
IMDb member since May 2004
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Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God

A very cool movie, light-years beyond the first...
I'm not the harshest critic on movies, but the first D&D film royally ticked me off. I'm a big D&D player and a fan, so when I saw it in theaters in 2000, I was completely disappointed. They chose to create a new story instead of possibly using an established storyline. Not too bad in the long run, but it could have proved better if they had used any one of the numerous books that were available. Unfortunately the storyline although not too bad, suffered from a lack of any competent direction. It had weak special effects and looked worse than some TV shows of the time. The acting was really poor...the cast was lame and extremely poorly chosen with the exception of Justin Whalen and Bruce Payne (although he overacted in both movies) and even to an extent Jeremy Irons (although again he must have thought that was a Saturday morning cartoon). Marlon Wayans in a fantasy film was the absolute WORST IDEA any of the idiotic Hollywood producers could have made, and it showed in the first film. The whole movie was completely mishandled and was incomplete as well, missing entire scenes that would have made more sense to the storyline. But again, failure to complete the special effects shots for those specific scenes due to lack of time and money probably, and extremely poor editing on top of that just ruined any chance of it being a good film.

Lo and Behold, 5 years later and we have a new D&D movie that ain't bad at all. In fact, it was fun. I'm stumped. The first one was dumb as all get out and they managed to continue off that one, use the secondary villain from the first one and make it better than the original. I'm gonna tip my hat to the director and his crew. Sure, the CGI was kinda iffy in some parts but, it looked a lot better than the original film. Everything about this film was better from the characters (the elf and the barbarian were very easy on the eyes), to the FX, to the story...even the action was exciting, which again was something the original sorely lacked. All in all, this is a much better, and all together awesome film. I'm really impressed and I'll be buying the DVD as soon as it's released.

Jûichi-nin iru!

What a great movie...
This is classic anime at it's finest. I first saw this when it was released in 1992 on VHS and have loved the film ever since. I've only ever seen it a hand full of times but, even now the animation is still slick and the music is still great and compliments the action and suspense really well. A very well written sci-fi piece based on Moto Hagio's manga of the same name. In the far future, after a harsh era of war, a peace is settled among the planets of the galaxy and as a commemoration of the peace, an institution is set up to train and educate the galaxy's future leaders. The story focuses on a group of young applicants looking to enter the Cosmo Academy that are set to take the final entry exam...life on board a ship for 53 days with just the 10 of them. But, there's a catch...somehow there's been an extra member that's Zanuck on board the ship. Also, the test lasts for the entire 53 days without outside interference but, in case of a real emergency they can push a panic button and a rescue ship is sent immediately though the applicants fail the test. Paranoia and panic grip the members but, a common goal brings all the applicants together even though there is an air of distrust among them. One by one, accidents happen only to seemingly pinpoint one member, Tada, who has a sort of sixth sense that guides him. He is the only one that can tell the members are telling the truth about their real names and application numbers but, can't prove to the others who he says he is. But, Tada just wants to pass the exam like everyone else, right? Tempers flare, tensions run high and in the end it may end up a free for all. But, there are other mysteries to contend with as well as the eleventh member...for example: what is Tada's connection with the ship being used for the test? What about the conductor vines growing like mad in the ship's engine room? And who else on the ship has telepathy as strong (or stronger) than Tada? Everyone has a story and it's only a matter of time before it will come out. Will the applicants put away their own distrust and work together as a team to pass the exam or will their pride get in the way? Watch this movie and find out.


One of the coolest shows I've ever seen...
I've been watching cartoons and anime for pretty much my whole life but I have to say this is one of my personal favorite shows. It's right up there with Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Jem and pretty much any other cartoon or anime that I've ever seen. The books are a lot more detailed, yes, but being exactly like the books would be boring. The animation is great, the storyline is great and the artwork is very cool. That makes this the number one cartoon on TV right now right up next to Justice League Unlimited. I think that people saying this is a Sailor Moon ripoff should also be aware of the fact that Japan itself has more than one Sailor Moon type show and the fact that W.I.T.C.H. has a passing resemblance does not constitute it being a ripoff. Not that I don't respect people's opinions but, give it another shot. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised. Take it from me.

Starchaser: The Legend of Orin

One of the greatest animated films of all time...
This film along with Wizards, Lord of the Rings, Fire and Ice, Heavy Metal & Heavy Metal 2000, Rock and Rule, Transformers the Movie and G.I. Joe The Movie are some of the finest non anime examples that were ever produced in the 1970's and '80's (and 2000 for Heavy Metal 2000). They simply don't make films like this anymore as I stated in my comments on Fire & Ice. This is the stuff I grew up with. I am a huge fan of animation in general and this is something that has captured my imagination for years on end, ever since I saw it. The movie does a lot of borrowing from Star Wars but has an excellent story to compliment the excellent animation. Originally, from what I've heard and seen on the posters, it was supposed to be in 3-D but, I never did get to see it in theatres. Too bad the video isn't actually in 3-D...that might have been cool..maybe if they ever put this baby out on DVD someday they'll have the 3-D presentation of the film. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing and this movie brings back a lot of good memories. It's nice to see that so many others hold the same memories for the film as I do.


Fire and Ice

Very cool fantasy animation...
I first saw this film way back, probably when I was 7 or 8 years old and it impressed me then as it does now. I'm a fan of animation in general be it anime, American animation or otherwise. The beautiful animation of this film holds up well even today in our age of computer animated everything. In fact, every new animated film that comes out uses the same tried and true crappy looking mix of CGI and animation and to be honest, I'm tired of it. I miss those days of hand painted, hand drawn animation. This is a fine example of bygone days where animation got along just fine without the use of bad looking CGI and computer overlayed animation. This is an excellent film and anyone at all interested in fantasy, D&D or just animation in general should most definitely find yourself a copy of this film.


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