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Pioneer One

Listen to the dialogue
This 10 part series was made on a shoe string budget and it shows in the sets and the props. However, the acting and story were compelling. Due to the budget constraints, the actors had to carry the plot forward with with dialogue and convictions instead of action shots or special effects. Good science fiction should be called speculative fiction, because it is platform to discuss ideas. Spoiler alert: **** The Soviet Union of the 1980's could have sent cosmonauts to Mars in secret, then abandoned them after the fall of the Communist regime. Their system did not value human life. This series was definitely worth my time and held my attention. Real science fiction fans will appreciate this series.

Sundays at Tiffany's

Charming and enjoyable
Delightful premise. Eric Winter does a very good job playing an innocent child-like spirit in an adult body. He plays those scenes with zest and energy. The script has some cute scenes and dialogue based on that premise. Eric Winter and Alyssa Milano have excellent chemistry as best friends.

There are some clichés in this film: The fiancé is a selfish and vain man, who does not appreciate the protagonist's true self. The protagonist gave up on her dreams and took a safe boring path through life. Not every scene works but still a pleasant film.

Stockard Channing is a great performer, but this role does not use her superlative talent.

Alyssa Milano plays down her sexiness to play a regular career girl. She is quite good in this role.


subtle acting, beautifully scored
Give this film a chance. It is deeper than it appears. Jack Frost is not as shallow as he appears. You will genuinely care about the protagonist, Jack Frost, if you watch the lead's performance closely. The supporting cast is particularly strong.

Manhattan and Brooklyn are beautifully photographed in this film. The soundtrack is lovely. Not everything works perfectly in this film, but the strengths outweigh the few flaws that do not work.

Since I checked the spoiler alert, here it is: Jacke Frost's mother committed suicide when he was twelve and he is still suffering from the trauma. It is truly tragic that Lucy Gordon committed suicide after this film was completed.

Au nom de tous les miens

Life affirming movie, inspirational
I hate to use those clichés because people say them so often about movies. I saw this movie as a mini-series on a commercial cable station before DVR. Even with commercials, I watched it back to back one long afternoon and found it riveting. I heat that there is an abridged theatrical release, but I strongly recommend the full mini series. I suggest that when a person watches this mini-series, they should turn off their phone and all other distractions. Please pay close attention to this story, because it is worth it. Don't spoil this movie by reading about the protagonist's real life first. Watch to the very end and it will speak to you.

The message is powerful and important at any time. However, in these harsh times, it particularly resonates.


Good performances from the whole cast
Lexa Doig and Ian Sommerholder were very likable in their roles. They had sexy chemistry together, though the characters never consummate the attraction. Their characters had charming goodbye scene, which left things between them ambiguous and open.

In fact, I would love to see them again in a romantic comedy together. The supporting cast was solid. The villain was compelling. Colin Cunningham had a wonderful comedic role in this movie.

Like all SyFy original films, the special effects are a bit weak at times and the script does have a cliché or two.

But this is worth watching for the Ian Sommerholder, Lexa Doig and Colin Cunningham.

Pirate Radio

Message still resonates in 2011
Superlative cast, superlative soundtrack. While this film is comedic, there is a serious underlying message that resonates today. Governments think that they can dictate what the people hear and enjoy. Well meaning government officials think that they have the should legislate what is is best for the people. One character offers,"Government hates people being free". So very true.

If people find music or speech offensive, they can choose not to listen. It is evil for government to legislate away our choices or the opportunity to hear it in the first place.

Hey, if you want to enjoy this film for the good acting, clever dialog, period costumes and brilliant comedy, that is cool also. Sometimes, humor is the best way to deliver a message.


This movie starts out weak, but improves after Kyle is transformed into the hideous beast. The dialog in the private school scenes is just not plausible, but kudos to the actors for doing their best to sell it. I found Alex Pettyfer's acting after his transformation, rejection and isolation to be moving. I also found his love for Lindy to be quite tender. The make up artist that transformed Kyle into "Hunter" deserves awards for artistry and technique.

Neil Patrick Harris brought energy, power and charm to each scene that he stole. Mary Kate Olsen was brilliant in her small but critical role as the witch. Her wardrobe and make up suited her otherworldly character.

Sadly, Vanessa Hudgins failed miserably in several scenes. The actor who played her father was even worse.

The script had some awkward scenes that just did not work, despite the clever 21st century updates to the classic story. This movie could have been great with a polished script and strong female lead. If only the director had the budget to re-shoot the scenes that did not work, I would be writing a glowing review right now.

I saw great potential in this film. Let's hope that in a few years, a new creative team will try again with the same material.

I Am Number Four

Great supporting cast and supporting characters
This film starts out slow. It takes time before you care about the main character, but I did come around to liking him immensely.

Give this film time to hit its stride and you will enjoy it. There are some plot points taken directly from Joseph Campbell's "The Hero's Journey". However, this is a well crafted vehicle and I sincerely hope they make a sequel. There were some clever and good twists and I want to see the rest of this hero's story.

I don't want to spoil the film by discussing the developments that made me care and believe in the characters. There are some interesting surprises in this film, so just sit through the obvious parts with patience.

The supporting characters are particularly strong. The lead,Alex Pettyfer, delivers on the love story portion.


Excellent supporting characters
You can see that Craig Horner was a very good actor in his first television role. Additionally, Jovita Shaw did a great job as the friend and sidekick. I recommend watching the episodes for the friendship and family story lines and these excellent young actors. The villains were over the top and played exclusively for laughs.

There was one particularly good episode about bullies, that still resonates today.

I did not find the lead actress or lead character interesting. I can't tell if it was the actress or the writing. As I already stated, the science fiction story lines were done very high camp and played for laughs.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

I liked the movie and the books
I loved the 5 books. I also liked this movie. I knew before I watched it that movies have to trim characters, keep the action moving and simplify plot lines.

I think that the director did a good job of casting the gods and demigods. I cared for the demigods and was cheering for their success. I enjoyed seeing the movie's version of Olympus, Camp Half-Blood, the Underworld and the Lotus Casino. I also liked the way they handled Percy and Annabeth's relationship. I know that Percy and Annabeth disliked each other for the first 3 books. In fact, she remained loyal to Luke and kept hoping to save him. But I understand why a popular movie would have to trim Rachel out and move Percy and Annabeth together to please the audience.

I hope that people will read the books and enjoy them, but judge the movie on its own merits.

The Cutting Edge: Fire & Ice

Brendan Fehr is charismatic and sexy!!
Brendan Fehr did a great job of playing the "bad boy", who secretly has a good heart and real character. He was charismatic and interesting in every scene. I thought that the two leads skated well together and that added to their chemistry.

His scene with small girls in the skating class was adorable. Brendan milked a laugh out of very weak scene with the banana and the blender. He was sexy and intense in the one love scene.

Lastly, he looked great in the sport clothes for practice. Kudos to the wardrobe department. I wish that could have come up with something better for his competition outfits.

Yes, the producers are telling the same story as the first 3 movies, so the audience knows exactly what to expect by the final skate/scene.


Definitely worth watching
Superlative cast. Good script. Imaginative plot twists. Usually, I can see plot twists coming from a mile away, but not in this film! This is a well crafted thriller and worthy of the viewer's time. Each plot twist was plausible and consistent with the character.

It was wonderful to see Jessica Alba cast in a challenging role and pull it off perfectly. She is more than just a pretty face. I find Hayden Christensen to be compelling and interesting in every role. I spotted his talent, when he played a troubled teen in a television show called HIGHER GROUND.

Of course, Lena Olin, Terence Howard, Fisher Stevens, Arliss Howard and Christopher McDonald performed their roles seamlessly, which is what you would expect from those professionals.

I liked this film's ending and I don't want to spoil it here. Give this film a shot.

Geronimo: An American Legend

must see for Wes Studi's performance alone
In my humble opinion, this film spent a lot of screen time making U.S. Army characters appear honorable. Yet, those officers were carrying out evil orders from an evil regime. They were stealing the land of the Apache, moving those people to barren wasteland and denying them freedom of religion. When the U.S. Army shot the medicine man, how was that any different that a Nazi shooting a rabbi during a service?

I suspect that film makers must insert white heroes into a movie or it will not get distribution.

Nonetheless, this movie is still worth seeing and moved me deeply. It does show the basic facts of the Apache genocide and Geronimo's life.

Jason Patric's performance as Gatewood is outstanding, understated and overlooked. His stunt work/horse skills are impressive; nothing flashy, he looks like so natural and efficient. (Just like a Cavalry officer of that era would be.)

Now on to the heart of the matter: Wes Studi is a great actor and deserved an Oscar for this performance. This movie is worth seeing for him alone. The director gave the final scene (train to Florida) the proper time, editing and pacing. I will not give away any of the words in that final scene. They are too powerful and beautiful coming out of Wes Studi's mouth. It is an appropriate eulogy to the Apache people.

In conclusion, this is a beautiful movie. Please give it the proper attention that it deserves.

Tristan + Isolde

James Franco - subtle powerful performance
I strongly recommend this film for James Franco's performance. The supporting cast is quite strong also, but James Franco is compelling on screen. I found myself watching him raptly, regardless of the scene. I have never seen a James Dean film, but I imagine that James Franco has the same on-screen charisma.

Pay particular attention to the scene where King Marke tells Tristan that he loves Isolde; she is not a political marriage to him. While Tristan hides his love for Isolde from Marke, he reveals to the audience that he is tormented now for betraying Marke. Awesome! If Rufus Sewell is in a movie, it is worth watching.

The scenes filmed in Ireland are absolutely breathtaking. Tristan + Isolde is worth watching for them alone.

Our Guys: Outrage at Glen Ridge

You will remember this film long after the credits roll
Do not be daunted by the sensational nature of the crime, depicted in this film. The director did not go for shock value. This film is sensitive and poignant despite the grotesque nature of the crime.

This is not your typical made for TV movie. For Heather Matarazzo's performance alone, put this film on your "must see" list. Since the producers used the real names of several perpetrators, I feel confident that the script must be very accurate. (Some of the guilty were shielded from public exposure due to their status as minors.) Most "based on a true story" movies take great liberties with facts, characters and events to make a more dramatic or cohesive film and I tend to dismiss them as entertainment, not documentary.

If you watch this film, I think you will be haunted by the protagonist long after the final credits.

Two Came Back

worth watching
Even though the title and opening sequence give away the ending, this film is still worth watching. Melissa Joan Hart, Jonathan Brandis, Susan Sullivan and Susan Walters give good performances. There is a lot to learn from this film about leadership and survival.

If the producers would change the name of this film and delete the opening sequence, this would be a truly dramatic film.

Nonetheless, it still worth watching for the performances and lessons taught.

With all due respect to Melissa Joan Hart, Jonathan Brandis gave some truly spirited moments in this film, particularly when the characters are finally rescued. Ms. Hart, who is quite talented, could learn to show strong emotion on screen, when it is appropriate.

The Prince & Me

excellent cast
The script has some weak spots, but the cast did a superlative job with the material. Luke Mably does come off like a prince, which could seem pretentious to a Midwest farm girl. Julia Stiles has some good barbs. The equerry/butler practically steals the show.

Despite the "girl finds her prince" theme, Paige (the heroine) is still a strong person, who keeps her identity and dreams. I try to choose films that will inspire my teen girls to study hard, work for their goals, be independent and save themselves for marriage.

This movie is about true love not sex. Parents, you can take your daughters to this movie.

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