
IMDb member since March 2012
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    12 years



Novel idea and execution
The story idea of this film is its unique aspect. The film has interesting action sequences and Arjun, played by Anshuman Jha has caught the nuances of classic hand-to-hand combat with finesse. Apart from the action, the story revolves around Arjun, his love for animals and till what extend he can go to protect the helpless animals. Which most Indians would call stray, but Arjun thinks otherwise of it. Character of Akshara is warm and her chemistry with Arjun is refreshing, including their sparing scene which is something to look out for. The technical aspects of this film are fine and the music supports the emotions pretty well.

Overall it was a breeze to watch and an enjoyable film. Such films should be supported.

India's Sons

Raises an issue less spoken off
In a world where hyper feminism is misinterpreted in different ways. This films dives into the very law that was designed to protect the dignity of a woman, and how it has been misused in several instances and till what extent someone can go out of greed or vendetta or get rich quick attitude.

A crisp 90 minute film, takes you through cases with real people involved and from the lens of the director you observe how the life changing situation has affected the victims, its presented with legit facts and expert opinions.

I came across this film through social media and its exhibited through their website. Definitely deserves a watch if you care about social causes and human ethics in general.


Stale premise
College politics has been a fascination for this film maker right from his film Haasil and other ventures which has an undercurrent of underbelly politics. The character isn't anything new that you'd see in this one, often questionable of intellect or intent. The premise of a chess board politics full of pawns is stale, predictable and itchy.

The only actor that truly shines in this dull, is the copy Mrityunjay. His performance is stellar and looks the part. Second best would be Govind.

Technically mediocre with below average visuals. The title track is decent, but BGM overall is forgettable. Editing is functional, but it is the lazy screenplay that makes it functional. Writing is doesn't hold you enough and the boring plot line which doesn't even have a conclusion and is a mere lazy setup makes you wonder. Why do people make these projects?


Great thrills and defying logic
A simple question to the writers, why jack in a position heading a department. Deny every red flags and be pally with a person in question of all the investigations. Hannibal walked around a free man, without ever being investigated instead or even questioned or being discreetly monitored. It's the convenience of glorifying a criminal. Also, jack an fbi personnel who is trained to see things objectively hangs around with jack and brings him to labs And crime scenes like a walk in park. Law doesn't allow that. So yeah! The writers are lazy. Nevertheless good direction, performance and editing..

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