
IMDb member since April 2004
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The Family Stone

Condoing sibling swaping
I really don't understand how people could enjoy this crappy mix of comedy and drama. It is clear that the director didn't know what he wanted this movie to be-a comedy, a drama, a family movie. Whatever his/her intent, it failed on all counts. This movie couldn't be more unrealistic. For all you people out there with families, would it be acceptable if your fiancé hooked up with your sister? Or if your fiancé hooked up with your brother? Considering the high rating for this filth, you people at IMDb consider that event to not only be normal but entertaining as well! And what was the unnecessary stuff about the breast cancer? Come on, that had nothing to do with Dylan McDermott's character wanting to marry Sarah Jessice Parker. Most surprising of all, how could all of this good talent agree to do this stupid script? Please explain it to me how they would all choose to do this ridiculous montage of so many different movies. My wife and I rarely turn off a movie before it is over, and we did with this one0mainly because of the stupid acceptable sway of fiances for siblings. If any of you out there think that this movie is in any way realistic, your families are more screwed up than the Stones. Last, the previews did not depict this movie in any way similar to what the movie actually gave us.

The Aryan Couple

Good film ruined by horrible directing
The script was incredible.

The story was extremely engaging.

The actors did wonderful, in-depth jobs.

The editing ruined it all. You could literally see the microphone above the main characters during the last 30 minutes of this movie. It was a huge distraction to everyone in the theater. Also, the actor's mouths were cut off in most of the last half of the movie. This is by far the worst editing that I have ever seen in any movie, low-budget to big budget. How could they not notice the bobbing microphone in those last scenes? How could they justify only seeing the cheekbones and foreheads of the characters? For all producers out there, do not ever, ever, ever hire the people that created this film. They completely ruined a film that had Oscar-worthy written all over it.


Anti-climatic war film
Unfortunately, I was disappointed by the highly anticipated film, Jarhead. I thought that the problem was not with the direction, cinematography, or acting, but, instead with the story itself. I thought the film was beautifully done, but there was not enough meat to the story. I understand that this is an accurate depiction of Desert Storm in 1989, but therein, lies the problem. As the film depicts, Desert Storm was anti-climatic. It was over before most of us knew it. While I was not misled that this was the focus of the film, I kept waiting for something to happen, just like the soldiers.

I guess the bottom line is that the nature of Desert Storm of waiting doesn't transfer well into a movie. One can not help and compare this to other war films where things happen and large lessons are learned about mankind. In Jarhead, very little happens and unfortunately, very few lessons are learned. I also didn't like the ambiguity of the end. What happens to Peter Sarsgaard's character? I look forward to see if people praise this movie for its great direction over the lack of substance in the film.

Oliver Twist

Wonderful version of a classic
I thoroughly enjoyed this version of Oliver. WHile I missed the music, I found that this version was more emotionally engrossing with great character development of Fagan and Oliver. I was moved by the duality in the characters, the scenery, and incredible lighting that Polanski used. As well, I felt that this version did not sugarcoat the pain and misery of being a child, especially an orphan, in this time. I found various differences in the plot from the first version. Since I have not read the novel, I am unsure which plot was more true to the book. I am guessing that Roman's was the more accurate, but I could be wrong. I highly recommend this movie for adults, but I am unsure if children would enjoy it. I found it deeply moving and upsetting as you follow the despair of Oliver with glimpses of hope. Bravo to Polanski for creating a movie that is definitely his own, which doesn't avoid the pain of being a child, and which has the courage to present characters with their strengths and flaws.

Sin City

A bunch of superficial poop
This movie truly blows. It looks awesome and has that film noir feel like in the previews, but it all boils down to simplistic testosterone fueled, superficial poop (i can't really speak my mind on IMDb). Have we, as men, not evolved past this? I guess not!! This movie is so awful, I am going to prevent myself from getting worked up and not sleeping. Warning: If you are a woman and want to be demeaned, objectified, and get ticked off, please see this movie. If you a man with half a brain, spare yourself the trip to the cinema for this one. But, if you are like most of dumb-ass drones out there, see this movie. You actually may look at it on the most surface of levels and enjoy all of the sexism, chauvinism, and Oedipal themes pervading through this sh*t of a creation


Fantastic Epic with minimal flaws
Unlike many people in the audience, I thoroughly enjoyed Alexander. Outstanding acting by Colin, Jared Leto, Angelina, and Val Kilmer. I thought the sets were fantastic as was the lighting that Stone is known for.

Bravo to Stone for being brave enough to accurately depict Greek culture with Alexander's bisexuality. Too bad there are so many homophobic bigots out of there with no understanding of history!!

My only criticism is that I think the movie could have done without the Anthony Hopkin's parts. I thought these parts took away from the flow of the movie, and seemed like a history lesson. Now I know most people are unaware of history, but they can read up after the film if they are so inclined.


I love Gus Van Sant, but this movie if far from his masterpiece. Although I was very excited to see this movie, I was disappointed by the extremely slow pace of the movie. I hoped to gleen a DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of h.s. shootings, but GVS did not explore this subject on any kind of deeper level that even approaches surpassing all of the media reports following Columbine. While many IMDb users love his take in this subject, I found his following the students around boring and extremely redundant. Sure, you can make countless interpretations, but you are probably doing this to rationalize waste your time on this flic. GUS VAN SANT IS BRILLIANT, BUT THIS MOVIE IS NOT. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON this movie.

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