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Zone blanche

French crime shows are great and this, one of the best
Firstly, how they translated "Black Spot" from "White Zone" in French is beyond me.

It's a crime show like none other you have seen. A police station in a remote French town in a dense forrest in the middle of nowhere France. Apparently, lots of crime there due to the remoteness, so they say in the show.

French film noire. Scenary is gorgeous, unspoiled etc., and, magical. Each show is completely different other than a murder (of the Mayors daughter) that is trying to be solved throughout the episodes.

No point in trying to describe this show other than it is weird but in a great way. The cast is just lovely in this, they really match well with the location. You best just watch it and after an episode or two, you will be completely hooked as I was.

Some of the other reviews do a decent job trying to explain this show but fall short, as this review does. JUST WATCH IT and you will thank me.

Call Me by Your Name

Wow...Speechless at beautiful this movie was
Like Elio in the end, I just sat there in stunned silence at the end of the movie.

Timothée Chalamet made this movie in his portrayal of the young Elio smitten by Hammer's character Oliver. Timothée Chalamet at his age is already an accomplished acotr. I hope he continues to play roles such as Elio and take us to another place with his depth of character shown so matter of fact by Timothée Chalamet. This young man was brilliant in the role of Elio, brilliant.

So true for the times in 1983. It was a beautiful story, very European in that things are not blowing up in the first 5 minutes to capture your attention. I may as well shut up and say to anyone that loves an even pace, believable emtions having to remain hidden for the times but revealed at the end...then you will love this movie as I did.

American Vandal

It was OK, could have been better
The crime was juvenile to say the least, then again, it was committed at a high school...so, I suppose not far off the mark as far as high school crimes go.

They made a who 'dunnit about the crime and turned it into a drama series, which is OK, but when you think about the nature of the crime you really have to suspend reality to get serious about the detective work. The 2 kid sleuths were good, some interesting twists and turns here and there. Basically old style detective work with some CGI thrown in and a lot of spray paint.

I like the raspy voiced kid accused of the crime played by Jimmy Tatro - he stole the show.

Went on YouTube and found out Tatro is one funny guy. In light of the crime, they should have let Tatro be more like Tatro and had more fun with the series...added more subtle comedy to it. After watching Tatro on YouTube you realize this is a significant departure for him and he was good at it (being serious, sympathetic and vulnerable). All they made him do, in terms of comedy, was be physically vulgar when in fact, he is comically more capable than that.

I mean, this wasn't CSI after all - they should have had a bit more fun with it.

The Frame

Unique & Came Here to Understand
It's rare I read every review trying to figure out what was meant by a movie.

I enjoyed Frame very much, do not know why, but I did. Why I came here.

To read what others think about what it is that I liked so much.

Like Ink, the Winans create a world different than you are used to.

I find many movie reviews exaggerated but this movie and Ink are a unique viewing experience that will captivate you, make you think and then come here and compare notes with others as I am doing.

Watch Frame and Ink before it. You will like them very much as I did.

The Grand Tour

Stupid for the most part
3 man children review cars.

Act like complete idiots, like Hammond in Italy with that ridiculous Dodge Hellcat, burning rubber in Piazza Michelangelo, Florence thinking that would be really funny and cool.

WHAT as ASS. Cannot wait for the English to leave the EU after that performance. I can think of 3 Brits I would not grant a Visa to Italy.

I think people are nice reviewing these 3 as they were fired from BBC. I can see why now.

Stick to the car reviews and get rid of the absurd, humorless, juvenile side shows.

Like The Simpsons, misery loves company and makes people feel smart about themselves - same with these 3. Probably why such a high score here.

Insipid individuals to say the least.

Motorweek at PBS is better than this drivel from the British.

The Adjustment Bureau

Borderline at Best
The Adjustment Bureau intervenes when people deviate from the "plan" for their future selves - no such thing as free will other than choosing a toothpaste brand we are told (when free will is given to humanity without Bureau intervention, humanity near destroys itself and the Earth along it; hence, why the Bureau exists to prevent this from happening). No one knows about them, unless you are Matt Damon who desires Emily Blunt in a non-plan love affair and receives an appearance from them telling him not to pursue her. The Bureau has a Chairman just like the FBI (I am laughing as I type this).

Then we go from stupid new wave ballet scenes with an obvious fish out of water Blunt to electoral campaigns for want to be Senator Damon, just as uninspired as Blunt, with the Bureau intervening to keep them apart (apparently Damon will not make President with ditz Blunt as a wife, that was the only believable part of the movie - her character was at best a spun woman child).

But wait a minute, Damon's obstinate character says otherwise and after a couple of false starts pursues Blunt in the end. So, let's give this a happy ending by having the Chairman rewrite the plan for Damnon and Blunt to be together and wrap it all up by saying that you have to want free will very, very, very bad to change the plan, and these 2 space cadets managed that with the collective IQ of perhaps 100. Somehow their love swayed the Chairman.

The best parts of the movie that were worth watching was when Terence Stamp and John Slattery made appearances. As for the rest, insipid is an understatement. I'm all for Sci-Fi and fantasy, but the ending was just too dumb in the end.

You Are Wanted

Yes it plods, pity, lead is sympathetic
Matthias Schweighöfer as the lead character is a good actor and does a very good job of engendering a sympathetic character in this drama. I wanted to watch this drama just to see him act some more on screen; however, the show plods.

Yes, good camera work and vistas but it plods.

1st episode took 35 min before we find out a hacktivist, as they call it, is responsible - revelation of revelations, even a computer Luddite would have figured it out by then.

Up to that point you are bored silly with a city power outage, a birthday celebration, his family, business meetings, his on screen wife making sandwiches for their over the top cutesy child...even Matthias Schweighöfer'z acting ability could not save this plodding bore of a crime drama and nor could Amazon Prime's X-Ray feature alleviate the in between scene boredom either.

Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List

No View List
Thoroughly annoying girl child too stupid and vapid to know that she is. Her supposedly gay friend that kisses her like a straight boy is more than just a few neurons short of a full load than she is.

And yet, these two Darwin rejects have the temerity to criticize other characters; unfortunately, for being normal human beings, lost on these 2 vacuous between the ears space cadets.

People who identify with this show, all I can say is that "misery loves company".

This show panders to a gay crowd and falls flat on its heterosexual buttocks.

Dear White People

I'm White, Love this Show
They make a point at the start to let you know that black people are just as divided socially as white people, nice, I like that - truth that people are people and have cliques they subscribe to. They also let you know it is not easy being a minority in a white majority, truthful. Why anyone would say this is some SJW show boggles my mind and social privilege, it's set at an Ivy League school, of course there is privilege there, with their steep tuition's. After the initial points are made about society and race, the characters become people with all the hangups that go along with every day life. And YES, it is also WITTY and FUNNY (some great 1 liners like the reference to The Game of Thrones where the only black characters in the show are slaves, too funny). Never liked shows with black characters in them that were marketing sanitized for a white audience. This show is black culture centric with being a human at is core, black, white or whatever color. BTW, the lead actress, Logan Browning, you cannot take your eyes off of her as she is visually stunning. She shone in Hit the Floor (hard to shine in that eye candy show), but in this role she is very good with a character that lets her demonstrate her acting ability.


Annoying characters, dumb ending
Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis, whom I think are wonderful comedic actors, just made me near sick watching this movie. Anne's character was a woman of few morals and a user whilst Jason's character went from being nice and rehabilitating Anne's character to a controlling person bent on having his way. All the while, they are personified by robots in a US playground that manifests as monsters destroying Seoul. And all this because as school children Jason's character stomped on Anne's character's school project. Nothing original about a stupid plot that makes some wonderful actors annoying beyond words.

OXV: The Manual

Free Will vs. Determinism...which is correct?
The frequencies in the movie certainly explain well the power of the Harry Potter incantations and why I love Mozart so much.

Joking aside, the movie does a wonderful job of showing both sides of the human condition - can it change with a free will decision or are we nothing more than byproducts of our environment as in determinism?

Is there the "Theory of Everything" to life? And if so, can it be captured by a formula and used to predict the future of a life? If so, does it matter - do we go along for the ride and enjoy it or try to unravel it?

You will have to judge the above for yourself after viewing the movie.

I loved it and for once, I was not fast forwarding to the last 20 minutes when typically, all is revealed. In this movie, you need to see it all from start to finish. And in this, you will be rewarded.


Duchovny makes this whole show...
After about 4 or 5 episodes I find myself waiting for Duchovny to come back into a scene, he makes this whole show go forward; otherwise, a bit plodding in terms of story and script. The Manson actor good but in a scene with Duchovny, no contest who makes the scene memorable. Without Duchovny, a plodding script with pretty boy, pretty girl actors whom you want to be forgiving towards as it is obvious they are trying their best and good at it, but the script will not let you do it.

The show does a pretty good job of showing the times for what they were in terms of dress, cars, music and the like but at times, it gets in the way of the show. For example, the Duchovny characters son shows up having fled the war as an enlisted soldier appalled that he was in Cambodia fighting what he believed was an illegal war. Accurate but really off topic and this character is a diversion to the plot and unnecessary to illustrate the times. It is unlikely Manson did what he did because of this, so why throw this in the script (including the Black Panther movement angle)?

If the writers had stuck to the crime drama, dress, music, cars of the period it would have been a great series. Too many plot diversions that are unnecessary and make the script plodding.

BTW, David looks great for his age and his acting accomplished. He makes the pretty boy actors in the show look just that, boys and not men. Why I gave the show an 8/10. Without him in this show, try 6/10 at best.


Stadt Land Fluss with More Intimacy
Essentially Stadt Land Fluss with more sexual content in it but the movie was also moody, intimate and the ending took me by complete surprise.

The movie took awhile to get rolling but that is typical of European movies (i.e., no action scene within the 1st minute as in American movies needed to keep the audience from leaving the movie theater).

All 3 actors in the movie were believable and into their roles. If those 3 boys are straight, they deserve an award.

You could conclude it was East European homophobic but; rather, Aron could not move on without freeing himself of Szabolcs and the guilt after his Mother's death - he was addicted to Szabolcs. That has nothing to do with geography nor homophobia, in the end it is selfish love for ones self over all others and in its worst form. Aron could not come to terms with whom he was.

Ripper Street

Beyond words excellent.
Since I have to satisfy the 10 line criteria, here goes (i.e., the Subject is enough said):

I love detective shows and British drama's and this is the perfect combination of both. The actors were excellent, the story line has you guessing, is refreshing and I wish all shows were this good.

A lot happens in each episode, most of what I see on TV these days would take a Ripper Street episode and stretch it out to 3 or 4 episodes.

There is some blood and gore but really watch The Knick and other medical shows or US cop shows and this has no more than those.

It appears this may be the last season (3). I would be nice if the shows talented writers could bring the characters back together again for a 4th season.

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