
IMDb member since July 2012
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    11 years


Zero Chill

This shows why England sucks at ice sports.
I'm not going to comment on the acting or storytelling since I'm not the intended audience. But I will comment on the actual athletics. The figure skaters and hockey players look as if they just learned how to skate. These supposedly elite prospects look like a JV high school team. The slap shots look to be a whopping 40 mph, and they can hardly take a pass. The figure skating girl can best be described as clunky. Stick to soccer UK.

Uncle Tom

More boring conservative propaganda.
What is it about conservative documentary makers that they can only turn out unwatchable garbage? Only a white guy could make this movie and only white people that love hearing black people attack the black community could enjoy this drivel.

Hubie Halloween

This movie made me sad.
This movie made me sad for Sandler and what has become of his comedy career. I really wanted to have a good laugh, but alas it wasn't to be. But I will give props for O'Doyle and Ben Stiller's character from Happy Gilmore.

Across the Line

Major let down in the end
While the movie may have been heavy handed and melodramatic, it was only in the end that it was trully a let down. It leaves the viewer in a bad place with the message that the racists always win in the end. Instead of seeing the comically racist antagonist that abandoned his "best friend" get the come uppance he so rightfully deserved, he gets away with no more than a berating from the friends mom. Meanwhile the protagonist has his dreams crushed, even though he is the victim and gets violently assaulted while walking home, due to the racism of the system. His only solace being he gets to tag along with his high school girlfriend to Toronto. An otherwise watchable movie ruined by a terrible ending.

Jumanji: The Next Level

Not bad
My only real issue with the movie is The Rock's horrible Danny DeVito impression the whole film. Fortunately that was offset by Kevin Hart's awesome Danny Glover impression.

The Last Big Save

Missed potential
The director is a terrible actor. I spent most of the movie thinking the plot was ridiculous because they forgot to mention the goalie was playing because the other 2 regulars were injured.

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