
IMDb member since March 2012
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    12 years


Army of the Dead

Wow. Women are strong. Probably stronger than men.
It happens so often, that it's just about a trope - zombie movies skip over the outbreak. As this movie was quickly glossing over it at the beginning, I said "oh, watch this... they're skipping over an amazing storyline so they can tell a bad one." Yes. So much millennial emotional faff. Women inhabiting archetypal male roles. Bautista was simply a draw so they could tell another "strong wamen" story. It was about 2 hours too long. Painful to watch.

The Haunting of Bly Manor

If you like watching women cry and talk slowly and dramatically about their emotions...
..then this is the show for you! Honestly, they even use the awful drama to diffuse all the horror elements into more drama. I have watched so much horror over the years, I have forgotten more shows that most people have watched; and I can honestly say this was the worst horror show ever made.

War of the Worlds

Gave up on it
Everyone is scared and useless. They often walk by machine guns or leave them behind... it's the bloody apocalypse. But it's when they started going lighter on the action and focused in on an extended sex scene between the African refugee and the blind French girl that I turned it off. Not only is that not necessary, it reduces relationships and intimacy to a purely physical level where strangers just have sex. She practically begs him for it. And she's a teenager and he's an adult. Nope. Truly awful.

Harbinger Down

What's with all the negative reviews?
This is a really great homage to The Thing. Sure, some of the acting was a bit "b-movie" and some of the dialogue and stuff... but the practical effects were INCREDIBLE. It builds well and shows the organism become more and more of a threat. I had to rate it as a 10 because of all the undeserved 3/10 ratings. It is definitely a 6.8/10.

Small Town Crime

Almost turned it off in the first 60 seconds. Really glad I didn't.
Haven't made a movie review on here in years, but had to log in to post this. I didn't think this would be my kind of movie, but I loved it. Favourite movie in months. The slow pace picks up so slowly that before you know it you're watching an action movie. My impression at the end was that it was like watching a modern western - set in suburban life instead of a dusty saloon town.

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