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The Time Being

85 Minutes Too Lon
The only good performance in this movie is Frank Langella. And there are much better films of his to watch. This one reminded me of a student film shot by a film student with little to no talent. The script is mediocre at best. The performances are wooden. There's nothing special about the cinematography. All in all just a big time waster. Its the kind of independent film TV actors make when the show they're making a living off of is on hiatus and they don't want to sit around doing nothing. There is honestly nothing to this film. Its 85 minutes of actors going through the motions. And the actor who played the artist is probably one of the most uninspriring actors of all time. Maybe if we were still in the silent film era a good director could get a good performance out of him just focusing on his eyes. But once he opens his mouth and starts talking. Ugh.

The Incredible Adventures of Marco Polo

From the vaults of Hollywood
This reminded me of the kind of movie that Douglas Faurbanks or Errol Flynn would have starred in years ago and maybe the script has been kicking around that long. Don Diamont has the athletic prowess and good looks as the aforementioned did but his on-screen persona is very different,more low key and California laid back. To his credit, however, he never gets upstaged by either Oliver Reed or Jack Palance,two of the greatest character actors of the twentieth century, a feat in itself. The same cannot be said of the actress who played the Princess, Lara Bobroff. I felt particulary sorry for her because she was in a completely different movie than everybody else. This is a sword fighting adventure romp and Bobroff I got the impression seemed to think she was making a serious historical drama, hence she never got into the swing of things and had the fun with the role that she could have had and would have made her performance more memorable. I split the difference on this one and rated it 5/10, meaning it could have been better and it could have been worse. In conclusion, and I could be way off base here, but I think that even though the movie is entitled "The Adventures of Marco Polo" the character Diamont played was actually supposed to be Marco Polo, Jr. And that is why he makes a number of references to his father's adventures in China and the plot has nothing to do with anything I can ever remember reading about the real Marco Polo and his adventures!

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

How I do hate movies like tbis
I had to turn it off after the first 5 minutes. It's one of those movies where all the actors sound like they're acting underwater. I can't stand movies like this. If the writing is poor and all the actors look like they just saw their lines for tge first time a minute before they shot the scene who actually cares if it has good action scenes or not ? I, for one, refuse to waste my time on mediocre attempts at movie making like this. Life is too short. This is a good example of how people in Hollywood love to spend other people's money shooting atrocious material just so they can all get paid.

Behind Enemy Lines

Possibly the worst war movie I have ever seen
I'm assuming a lot of other actors turned this role down before the producers got stuck with Owen Wilson. The man cannot act. He's fine in stupid comedies but he has absolutely no acting talent. This movie was just plain crummy with cheesy "patriotic" music that accompanies all the Americans in it. No wonder this DVD was in a dumpster.


I'm not a real big fan of James Cameron's movies. And this one is no exception. It's too long, relies too heavily on CGI and ultimately just isn't really about anything. If reminded me of the kinds of Saturday matinee movies I used to see at our local theater when I was a kid.

John Q

A horrible movie
Take 4 A-list actors, team them up with a supporting cast of actors whose performances never rise above the level of a cold reading, and this mess of a movie is what you get. Everything about this film is cheesy and mediocre. The music score sounds like it cost a couple of hundred bucks, the script is way too melodramatic, basically this is a feature film that plays like a Movie of the Week. Not recommended.

The Silence of the Lambs

After 30 years I have finally seen this movie
And am scratching my head as to why it won a Best Picture Oscar. It's not a terrible movie but it's a pretty standard B thriller with A list actors in it. I won't be going out of my way to see it again. And I'll be skipping the special features on the DVD. Nothing about this film impressed me enough to watch any promos on how it was made.

Final Target

Not bad but no classic
The version I saw of this movie was dubbed in Hindi with no English subtitles so I'm not really sure what it's about. I think the leading lady works for the CIA in Bangkok ? Anyhow it's got some pretty women in it. And if you stick with it the ending is pretty good with a lot of swordplay and fire.

Black Earth Rising

Hooray for Leonard Cohen
Well I watched the whole thing and by the final episodes the only reason I did was for the addictive Leonard Cohen theme song and to see which character was going to vomit next. The series started strong but just fell apart in the final episodes to the point where I'm not even sure what the point of the series even was. The performance of the lead actress actually got worse as the show progressed instead of better. John Goodman just looked really tired by the last episodes. The whole thing was just kind of a mess by the end.

High Maintenance

Pretentious and boring
Watched 3 episodes. Slept through the first two (and I wasn't even high) then managed to stay awake for the 3rd. Don't think I missed much. It isn't awful. It just isn't very good.

Without Papers

A good argument for why we need to close our southern border
Both of the children in this documentary were brought into this country illegally where they received a public school education that cost them absolutely nothing. None of their family members are paying any school taxes. Whatever work they're doing is all cash under the table. The only taxes any of them are paying is sales tax. And then they want to complain that they have to work to take advantage of California's misguided law that allows them to go to college here and pay in-state tuition rates ? They think they should be entitled to financial aid ? They've already received financial aid. They received an entire public school education that was paid for by the taxpayers of California !

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