
IMDb member since July 2012
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Red Eye

Just enjoy it
There are lots of mediocre or even "this is rubbish" reviews on here. They are absolutely ... well, pretty much correct. Far fetched, full of Routemaster moments, ludicrous, inaccurate. But worth watching, well watching. Do you watch Bond, Bourne or any other spy drama, you'll love it. Delicious, brilliant escapist fun. Yes, some bad acting, yes, plot holes the size of Texas, yes, lots of MI5, MI6, CIA, Nempnett Thubwell Parish Council jargon, mystery and intrigue. You want serious drama ... watch Wolf Hall. You want fun, escapist nonsense, watch this. You won't regret it., just enjoy. Great fun. Enjoy.


You what?
A concoction of an awful plot, dire script, mediocre acting and just a desperately bad film. Sky, you can do better than this. Liam, really? You deserve better. And you've done so much better. This is so cliche ridden and could easily have been constructed by computer. No soul to it whatsoever.

Beauty and the Beast

The cartoon is miles better
Some good bits and some performances worthy of mention, but the abysmal casting of Belle totally ruins this movie. At every level, Belle lacks the character, the charisma and, above all, the singing talent of the cartoon actress, Paige O'Hara. Not even a wand can magically rescue this performance.

A Boy Called Christmas

Invent your own fairy tails
Poor story, made up as we go along, with no sense of purpose, bringing in every cliche imaginable. When in doubt, get Stephen Merchant to voice a vaguely ironic animal. My partner fell asleep and took numerous attempts to wake up before giving up, because it wasn't worth staying awake for.

Sunshine on Leith

Just Fun
You know that night when you want something to watch but need something light and easy. This is it. Stuff the reviewers who want deep and meaningful. This isn't for you. This will make you smile and not demand too much. What's wrong with that?

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