
IMDb member since June 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Fantasy, an underrated human emotion.
There is a time in everyone's life when we fantasized. We imagine things in our head and twist reality to our whim, so much so that sometimes, the two worlds get confusingly mixed up. Most of us 'grow out' of this after we become adults and the child inside fades away. But what about those of us who don't fully grow up? Is there any place for fantasy in our overcrowded minds and overpopulated lives?

Carbon tells us the story of one such guy who is stuck inside his dreamworld, or rather half stuck. He doesn't have a job, but he has an abundance of schemes and ploys which can make him rich overnight. None of these schemes ever work though, either because they're too far-fetched in the first place or due to plain bad luck. He is, in society's words, a loser. What would such a person do when he realises that reality has long caught up with him? Does he give in to the blandness of the real world or does the dreamer inside him push him to do something beyond logic, in absolute desperation.

This is a beautiful film which many of us can painfully relate to on several levels. The responsibilities towards your home, your aging father standing at the bus stop, your friend who has an own house and a new wife, all of which call out to you, asking, what are you doing with your life?


Bumblebee is a boring film. An annoying protagonist who seems to cry at everything happening around her and a dumbed down giant robot who alternates between behaving like a baby and a pet dog. John Cena is just used as the PA system, barking instructions such as 'Shoot!' or 'Chase!'. There is absolutely nothing new to see and it's just a lazy attempt at capitalising on the recent craze towards 80s nostalgia. Can completely avoid.

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