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The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf

If only this were made before S1 of The Witcher
The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf should have aired before the first season of The Witcher. Maybe then the latter would have made some sense (I haven't read the books or played the game).

This animated movie is so good, it should have actually been a series; it is gripping from beginning to end, the action is top-notch, and it's filled with interesting characters. And I actually enjoyed the main Witcher and Geralt's future mentor, Vesemir; I'd like more of him, please.

Because of the movie, I will be watching season 2 of The Witcher, in the hope that the editing and mood are better than in the first installment.


Where are the book characters we love?
I don't care what color the actors are or even about the inclusion of modern music, but I do care how the characters are completely butchered compared to the books. I'm a huge Quinn fan and this series, although welcome in theory, fails to capture the subtleties of each character and the humor of the narration. I want more period pieces on Netflix, yes, but please don't call this one Bridgerton. I wish I hadn't read the books, perhaps I'd have enjoyed it more.

Sekai meisaku dôwa: Mori wa ikiteiru

A childhood memory and a lesson in loyalty
I used to watch this movie around Christmas when I was a little girl and it hasn't left my mind since. It's one of those simple, pure stories with a poignant theme song and an endearing main character. A little bit of magic, a lot of soul, and a lesson in loyalty and kindness, topped with a satisfying ending. As a child, I was fascinated by Brother January, his long beard, and his wisdom. When I rewatched the movie today, I still had goosebumps whenever he appeared. The Snowman is my Christmas tradition and from now on I will make Twelve Months my end of the year tradition.


A decent depiction of real events
Despite a few historical discrepancies, this series manages to portray the brutality and the customs of both the Romans and the Germanic tribes. Like the Celts, the latter were deemed "barbaric" and kept bickering among themselves, which made it easier for the Roman Empire to occupy their land. I love that all Roman dialogue is in Latin; this certainly makes it more realistic. Technically, the real Arminius married Thusnelda 5 years after the battle of Teutoburg, and not before, as depicted here. But many other details are accurate: Armenius' background story (though he wasn't really Varus' adopted son), Thusnelda's parents' allegiance to Rome, etc. The battle of Teutoburg forest, however, did not end in less than an hour, but took 3 days, and it wasn't 1500 Roman soldiers vs 1000 Germanic warriors, since about 15000 fighters actually died. Regardless, the series is a decent, albeit gloomy production, with great chemistry between the main characters. Ari's portrayal and his interaction with his Varus steal the show. I hope they make a second season.

Cutthroat Island

Fun popcorn pirate movie
Just take this as it is: a fun aventure film to enjoy with a big bowl of popcorn. Geena Davis' natural face and statuesque figure, Thailand's breathtaking beaches/islands, ridiculously entertaining fight and chase scenes, gorgeous pirate ships, a hilarious pet monkey, and memorable characters, they're all a delight to watch. The soundtrack is perfectly suited for it. I give this film a 6.5.

Black Sails

Underrated series with fabulous acting and art direction
Rarely does a second season surpass a first, but that is exactly what happens on this show. If you are hesitating to finish the first season, please do, because you are in a for a ride that will literally leave you breathless in Season 2, and then onward. Every shot is carefully studied to convey the right atmosphere as per the characters it features. Every costume and makeup design is fitting. Every actor was perfectly cast ! There are characters you will love, and others you will love to hate, but nobody will leave you indifferent, not even the minor ones. Sure, there will be nudity and the occasional gay sex to up the ratings, I get it, but they were tastefully executed, even though they were not needed to keep you hooked. No spoilers, but there are some major dialogue performances in the last season. We would love to see the sequel, Treasure Island, made in the same spirit as Black Sails, with a few of our characters returning.


dark, gory and heartfelt; will keep you wanting more
Whether you are familiar with the video game or not, you are in for a treat ! The animation, coloring, and music are jaw-dropping. The overall atmosphere takes you in from the very first minute. It is gory, it is glorious, and all of the characters are interesting and deserve more background screen time, damn it ! You will laugh, you will be teary, you will not take your eyes off the screen because every single drawn line is a masterpiece. The dialogue is never boring; it is witty, dark, meaningful, and only makes use of swearing on point. My only problem is how short each episode is; we want to see more things happening. But it doesn't matter, since they only release a few episodes every year and you will binge-watch them in one or two days, I promise. Unless you are easily offended, in which case, this is not the right animation for you. In the last episode of Season 2, enough material was laid off for us to look forward to Season 3, which, alas, will only be in a year from now. Will be waiting.


a missed opportunity
So much could have been done with this, because the plot line is interesting. Alas, when the lead male "actor" is about as expressive as a wall, it is hard to sympathize with his quest, let alone find it convincing. A mug can act better than that, even if it may not look as pretty on camera.

Almost everyone at the theater was laughing at the "cliche" lines, the poorly-written dialogue taken from an old Arabic dictionary and some book of proverbs and outdated expressions, the wooden vs exaggerated acting, etc. Even the sex scenes lacked emotion and were poorly directed ; but I think it is the first Lebanese movie that dares to produce any, so a thumb up for that.

The only thing that really saved this film was the excellent sound effects and the decent coloring, and it is not surprising, considering the post-production was handled by none other than The Postoffice.

The Affair

the theme may be done to death, but the execution is excellent
The theme has been done to death, but this time prepare to be pleasantly surprised, for the execution of this short series is quite good and features not only lust but also the characters' psychological descent as influenced by loss, poor communication, and bad parenting.

I have just finished the entire first season, and I must say, it was not at all what I expected. I thought it would be a simple, sexy, scandalous story full of clichés; instead I found myself more and more drawn to a deeper, psychologically complex drama that perfectly illustrates how there are three sides to each story: his version, her version, and the truth. Expect solid performance, melancholic scenery, careful art direction, and excellent choice of costumes as per each character's persona.

Oh and you have got to love the opening theme performed by Fiona Apple.

Far from the Madding Crowd

Dreamy Drama
There is something about Carey Mulligan that moves me. Ever since I first discovered her in the poignant dystopian film Never Let Me Go, I kept a close eye on her.

In Far From The Madding Crowd, where every single actor is rightfully cast, she truly shines as the hard-working, independent, headstrong Bathsheba.

The film is beautifully scored. Look out for Carey's charming version of Let No Man Steal your Thyme.

The scenery is breathtaking. It just makes you want to up and head to Dorset. In a way, the use of natural light reminded me of Days of Heaven.

Go see this dreamy drama; I guarantee it will not leave you indifferent.


stylish but can be missed
Unlike other viewers, I actually liked the "white flashes" and faded silhouettes effect. It is, after all, the film's unique signature and it's perfect for the theme. So that was not irritating. What WAS annoying, however, was the music. Extremely. And the overacting vs indifferent acting. Even though I'm a fan of Julianne's, I thought Bernal was the only one who pulled a convincing performance. The overall plot is interesting. What is not plausible however is how the only character who did not lose her eyesight could be bullied around for that long. If anything she should have been in control from the start. Would I recommend this movie ? Much like other dystopian movies, it is slow, gloomy and emotional. So if you like the latter, go ahead. But don't expect it to be a moving experience.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Review based on the movie, I haven't read the books
There was absolutely no chemistry between the main actors.

The sex is about as sensual as a log of wood thrown on the road.

The sets and art direction are excellent and create the perfect ambiance.

The music is all right in terms of theme and pacing.

She was irritating and there were way too many close-ups of her. Neither her features nor her mannerism could hold it.

He was every bit of gorgeous, but with a rather wooden performance; no pun intended, because he's as sensual as last year's sock.

Will I be watching Part II ? NAY.

Will I be reading any of the books ? NAY.


Decent Movie in Docudrama Style
You might like :

  • Brad Pitt. Because, whether you like him or not, this guy has enough on-screen charisma to keep you glued to your seat even if the movie was written by Kristen Stewart. - The credible performance of Shia LaBoeuf, Logan Lerman, and Jon Bernthal. - The outstanding makeup. All wounds look believable. - The editing: it's fast-paced but doesn't make you dizzy, as there is very little use of the shaky cam.

You might not like :

  • The plot, or lack thereof. There isn't a story per se, this seems like an episode from a long series. - The extreme gore and violence. I'm fine with it, but some of you might not be, so don't watch it if you're faint of heart. - The inevitable American pride speeches.

Gun Frontier

Spaghetti Western meets Japanese Animation
Another Matsumoto gem, but not meant for the general public. It is slow-paced, melancholic, poetic, surreal, and contains a lot of violence, sex and "nudity". The animation is pretty basic, but the dialog is very-well written and there is room for character development.

The way it ended suggested there might be another season, so we're still waiting.

I think you'll only enjoy it if you're used to Spaghetti Westerns, or absolutely adore two of Matsumoto's main characters, Harlock/Albator the pirate and Toshiro the Samurai. Well, what seems to be their ancestors or their previous incarnation in the 19th century West, that is.

I've seen this in French, which apparently is the better dubbed version compared to English, with a more faithful translation.

We're the Millers

Much Better Than Expected
David Burke is a pot dealer who is blackmailed into going to Mexico to pick up a big shipment of marijuana to smuggle back into the U.S. Realizing that a man travelling alone might draw attention, he asks his stripper neighbour Rose, naive teenage neighbour Kenny, and runaway punk girl Casey to tag along; together, they form "The Millers" family.

"We're the Millers" is a comedy movie that looks like it's not taking itself too seriously, but is actually very smart.

It delivers funny and sarcastic lines, and features interesting characters.

The latter are never one-dimensional; even the villains were likable, and minor ones have memorable lines ( "You know what I'm sayin' ? "). I mean, Mr. Gurdlinger bought an Orca because he's rich but he hates sports car, for crying out loud !

Memorable scenes include: a spider bite, a warehouse strip dance, and a "swingers" misunderstanding in a tent.

The film also subtly makes fun of families who go on holiday to "exotic" places and indulge in all the clichés.

Do not forget to watch the end credits, there is a funny bloopers reel; "Friends" fans especially will like it.


Grunge meets Gothic
This is not your usual vampire movie.

Here, vampires walk in the sun, aren't particularly pale, and they don't possess any power save their immortality. Even the teenage human-vampire relationship features a gentle, sad, reflective vampire-girl, and a sickly, incoherent young man.

Your usual fangs were replaced by a prolonged fingernail that does the cutting, thus allowing the vampire to drain the victim of blood.

In all those aspects, the vampires in this movie are very human, whether vindictive and patriarchal (The Brotherhood), forgiving and hopeful (Darvell), passionate, selfish and hedonistic (Clara ), or melancholic and compassionate (Eleanor).

Every character here shows both strength and fragility.

The editing was smooth and the art direction very subtle. I really liked the contrast between the modern grunge setting and the 200-year-old Gothic flashbacks. Sure, the blood fountain and crowing birds are overly used, but the "island" is creepy and solemn enough without it being ridiculous.

And everyone's performance is believable, even the minor roles. Violent scenes are brief, but very powerful and not for the faint of heart. They always come at the right time to make you snap out of the melancholic mood.

I will not write spoilers, suffice it to say the story is told in mini-doses of flashbacks, so if patience is not your virtue or you're not used to indie movies, I cannot recommend it to you. If you can easily finish the first half of the movie, which is the slower part, then this means you've enjoyed the experience.

Hell on Wheels

Quality TV, albeit slow-paced
I'm a huge fan of Westerns, especially the Spaghetti sub-genre.

This show here has all the key elements to make it appealing: the lone (anti)hero, the damsel in distress who turns out to be tougher than she looks, the prostitute with the tragic background, the mad priest with faith and family issues, the former slave who has turned arrogant and thinks he's invincible, the gentle Native American with the equally cruel brother, the greedy employee, the adventure, the wild scenery, revenge, brutality, costumes, etc...

Christopher Heyerdahl, whom I discovered in the series Sanctuary, gives an excellent performance as a holier-than-thou, soulless and methodical Scandinavian. He is one of the strangest villains ever written. Sadistic, smart, cultured, ruthless, and high-maintenance.

It's not the above-mentioned elements that make this series so enjoyable, but rather the gorgeous cinematography and intense character development. Sure, the action drags at times, but the scenery is breathtaking, the characters believable, and the plot pertinent and gripping.

Give it a chance, it's quality TV, albeit slow-paced. Looking forward to Season 3 !


visually impressive, but hollow
If you have enjoyed Tron: Legacy (visually, that is), you'd like Oblivion.

Impressive sets and special effects, very cool soundtrack provided by M83...The dialog however leaves a lot to be desired, and we barely get to see five minutes of Morgan Freeman.

The ending was hastened, and that is a shame; it's as if all of this suspense building up throughout this (rather long) movie was all for nothing.

Tom Cruise plays, well, Tom Cruise. As for Olga Kurylenko, she can act almost as good as a wooden chair on a lazy afternoon.


patience, grasshopper
I've decided to contribute here merely to counter those who have written bad reviews based on the first episode or two.

This is one of those shows that will only make sense as the episodes go by, I assure you all the illogical things that ticked you off in the beginning will start to make sense after a while. Yes, even Oliver's penchant for technology and electronics, as one reviewer pointed out he couldn't have possibly gathered such an elaborate system in the club's secret room after five years away from civilization...or so we thought.

This show relies on flashbacks, the editing is smart and smooth, especially when the same theme is tackled in each episode comparing Island Oliver with Present-Day Oliver.

So, to all new viewers, stop being so impatient. This series relies both on action and psychology, it has a lot of character development, so yes, if you're here only to see bad people getting their butt kicked, you will be disappointed.

The acting is a bit off at times, true, but the actors are extremely charismatic, and clearly comfortable in their respective roles.

Looking forward to Season 2.

Downton Abbey

lavish and sentimental, not for cynics
Downton Abbey isn't for everybody. That is not to say that it is a progressive, experimental series that only caters for viewers with peculiar taste.

I've read the reviews of those who have found it 'soapy' and 'redundant' and found them excessively harsh. The series doesn't take itself too seriously, after all, hence the small number of episodes.

If you're a fan of period drama, you're in for a treat. The costumes are gorgeous, the sets, lavish, and the scenery, dreamlike. The characters are never one-dimensional and you're sure to sympathize with them, for various reasons. There are those you love and there are those you love to hate. But nobody in here could possibly leave you indifferent, and isn't this the purpose of a series ? To build an attachment between the viewer and the characters ?

Sure, it's a little too sunny for the English countryside.

Sure, there are a few plot hole which I'm sure will be filled in season 3.

Sure, those aristocrats are a tad too indulgent and familiar with their 'servants'.

But these are some of the elements that make Downton Abbey so interesting.

If you don't shed a tear or two, then there is no hope for this cold, technology-fueled world.

Snow White and the Huntsman

Ugly Gold Disk On The Wall, Stewart can't possibly be fairer than Theron, right ?
Why oh why must Hollywood make such flawed movies when they have so much potential ?

I only saw this because I really liked Snow White: Tale of Terror; I thought it was an interestingly dark portrayal of the classic tale, especially with names like Sam Neill and Sigourney Weaver ! So I thought hey, it's 2012, so we're going to get a lovely grim mood but with better visual effects !

I was right about the effects, they are indeed stunning, especially as far as the scenes with the Evil Queen (Theron) are concerned. Her costumes are gorgeous...and that's about it.

Tell me, in what universe would a blank damsel like Stewart be considered fairer than the sexy, outgoing Theron ? None as far as I'm concerned. To make the Queen's jealousy believable, at least cast an actress who is drop-dead gorgeous ! She does not constitute a credible threat whatsoever ! It goes without saying that Stewart conveyed no depth to her character. None. We got the same blank expression as in the Twilight movies. Her Joan of Arc costume in the battle scene was ridiculous.

Also...Isn't the mirror supposed to be a key element in the story ? I see no reason why it was replaced by an UGLY gold disk that shape-shifts into a liquid silhouette whenever it spoke with the Queen..Is this The Ring ?

I won't even mention Hemsworth's terrible acting (and accent) because, frankly, he's such eye candy he makes you forget how dull Snow White looks in comparison..He even makes you forget the badly filmed/edited forest sequence.

The character of William was, sadly, under-exploited. Seeing Snow White so detached from him was almost laughable, while he proved to be faithful and honorable after those long years of separation.

See this movie only for its beautiful opening scene, the child actress who played little Snow White, and for entertainment purposes (Theron's over-the-top, excessive acting is a little startling, before turning downright ridiculous).

However, I'd recommend you rent Tale of Terror instead, despite the cheesy title. At least that Snow White was pretty to look at and that Queen was chilling !

Dark Shadows

two perfectly mixed moods, but many plot holes
I understand the bad reviews, I really do. Even though I haven't seen the original series, I am a Burton fan and I do believe the man will always stay true to himself: he certainly knows how to create a mood, you've got to give it to him. And he certainly knows how to bring the best out of Johnny Depp.

Unlike other reviewers, I totally accept the mix of early 1970's and 18th century 'Gothica'. Both periods intertwine perfectly. Clichés as they may be, the makeup, costumes and recurring 70's themes (rock music, weed, war, peace) seemed very appropriate and didn't clash at all with that gorgeous old mansion.

The soundtrack is just perfect; beside Elfman's usual touch, A Theme From Summer Palace and The Carpenters' Top of the World for example made me smile. There is a lot of warmth and nostalgia in this movie, as opposed to the cold, Gothic scenes from Barnabas' past.

The woman who plays Victoria/Josette, Isabella Heathcote, namely a TV actress...well, she is definitely the star of every scene she's in. Her unusual beauty and facial expressions tell me she's going to be a big star in no time. Maybe it's because I don't like Eva Green, but I think she was miscast as Angelique..and I think Helena Bonham Carter and Michelle Pfeiffer should have switched roles, that would have given their respective characters more..spice and credibility.

There were too many details given out in a haste, in order to summarize a series in a single feature film, but instead of making the latter fast-paced this simply leaves us puzzled, and asking for more. Plot holes may be allowed in series because there is always room to fill them later and add interesting twists, but in a movie it is not advisable.

The sex scene was as ridiculous as Johnny Depp's musical act in Alice in Wonderland. But both suicide/cliff scenes were gorgeous to look at and serve as a reminder that Burton hasn't lost his touch.

See it for the fun of it, it's real eye candy, and an entertaining story, but don't expect a masterpiece of depth and drama.

Les mondes engloutis

eerie and unforgettable
French speakers will be pleased to watch the original version of these two seasons again, because cartoon series are not what they used to be ! The language used in the dialogue is brilliant, literary yet not pompous; so, parents who want their children to learn correct French should make them watch such series instead of today's superficial material.

And despite the very basic effects (it does look old, with faded colors and glitches), the atmosphere here is just lovely ! Every tableau, every place these guys visit aboard Shashag is eerie and beautifully made.

And to avoid taking itself too seriously (the main synopsis isn't exactly a walk on the beach), there are comic relief characters, like Bik and Bak, and those pirates with 80's rockers haircuts ! So cool !

The main theme is haunting and the other songs, even though they're repeated in almost every episode, are always fun to watch.

Tannoura Maxi

a missed opportunity, movie lacks focus
I had such high hopes for this film ! Instead, I found myself looking at my watch every fifteen minutes. What a shame, because the art direction is just beautiful !

The soundtrack is captivating, and, to us Lebanese, there were many nostalgic elements, such as the Singer sewing machine and the Rayovac batteries ad. They made me smile. But it stops there.

This is a Lebanese village. What's with all the Malena references ? What's with the Spanish costumes and, sometimes, music ?

Why kill the idea of the little boy/narrator scenes with repetitive elements ?

Why use clichés, such as the two women gossiping in church ? That scene looked so fake !

And while the main female character is beautiful, her expressionless face killed it for me. Blank, indifferent, she didn't touch me for one second, despite the extensive use of sunlight and close-ups (repeatedly ad nauseum) to make her look appealing. She doesn't ooze half the sex appeal of another female character, the village's 'amoral' woman, for lack of a more appropriate term. A much better actress in my opinion, and a character I'd have liked to see developed.

Also..I do not know why they felt the need to showcase so many crippled/mentally disabled characters. Was it to touch us, because the two main characters were so blank ? Well that didn't work either.

Now for the war reference. Oh wow, bravo for yet another 'the Lebanese Forces were a cruel, sectarian militia who did nothing but brutalize and steal and kill.Yay for liberals/Leftists.' I bet the Dubai people who financed the movie were more than happy to do so, because of the dance scene in church first, and the LF militiaman brutalizing a veiled woman second. :) Politically, this movie is clearly one-sided, and a tad tacky at that.

Aesthetically, save for the lack of focus in many shots, it was real eye candy.

Would I recommend this movie ? Only if you have a lot of patience, if you like sunlight and warm shots, and do not expect to identity or sympathize with any of the main characters.


mixed feelings
This is an extremely frustrating series, because so much more could have been done with it.

Granted, the main plot is original, the special effects phenomenal, the characters interesting, the makeup believable, etc.

And yet... The plot holes, oh the plot holes.

Not many people I know have watched more than one or two seasons, but I assure you it gets better with time. Season 3 is by far the best written of all.

In the end, you get attached to the characters, despite the mythological and historical discrepancies, especially with an actress as formidable as Amanda Tapping. But now that they've announced there won't be a Season 5, many of our questions will forever remain unanswered...frustrating, I tell you.

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