautiful and so boring. I fell asleep!

However, I don't think anyone would likely fall asleep in this movie.

(How's that for a tagline?) "John Carter...You'll Stay Awake!"

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