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The Defiant Ones

Well Handled Documentary until the last episode turns into an Apple Advert
I approached this as a fan of Dre and not knowing much about Jimmy Iovine, who turned out to be a pretty interesting character and thought the first 3 episodes were great. Well balanced and informative. The 4th episode was the one I had most been looking forward to , knowing Eminem featured and was looking forward to seeing some insight between him and Dre, however this episode the glossed over any of the actual stories that had featured in the previous episodes with collaborators and it became an hour long Apple commercial. It was mentioned that Jimmy Iovine was a great marketer and tried to sell at every opportunity and this was one of those.

Most are aware of the megadeal of Apple buying "beats by Dre" and now the deal was done, you would have presumed the need to brown nose them would have passed. It was a massive shame as this started promisingly and just lost it's way.

The Matrix Revolutions

better then reloaded but something was still missing!
now i loved the first hated the second and the third in fairness was pretty good, but i did have a a few problems with it there were more questions then answers a)too me neo was hardly in it and when he was he didn't do much b)after all the trouble they've been through SPOILERS! SPOILERS!

They pretty much cave in and go back too how they were and just carry on just with out the war they don't get the earth back or nothing though in fairness it was'nt as predictable


is neo dead? where'd he go? is it to be reincarnated again at a future time ????..................probably but it defeats the point of a truce

d) what the hell was that big baby thing doing?? whose idea was that

e)as much as i like smith i think it was a bad idea too make him bigger the the creators of the matrix i think they should have expanded his role on the first film just not too this extent there was just no real point to it he was there they fought the end

f)finally the i described earlier it sucked gorilla balls the fight was OK but the very ending it was disappointing and again wasn't very interesting and left you with no empathy for the characters

in fact i think the major problem was just that i didn't care who lived or died neo and trinity are in love she dies he cries wasn't bothered

despite my criticism fans of the first film it is worth your time saying that you've probably all seen it everyone else watch it anyway there worse ways too waste 2 hours

Van Helsing

VAN Hmmmmmmm. oh but come on its a kids movie!
I'm not normally the biggest fan of blockbusters, but every now and then there's on that captures my attention (day after tomorrow and van helsing to name a few)now i didn't go too watch this expecting the godfather or the usual suspects which lookin at the reviews this like the mummy films is A KIDS movie its cheesy a bit here nor there SPOILERS (especialLy the link between drac and van which is never explored) its good fun and worth a watch some children may not like the vamps too much i think a lot of people expect more gore but with a 12a rating wat do expect? hugh jackman is excellent as ever and David wenham offer a good comedic performance (for kids)

on a 12 year old scale 4/5 a serious cinema goer 2/5

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

people expected volume 1 but saw a completley different experience movie making at its best!!
i admit i was (nearly) one of those people. VOL.1 kicked ass and everyone went into the cinema expecting the same blood drenched pure action, but VOL.2 is a much more serious movie, and for the average no brainer cinema goer that think the fast and the furious is the best movie EVER! VOL.2 would be a giant bore except the fight between elle and the bride.we knew there was more dialogue in vol 2 then vol.1 but i dont think anyone expected quite so much after seeing hat vol.1 was like but these are two completely different movies.

I cant stress enough how ever how much serious film lovers, who are fans of Tarantino, fans of grindhouse or spaghetti westerns and any body with an open mind the film making will LOVE THIS.

i have always been a fan of tarantino and i applaude him for rejuevenating the cinema industry and giving us a great mix of artistry and entertainment.

some reviews i saw/read before vol.2 was released said that tarantinos famous dialogue was hashed and overused. but i completley disagree. again the another comparison going on this time from the critics THIS IS NOT PULP FICTION the dialouge is so continuous and free flowing in this movie that it does make it difficult too pick out on line that stands out, i mean any movie fan can recite most of pulp and dogs. UMA THURMAN as ever can do no wrong she excellent! david carradine as far as im concerned is the new sam jackson when it comes too delivering quentins lines i have NEVER been so gripped watching an actor deliver lines in such a menacing/genuine manner he has a whole speech about clark kent being supermans alterego which was fantastic viewing i hope he does a john travolta and appears in many more films.

with all the praise however there are a few minor grumbles (SPOILERS)

1.Beatrice dosent kill or even fight budd 2 the bride dosent kill elle (although with the state she was left in revenge was may be too let her suffer the rest of the her life thus revenge being served this could be forgiven i suppose) epic battle between the bride and bill (ok i sound like one of the fast and furious fans but after all shes been through there should have been a bit more of a fight it was all a bit easy in parallel it could of been all similar to the house of blue leaves with oren ishi but the could have been a fight then done the 5 point exploding heart technique as i do like the way he goes out) 4) theres a little too much of what we already know but thats not really a problem 5)im not entirely decided whether vol2 stands on its own in many ways it does and in a few others which i cant really think of right now it dosent but again thats not too important all things concidered its a GREAT MOVIE! i would love too see a version with volume 1 and 2 together and may some extra bits put in on a as part of a special edition box set along with the two original versions just out of interest.

Overall i HIGHLY reccomend this movie its gripping action/drama that makes excellent viewing. tarantino i salute you !!


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