
IMDb member since July 2012
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    11 years



A surprisingly great thriller
I watched this film not knowing anything about the plot. I think that was a good thing. The less you know the better in this case. If you are considering watching it, stop reading and just go, it's great. All I will tell you is that the movie is an excellent mystery thriller. While the themes can be violent or sad, it's not over the top or gratuitous. The impact comes from the way the story is revealed, piece by piece. The acting, I thought, was excellent. I only guessed one part of the mystery, otherwise the rest of the time I was glued trying to work out the answers. I know a film is good, when afterward I feel like the character were real, and this film gave me that sense of realism. A litte more character development and background would have been nice, as the pace gets going really early on. Otherwise fantastic Korean thriller that is well worth checking out.

Li Mi De Cai Xiang

Excellent mystery
Was not sure what to expect but I knew the cast was superb, but I really loved this movie and highly recommend it. Seen it twice and first time I was on the edge of my seat and moved. Zhou Xun's acting was the best I have seen her and really powerful. You'll be surprised by this film. Much better than the current score would suggest. Will never forget her crying scene...she deserves more recognition for the role she played in this. Everyone else is also very well cast and does a great job. Worthing checking this out for sure especially if you like gritty urban mysteries and surprises, then you'll like this one. You might find yourself wanting to watch it twice yourself.

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