
IMDb member since May 2012
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    12 years



First impression
**minor spoilers only for the first episode for explanation of the series**

This Canadian series caught my eye on a trip up north to Vancouver (where it's actually being filmed), and I'm very glad it did. I was surprised to see a very good cast anchored by Rachel Nichols and sci-fi fans will recognize a lot of faces from other series. This review is only after the pilot episode, so obviously I don't know how the series will turn out, but it looks like a very promising cyberpunk/cop hybrid series.

It is a time travel show in which future corporate "Protector" Kiera Cameron (Nichols) is unwittingly zapped back through time from an evil corporation-run 2077 to present day 2012 when trying to prevent a group of freedom fighters (or terrorists depending on your politics) from escaping execution through some kind of wormhole.

Not realizing the situation, Kiera tries to call for backup using her implants' encrypted transmission but instead reaches young computer genius Alec Sadler who happens to be inventing the future technology in his step father's barn. The escaped prisoners realize that instead of being transported back the six years they were supposed to be in order to stop the evil corporations from taking control, they've been sent back over sixty years.

Unfortunately, when they realize they can't strike against the future evil corporations, they decided the present ones will do just fine! Kiera realizes she must bring in the escapees before they start an all out war in present day Vancouver! Problem is she hasn't been born yet and hence has no jurisdiction. While investigating the transport site, she meets up with Detective Carlos Fonnegra and passes herself off as a Portland detective and the series begins.

It has a lot of cool near future tech like augmented reality eye implants, as well as recording and memory implants. To top it off she comes back wearing her Protector issue smart chameleonware body armor that not only deflects bullets, but provides invisibility cloaking, can interface with computers, and also deliver electric shocks, making Kiera a bit of a super spy in the present day.

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