
IMDb member since May 2004
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Worst Canadian Television Show Since Mike Bullard!
This show almost makes you embarrassed for the cast members involved with it. The jokes are horrible, the audience is usually silent apart from a few chuckles here and there, and of course theirs always this one guy who you can here laughing his head off at every god damn horrible joke its kind of funny cause most of the time the rest of the audience is relatively quite and this moron can be heard cracking up to these pathetic jokes Elvira keeps spitting out in her unique awkward way, I have come to the conclusion that this guy is either paid by the show to laugh, or is some homeless dude who's drunk or stoned off his ass and comes in to watch the shows to get off the street for an hour or so, and they only let him in if he promises to laugh.

Anyways, this show is a complete waste of time, I don't like people who compare this show to the daily show, because that would be a huge insult to the Daily show and Jon Stewart, even though its obvious the stupid correspondents on pop cultured are trying to emulate the correspondents on the Daily Show, but they promptly fall flat on their face every time they try. I'm Boycotting this show in protest of the comedy network assuming Canadians are dumb enough to enjoy this piece of crap, and because the Canadian government has given this show close to 1 million dollars in funding of the Canadian tax payers dollars, Screw Pop Cultured and Screw the Comedy Network.

The Mind's Eye

Gets a 1 from me, I saw this movie at a recent film festival and thought it was horrible, I was actually shocked to see that other people had actually visited this movie on IMDb and actually reviewed it, and I was further shocked to find some positive reviews as well that this movie actually had a spot on the IMDb.

The acting was stiff and reminded me of the kind of acting you see in high school or maybe community college plays, The story was poorly put together, and hard to understand. The conclusion is boring and without a real climax, which was strange since the movie had no climax previous to the ending either.

Nobody will probably ever get the chance to see this movie, but if by chance you ever did, your going to want to skip it.

Fahrenheit 9/11

What a spin doctor
Oh Mr. Moore, you sure know how to splice dice and spin the truth to your pleasing, its true, this movie makes some valid points, but at the expense of truth. This movie should not be called a documentary, for the simple fact that documentaries by nature are supposed to be impartial, and this movie is by no stretch of the imagination that. yes big mistakes were made by the Bush administration, but my griff isn't with the political views Moore takes in this movie, its with the the way he presents them, if your going to make a documentary, then make a DOCUMENTARY, not a journey into the mind of yourself, he promotes people to make up their own mind, and yet he plasters images of deceit and half truths in front of them on the big screen all depicting his radical left wing views in a extremely slanted way, and then expects the same mindless cant think for themselves Americans to come out of the theater with there own opinions, not likely. Not saying that all Americans are mindless, but when presented propaganda like Moores new slanted so called documentary, chances are a good lot of the people who watched it are going come out with Moores political views and not their own. so whos the winner here? well its Moore, my moneys on this movie topping 75 million and Moore laughs his fat ass all the way to the bank, all the while the sheep of America praising him for his service to the middle class blue collar American people. Moore; go (explotive delete) yourself.

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