
IMDb member since July 2012
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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1

Not that good
What I mean is I thought people had confused this title with one of Nolan's Dark Knight films or something. This movie (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1) really isn't that good. There's better animated Batman films, such as 'Under the Red Hood' and 'Assault on Arkham'. This one is a 6/10 at best.

Shopping with Keith Lemon: Caroline Flack & Alan Carr
Episode 4, Season 1

Best episode so far
Keith's chat with Alan Carr was the funniest one so far.

Killing Eve: You're Mine
Episode 8, Season 2

Decent, but...
It feels like they're just milking this show for as long as they can now. It's obvious Eve will miraculously be alive at the start of the next season, instead of bleeding out in the middle of nowhere. Villanelle will probably go back to save her. They could've wrapped up the whole series here, maybe with Villanelle killing Eve, or committing suicide after hearing Eve say she doesn't love her (and Konstantin choosing his family over her). It just feels like they're dragging it on, with the inconclusive endings.

First season was good, this one not so much.

Also, why do people in movies and TV shows never check under the bed when looking for someone?!

Arrow: You Have Saved This City
Episode 22, Season 7

The last 12 minutes
I wanted to give this a higher rating because of the last 12 minutes or so, which was the best part of the episode. Oliver and Felicity's ending was emotional, even if it felt a little weird that she left her kids to go be with Oliver, knowing she could not return.

Anyway, we can't discount what came before the final 12 minutes, and what came before was average. The fight sequences, although short, were pretty solid. I just didn't care much for the flashforward to the future scenes, which has been the case far too often this season. And Emiko was a weak main villain.

So for me, no higher than a 6 or 7/10. Still, probably better than the Game of Thrones finale will be.

Thronecast: The Last of the Starks
Episode 4, Season 8

An improvement on the other episodes of Thronecast this season. The celebrity guests contributed more in the discussions, and seemed more like superfans rather than casual viewers.

The Big Bang Theory: The Plagiarism Schism
Episode 21, Season 12

A missed opportunity
This episode had some laughs, however, I can't help but feel it was a missed opportunity. With only a few episodes left, it would have been nice to actually see Raj and Howard go to the Cheesecake Factory to seek out the girl who had a crush on Howard. The Cheesecake Factory is a classic Big Bang Theory location after all, and it would have been a good throwback to the old adventures that Raj and Howard used to go on.

Arrow: Confessions
Episode 20, Season 7

Best episode in a long, long time.
For a moment I was thinking, "yet another average episode of Arrow". But boy was I wrong. This was perhaps the best episode of the season. There were even a couple of twists along the way, things I genuinely didn't predict. I wasn't sure Arrow was still capable of making an episode of this quality.

P.S. There were no flashforward scenes to Mia, William etc. Maybe that also factors into why it was so good.

The Flash: Snow Pack
Episode 19, Season 5

Caitlin/Killer Frost episodes are always good, in my opinion. I like the relationship between Caitlin and her mother. It feels quite genuine. I guess that's down to the casting and the acting. There was a lot going on, this was an action-packed episode and they balanced out the time between the characters very well. I know Cisco was absent but there was still a lot of characters to share 41 minutes between. Each character felt sufficiently highlighted. Overall, a good episode.

Thronecast: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Episode 2, Season 8

Guest participation
Sue tried hard but the guests weren't very vocal. They all seemed uncomfortable for about three-quarters of the show, often giving only one or two word answers. Not all bad, but it was a bit awkward for a while.

The Sixth Sense

I just watched it for the first time ever (2019). It's well-acted, it's not a bad film, but the "twist" is predictable very early on in the film. It goes exactly where you thought it would go, therefore leaving you feeling a bit disappointed at the end and kind of like, "Is that it?".

Maybe I had to watch it in the 90s to be shocked.

The Flash: All Doll'd Up
Episode 5, Season 5

One moment
A good, or at least solid, episode let down by one moment. That moment was when Iris jumped off the building to save Barry. How she managed to dive off the building perfectly in line with where Barry fell, had no struggle unlocking the cuffs with the key while falling... I know it's a superhero show, but that was a bit too much for me. She was more like Supergirl in that moment.

There were good things about the episode elsewhere. Nora was less annoying, Cisco and Ralph provided some humour. The nod to Spider-Man was amusing and rather fitting considering Stan Lee passed away this week. And there was some decent dialogue, particularly the scene between Cisco and Caitlin in the med bay of STAR Labs.

The villain might have been a little less powerful than some we have seen previously, but intriguing nonetheless.

It would have been a 7/10 from me but for the aforementioned "one moment".

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