
IMDb member since July 2012
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    11 years


Blue Demon destructor de espias

Not bad
A scientist has developed a deadly bomb with a poisonous gas. A criminal organization has acquired the plans. They want the people in the world largely wiped out. Blue Demon goes to investigate and has to thwart their evil plans. This time it's a spy-movie about the adventures of this Mexican luchador and professional wrestler. Performances (Blue Demon, Carlos East and Maura Monti) are solid and the story written by Emilio Gómez Muriel and Alfredo Ruanova is entertaining. There is some humor too. How can Blue Demon defeat the criminals and save the world? You will have to watch the movie to find out. For the fans, I also recommend "Blue Demon contra las invasoras"

Agente Logan - missione Ypotron

A lot of action
Doctor Morrow, a scientist who works for NASA, has mysteriously disappeared. The Secret Service investigates. Agent Lemmy Logan is in charge of the case. He discovers that that Leikman – a former Nazi scientist – is developing Ypotron, a weapon that could destroy a large part of the world. Leikman wants to use the dr. Morrow's scientific knowledge. This is an Europsy movie from the sixties with some nice locations en beautiful women. There is to an entertaining music score by Nico Fidenco throughout the film. The script written by Remigio Del Grosso and José Luis Martínez Mollá isn't that bad and "Agente Logan - Missione Ypotron " is well directed by Giorgio Stegani. The acting is good, especially from Luis Dávila as Lemmy Logan.

Horas inciertas

Nice mix of crime and thriller.
A man starts to doubt more and more about the mental health of his wife when she does not cease to repeat that she has to murder a famous novelist. It is difficult for him to fathom her motive. What secret does she hide? To my knowledge, José María Elorrieta had directed some nice horror movies "La Llamada del Vampiro" and "Feast of Satan". This is one of his earlier efforts, more a mix of crime and thriller. The movie is well directed by the Spanish film-maker who arranges the material in his usual flat-but-efficient manner. The film is bolstered by a terrific script and the acting is convincing. Production values are rather cheap but stylish, and Miguel Fernández Mila's elegant cinematography makes the most of the sparse production design and well-chosen locations. Fans of Spanish crime-movies from the fifties could check "Horas Inciertas" out.


Forgotten adaptation from a horror classic
What is the connection between the famous professor Henry Jekyll - a scientist who has devoted his life to experiments - and the sinister student Edward Hyde? Why does the first, a  respected person, appoint the second to his only heir? Lawyer John Utterson wants to find out what secret unites the two men, who are completely different, one of them good and the other evil. This is an Italian romantic horror movie released for television. It's a pity it isn't available on DVD or Blu-Ray. The cinematography by Stelvio Massi is great. The soundtrack, composed by Gino Marinuzzi Jr. is nice The movie is well shot. If you like Italian horror movies, give this one a try.

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