
IMDb member since April 2012
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    12 years



Three women of different social backgrounds decide to fight back after being the victims of repeated assaults by men in the street or in the bus. This movie manages to address the delicate issue of sexual assaults on women in a very interesting way: each character has a unique standpoint and no moral judgment is imposed in the end. There is a little zest of comedy in the tragedy, some truly powerful and positive moments, and despite some stereotypical characters, the film avoids caricature. The three heroines are credible and endearing. Their relationships with men are complex, and it is hard not to ask yourself: What would I do if I faced the same challenges as they face? A perfect movie to watch on 8 March... International Women's Day.

The Promise

Understanding Britain's role in Palestine in the mid-1940s
This mini series has a great plot. The parallel stories of Erin and Len Matthews are told in a really convincing way, with enlightening comparisons between the situation of Israel in 1946-1948 and today. I personally did not know much about the role of the British army in the couple of years prior to the creation of the State of Israel, and so I found Len's journey particularly interesting. The film is very didactic and is thus accessible to people who are not too familiar with the roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict. My only disappointment was the way Erin's character turns into a caricature in episodes 3 to 4. Her stubbornness and lack of respect for the lives of others make her really irritating. She puts other peoples' lives at risk multiple times and her behaviour is so reckless, despite her rather hazy motives, that it becomes unbelievable at times. Other than that, a very enjoyable series.

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