
IMDb member since May 2012
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Resident Alien

If SciFy and Lifetime had a baby
It would be Resident Alien. The first season is mostly alien and Alan Tudyk is funny as always. But the admixture of sentimental storylines about the intertwined relationships in the small town are numerous and uninteresting. The second season has less alien and more Lifetime. The only solution was to fast forward through the tedious, shmeepy interactions. I only finished season 2 because of the alien parts. Also, there are a few too many extraneous characters requiring the tracking of their separate storylines and relevance to the constantly changing story arc. The overly confident little girl character is supposed to be empowered and heroic but comes off as annoying know it all. This is an odd mix of genres but you may like it anyway.


Decent "warehouse" cop series
Formulaic plot, lots of villains in warehouses, sad cop, predictable dialog, set in scenic British town. Been there seen that so many times over so many years.

John Simm is usually brilliant but Russell Lewis hasn't given him much to work with here. He doesn't have much depth and speaks in cliches. The romantic scenes are mostly soap opera cringe.

Most reviewers won't mention him, but I always love seeing Craig Parkinson in a cop role. He plays it so cool and confident with his Blackpool jargon. He adds a little extra to otherwise uninspiring performances from the main cast members.

Just watched the last ever episode of Endeavor and of course it's unfair to compare Grace to the epic Morse tales. But if this is your genre, the show is a decent snack until something more substantial comes along.

House of the Dragon

Wow is this boring!
What a monumental disappointment.

The characters have not gravitas. The king speaks in a bored monotone. The princess looks bored, aloof and alas not very pretty. The kings brother (Matt Smith) is entirely miscast. There doesn't seem to be a compelling story here. Why did they not instead make a series of the prequel novel A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms which has a solid main character and story? Whereas the original series action moved at a gallop, the pacing here is barely a trot. I am half way through episode 2 and still nothing has happened. The Hand of the King (Rhys Ifans) manages to make something of his character, but the weak script leaves his performance hollow.

Dark Matter

Works on all levels
Great characters, writing, and directing. And the actors get the job done. Why was this show canceled? I love how the action keeps moving while maintaining character development.

Only critique: Lots of borrowing from other sci fi stories. Plagiarism from Dune (planet names), Event Horizon (plot elements, ship name), and others. Not a big deal but kinda lazy.

Still a binge worthy 3 seasons.

Stranger Things

Scary skinny people!
My only comment: Why are most of the main actors frighteningly thin? Nancy (wow), Mike (looks like a young Joey Ramona), Jonathan (the actor looks haggard), Eddie...even Joyce. Is this is a prerequisite for joining the cast? It's so abnormal it's distracting. . At least the main character Eleven looks normal.

Legends of Tomorrow

I feel sorry for the actors
Just watched as much as I could take of season 7 episode 1. Why does the dialog sound like a kids superhero show like Power Rangers? I feel so bad for the actors that have to work with such weak material. "Let's go get the bad guys!" "Oh darn. My transmat device's battery is dead!" "Oh no we're stuck in 1925! Golly jeepers!" Cringe.

I guess if the equally cringey "The Flash" has made it seven seasons there's truly no accounting for taste!

Stay Close

Bad screenplay
Good cast, passable directing, but the screenplay sunk it. Plot was convoluted and the dialog was weak. Richard Armitage did the best he could with the script. When the killer was finally revealed I wasn't shocked and didn't care.

Doctor Who

A fan since 76
I have been a fan of this magnificent series since I was in high school and Tom Baker played the fourth regeneration of the Doctor. The initial run of the series was ruined by John Nathan Turner and ended in 1989. Chris Chibnall is now presiding over the latest demise. The rebooted series was brilliant until Steven Moffat, who presided over the fun and brilliant years of Matt Smith's mercurial portrayal of the beloved timelord, moved on. Since Chibnall took the reigns we have some of the laziest stories and a Doctor we no longer recognize. Once we had a God-like being who terrified all enemies and had his companions in a constant state of awe. Since Moffat left we have a goofball in sunglasses with a guitar and a young woman who is constantly berated by her companions and sheepishly apologizing. Not to mention the weak, inane stories that have no connection to the historical lexicon of the 50 year old series and its incredible legacy. It breaks my heart to see this series die for the second time in my life. One can only hope that Moffat or even David Tennant might return, as The Doctor did so many times over the years, and save the day in the last moment.

Terminator: Dark Fate

One of the laziest movies I've ever seen. No effort made on any level to make this a good movie. And Linda Hamilton's constant cussing was so forced that I felt like I was watching some low-budget schlock instead of a multi-million dollar Hollywood production. Skip it.

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