
IMDb member since May 2012
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What's not to like . Its a Hollywood movie !!
What's not to like ? It's a big budget Hollywood movie . Good special effects and some real thrills in patches. First three quarters was superb . A lot of people on here don't get the films purpose. A Lot were expecting Jurassic park . It was just as the dinosaurs were to facing extinction . They jettisoned out in the escape capsule , typical Hollywood movie !! The two actors were excellent and gave a good account of themselves. Solid performances from both of them . I enjoyed it , I wasn't expecting a classic but it wasn't a disaster as so many people said it was . Special effects were brilliant .

This England

Heartbreaking,shocking but brilliant drama
Absolutely heartbreaking and shocking account of real life events of no 10 and dealing with the outbreak of Covid-19 . Kenneth Brannagh was incredible as the mumbling eccentric Boris and the rest of the cast were absolutely brilliant too. Casting was amazing . The mix of humour and drama in at no 10 coupled with heartbreaking scenes was so good they nailed it !!!! I know how it feels, I was on ventilation fighting for life at that same time March 2020 exactly the time of the firstnational lockdown. Difficult to watch but it was incredible at the same time. Thanks goes to NHS. I can't believe the low rating by some ? Are people mad?


COCO is simply Brilliant!!
Really really great animation. I understand a bit more Mexicans celebrating the dead 🤣, seriously though this was a superb animation and I had a tear in my eye at the end , keep the tissues to hand but such good ending too 👍

Blocco 181

Slow start but gripping towards the end .
I thought it was slow in the beginning but stick with it . If you like the Mafia Street gang thing you will like this . The 3 main characters were young twenty somethings trying to get rich quick typical story that had quite a gripping ending . I think 7/10 is fair . I enjoyed Blocco 181 . Looks like there will be a 2nd series too.

Top Gun: Maverick

This is why we go to the Movies
Top Gun MAVERICK was superb and it did everything it said on the tin and more. So if you watched the original then you would know it had all the hallmarks of the 1986 cult classic . Very similar story In fact but that's where similarities end. It's far better action and the dog fight traning sequences are spectacular, stunning , breathtaking etc etc , an absolute must go see movie if you like war movie navy action . To sum up, the story was nothing special, its pretty much a reboot of the original but surely that's not the reason your going to watch Top Gun for is it .


Bell Air A realistic adaptation not a copy!
It's a adaptation not a copy . I like it for what it is . The original was funny and innocent. This is more realistic rough and ready . Modernisation . Don't understand the bad ratings on here. Most expected it to be the exact same as fresh prince 90s? That's just so dumb .

One Shot

Not terrible . Entertaining & action packed
Not a masterpiece but it does the job . Decent enough acting considering the plot . Mainly action. Reminded me of paint balling session at one point there was such I body count lol . But I gave it 7/10 because it exactly what it said on the tin ! The ending was left open for more movies too. I might be generous giving it 7 out 10 but I think it was ok as far as action films go.

Stay Close

Keeps u interested and binge worthy
Ignore the bad reviews . It keeps you interested and has twists. Very binge worthy . Acting was ok nothing spectacular. Cassie was very good. 7/10 for me . A good binge worthy made for tv british murder mystery . Some a acting was a bit wooden in parts but on the whole it was fine for a TV mystery series.

Don't Look Up

Hilarious frightening and true
Such a clever film . They didn't want to make it look like a popcorn disaster movie . I was very impressed with the comedy and acting was superb. A must watch . I don't get some of the negative reviews . It's not meant to be Bruce Willis (Armeggedon) all over again is it now !! It's funny and frighteningly true . 8/10 for me .

The Witcher

Flawed Masterpiece if that makes sense !!!
Just completed The Witcher . Very confusing in parts and each episode could of been watched out of chronological order as it had a stand alone feel to it, didn't seem cohesive enough but a special effects masterpiece nevertheless. The CGI was stunning and beautifully blended in , it didn't seem over the top at all . Just wished it had a continuous feel to it . More cohesion in the story was needed for me to give it a higher rating than 7.5/10 Can't wait for series 2 . Out next week I believe ?

Ojing-eo geim

All time classic . Unique !!!
What a tremendous watch . Riveting series . Wasn't expecting this at all . Ended up being an all time classic. The Koreans have nailed it yet again . Hats off to them . Korean drama is now fast becoming the best in the business. Flawless .


Compelling Prison Drama
Compelling prison drama, gritty , realistic . Great acting and brilliant cast . Short drama only 3 episodes but one of the best out there . Well done BBC again !!!


Wow !!! Mind Bending Thrill a Minute !
Enjoyed the film. Lived up to its expectations. Christopher Nolan does it again. If you enjoyed Inception you will definitely like this. A second viewing will clear up some confusion . Action was breathtaking . The only reason it didn't get 10/10 was sound mixing which was very surprisingly poor 4/10 for this !! Music score way way way too loud and some dialog need subtitles as it was bit muffled. Hence 8/10 score !


Brilliant Series
One of the most underrated polive detective crime dramas out there. Series 3 was incredible. As usual slow build up whole the cops piece together the facts and the evidence. But never boring just compelling. Really hope there will be a series 4 🙏

Apollo 11

Apollo 11 Simply Stunning
Absolutely unmissable remastered Documentary. Feels like I was sitting with guys in the control centre. Felt like I was landing. Watch with full sound or proper over ear headphones for the stunning take off and landing and spectacular return. I thought it was a movie. Superb

The Lion King

Great CGI and impressive visually.
Stunning CGI very impressive indeed. I don't know why people moan. Obviously the original was a Disney classic but the advancement of CGi tech meant this was a long over due remake. Can't compare the two. One was a cartoon avd the other was CGI. A little long though. Some kids may lose interest

Mrs Wilson

Riveting English Drama
I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. I thought it was well paced and very interesting. Three episodes to tell this true story was just right or would have dragged on. Ruth Wilson was superb . Must've been so tough playing her fathers mum lol . Incredible story . The closing scene was so emotional and score was amazing . Very moving .Well worth a watch .


Absolutely brilliant show. Thoroughly enjoy it . Watched all and uptodate. It just gets better & better every series . Le Blanc is a genius they way he portrays his character / himself lol !! Love the cast & the writers have got it just right !!!!

The Mummy

Good Entertainment
Good Entertainment, excellent special effects . I remember the first series well . 20 years on its nothing original but I don't get why people just hate it . It serves a purpose ..., to entertain us . It did just that nothing more . Never gonna win Oscars but not did the first movie !!!

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