
IMDb member since June 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


In Her Line of Fire

Great Female Heroine
Hemingway does well as the tough no nonsense secret service agent. David Keith also does well in his roll of Vice President with a military background. Last, but not least Jill Bennett does a great job in her role of a civilian reporter caught up in a dangerous situation. The three of them work very well together and have great chemistry on set.

It is, however, disappointing that I could not find the original version of the movie that included a few kisses between the two women. Throughout the movie, the sexual tension between Hemingway's and Bennett's characters is alluded to which, is progressive but, the fact that they chose to censor and remove the actual kiss scenes is extremely disappointing.

Overall the movie was entertaining and had a lot of action. It's a movie I wouldn't mind seeing again. However, the censorship of the movie keeps me from giving it a higher score.

Welcome to Sudden Death

Disappointing Sequel
This movie was low budget and, it showed. I'm sure the crew, actors, etc. did their best with what they had to work with. Unfortunately, their best couldn't save this movie. I'd give this movie 4.5 stars but, there are no half stars so, I'll give it 5 stars. The reason for the 5 stars is due to all the unintentional laughs this movie gave me. This movie ended up being more of a parody of the original movie than an actual sequel to it.

Nightmare Shark

Interesting but confusing
It skips so much between dream and reality that, at the end, you don't know if the whole thing was a dream or not.

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