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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Among the Lotus Eaters
Episode 4, Season 2

Good ep but the sound engineer should be fired
This was another solid episode from what is turning out to be a really good season of Trek. The plot is engaging and the characters are fun to watch.

The one thing that absolutely drove me insane was the high pitched whine that happened every time one of the crew experienced the effects of the planet. I understand the point was to show their disorientation but they could have found a far less annoying way to do it. I was watching on my tablet using head phones and I had to take them off every single time that noise started up. Am otherwise solid episode nearly ruined by a poor choice in sound editing.

The Consultant

This site is a joke
First off, whoever listed this as a comedy and wrote the description clearly didn't watch the show at all. It is most definitely NOT a comedy. It has some mildly amusing moments, but pinning down exactly what it is isn't so simple. It's a Twilight Zone-ish drama/mystery/thriller that doesn't easily fall into one category. Solid performances and an intriguing story make it an interesting watch.

Christoph Waltz alone is worth watching as always. By the way, if your review contains spoilers mark it. At least one other review on here is giving away major plot points with no warning whatsoever. I've met the minimum character limit now.

Star Trek: Picard: Penance
Episode 2, Season 2

People complaining about wokeness...
Have you ever even watched Trek before?? Trek has always tackled political issues. Always. This episode is nothing new. Of course the people whining about it would probably also have whined about Kirk kissing Uhura too. Get over it.

Star Trek: Discovery: Choose to Live
Episode 3, Season 4

To those whining about wokeness...
In the words of another Trek Captain: get a life! Trek was "woke" before that was even a thing for hateful people to complain about and if you can't see that then you don't really know what Trek is about. I feel like these same people would be whining about Kirk kissing Uhura too.

At any rate this was a decent episode that continues a decent season. Sorry if it doesn't fit your narrow, small minded view of what Trek should be.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

Lighten up people!
First off, let's quit acting like the original movie was some kind of masterpiece. It wasn't. It was okay for what it was and good for a few laughs and so is this one. Is this as good as the original? No. Is it as awful as everyone on here seems to think? Hardly. Lighten up, it's just a movie.


Why the hate?
I don't know what show all of these negative reviewers are watching but I don't get all the hate. Is it the best superhero show on TV right now? No. But it's far from the worst. It's entertaining, interesting and has a lot of potential. I don't know why everyone keeps saying the acting is bad. It's fine for what it is. I think this show is still trying to find itself. Not every show can be great right out of the gate. The pilot was okay but each episode since then has gotten better. I think in the long run this show will fit in just fine with the rest of the Arrow-verse. The rest of y'all need to chill.

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